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| kathyAKAsango
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Hey everyone...sorry i havent been on x.x omg today i have to do 260 geomatry problems! >< im soo pissed!! ugh! this week is spirit week for us x.x today was career day..tomorrow is bring back the clock day >.> ima wear an afro xD
Well nothing else to say except...i really miss my friend T.T she moved a while ago and i really miss her...come back Kiya! T.T well nothing else to say =P i'll try to update more often x.x since i have to do reports now on the comp, i should have some time to update ^^ well laters pplz!! |
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
hey pplz! sorry i havent updated in foreber....but i've been busy x.x i have a ton of homework, i have cheerleading practice, and i have practice for my quinceñera x.x *ish overworked* *sigh* o well i guess i have to deal with it >< hmm well nothing much else to say >< o yea this saturday we get to cheer at our game ^^ its gonna be fun, we also made a dance! yay! ^^ well if u guys get a chance, can you please visit my friends site? ^^ her name is Kiya . Tyvm pplz ^^ laters!!! |
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
hello everyone ^^ *ish hyper* well umm... o.O nothing today ^^ omg yesterday was sooo much fun ^^ we went to a football game at rivervalley...(we lost x.x) but it was still fun ^^ hmmm i'm taking pictures for meh friend ^^ her name ish Kaya. ^^ she just started on MyO. please visit her if u get the chance..she's my best friend IRL so she's important to meh ^^
Hmm...*thinks* what else have i been up too.. thats about it >.< well today like 6 of meh friends are coming ober to meh house for practice o.O (we're making a dance) so yea ^^ well thats about it..laterz!
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
short post
Hello there! how's everyone doing? =D ima little hyper right now O_O i just had...$13 worth of candy O_O;;; well ANYWAYS, there nothing to say x.x o yea, how do u guys like the new sonic w/ amy theme? ^^ i love sonic! especially him and amy. >.< well thats about it.. o and i wanna know if u guys have any suggestions on improving meh site =P if u do please pm me ^^ cya! <3 |
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
eep! x.x
Hey everyone.. i'm Soooo sorry i haven't visited anybodys sites >.< i REALLY despise school.. i have tons of homework! ugh x.x o well... well anyways... today was picture day -_- at least my hair looked good ^_^; *sigh* well besides taht i havent really done anything else...o wait! last friday was our first football game ^^ meaning it was our first actual game we cheer in! it was so muchfun ^_^ i wasn't even nervous! i had a lot of fun XD hmmm well thats all i can think of XP o and i wanna change me theme again x.x don't know to what tho... can u guys gimme some suggestions? ^_^ well thanx peoples! i'm off to your sites now, buh bai!!! |
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
Mew =3
Hey how's everyone doing? ^-^ i'm doing good. sorry i haven't updated in a while x.x school just started this week. Plus, i have to go to school at 6 in the morning for cheerleading practice... and then i have P.E. first period x.x and i have practice after school too >< and my mom gets mad at me because i don't eat at school. She thinks i'm gonna get sick. It's not my fault im not hungry at lunch time >.>
Well i hate school x.x i only have like 3 classes with my friends. T.T For the first week of school we had like 150 freakin geomatry problems! >< i hate that teacher... he talks about someting...and then five seconds later, he's talking about food x.x i don't get him. *sigh* o well i guess i have to deal with it. My brother is finally gonna start working ^-^ yay! now i don't get to see him as often... then we won't argue as much ^_^ i'll miss him, but o well ^^;
Hmm.. my belly button ish annoying me x.x i just got it pierced and it kind of hurts when i sleep on it...(i sleep on meh tummy x.x). *sigh* well i guess this post is pretty much boring x.x o and i'm really sorry if i havent visited some of ur guys's sites >< sometimes our power just goes out. There have been a lot of thunder storms lately >_> i'll try to get too all of ur guys sites today. well i guess i'm done ^-^ laterz! |
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
sorry! >_
hey pplz ^^ how have you all been? i've been pretty good o.O i just got home from cali on sunday ^^ but i didnt get on the comp yesterday because i had school >_> i despise school. The first day is so boring >_> well i guess i better tell u guys how my weekend went o.O
On friday....*thinks*...umm i went to orientation for freshman >< it was pretty boring...especially since i dont have ANY classes with my friends T.T im so mad because of that >_> i got all the smart classes with juniors and seniors... so i feel like an outcast ><
Once that was ober, we went to cali :p we went to...riverside was pretty fun ^^ they have a nice house o.O umm and all of saturday we went shopping -_- my legs still hurt... umm we went shopping for my quinceñera dress...for those of u who dont know what a quinceñera is, its when mexican girls turn 15 and they celebrate with a big party because i think its when girls turn into women o.O and its a really big i had to go to cali to get mi dress =P its really cute ^^
Well after that on sunday we went to a different part of banning...for..umm.. o ya to get mi belly button pierced ^^ and it was my bro's b-day (happy birthday luis!) so they put stuff on his car >_> now its loud >< Lol well he turned 17 ^_^ and he LOVES to drive -_-
Well my 15 party thing is in two months and im scared o.O because u have to perform a dance infront of ur whole family! and friends >< and i have A LOT of family and friends... o well ><
I guess i've bored u guys enough ^^ and i think this is my longest post yet o.O lol well gotta go later guys ^_~ |
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
sorry >
hey pplz how have ya been doin? ^^ i've been good. Sorry i havent visited everyones sites >_< i made a new site :p its pretty kewl, i just started today so i'm trying to do my best on it >_< i'm sorry if i don't get to anybodys sites >_< well if u wanna (and i mean wanna x.x) check out my site, its Kayushi . well ty pplz ^^ laters
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Monday, August 1, 2005
mew =3
hey plz ^-^ wats up with u guys? ^^ i'm jpretty bored right now and theres nothing to do :P my friend is making me a button ^^ aww she ish so nice her names cara ^^ and her username for MyO is kagome2690, and she only needs 2 more signatures in her guestbook until 100 ^_^ so if u have any time, please visit her and sign her Gb ^^
Hmm well i'm sooo bored right now >_< i'm playing gaia XD i havent played that in like a year o_O hmmm well kagome2690 just started a new club ^^ its a miyazaki club ^^ if u want to join, just pm me or her ^^
my brother is annoying me so bad x.x he just got a new phone and he just downloaded a ring tone..its kewl but he won't stop playin it! >_< and he keeps bragging... stupid phone :p well...nothing else to say...o wait XD how does everyone like my new theme? no one has said anything about it and i was wondering how you guys like it :p
well i guess thats it ^^ later pplz! |
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
o hey pplz ^^ hows it going? sorry i havent updated in a REALLY long time >_< i've been kind of busy. I've been dying my hair, going to Las Vegas, and i've been practicing x.x Also, I've been shopping for school supplies -_-
well my friend, kagome2690 's hamster just died T.T I know how she feels cuz my hamster died like last week T.T i've also been a little sad about that -_- Plus, this guy has been bothering me on this game >_> we used to be really good friends, but now he hates me! its his fault >_< He even shouted my phone number out so everyone can know it! that jerk, what did i eber do to him? T.T
Well pplz i guess im gonna change my theme ^^ hmm.. i guess its gonna be Sango and Kagome XD well, Sorry again for not updating for a while >_< but i gotta go and visit all ur guys sites ^_^ laters!! ^.~ o, and by the way pplz, can u visit my friends site? ^_^ her site is kewl and shes one of my close friends. Her name is Cara please visit her ty ^^
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aww hes soooo cute ^^ |
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