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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Sorry it's been a while ...
Well if you ever wondered what happened to me....I've just been too lazy to post lately...I don't feel like it anymore...-_-'
Anyway, how long has it been? 2-3 weeks? Sorry about that...So how are you people? Great I hope...I've been doing great myself too...
On monday 16th is was my birthday, so yeah now I'm 21...uggghhh I feel so old all of a sudden lol...and today is my bro's birthday! YAYA yeah, we were born the same month and almost the same day...except that he's 2 years older than me....
So to celebrate our birthday together, we went to eat at a restaurant...We went to Denny's and got T-bone steaks with fries and a Mississipi mudcake as a dessert...*droools* that was really good
Before that, what have I done? Hummmmm on the week end, some friend of mine decided to throw a party for me...well I rather think that it was just an excuse to party, but well they still got me a cake so I'm grateful ^_^
The week before that, we went to Kelly Tarlton's aquarium where lots of water creatures are kept fot the public...I already been there but there were some new creatures they put on display so it was worth it lol..

This is a view of the city center from where the aquarium is...and in the sea, or the port...pretty nice, but really not anything like beaches on my island Tahiti lol

It was said that it's the first time that a sea dragon was ever caught alive and kept on aquarium, so here it is....As you can see, it's in the same family as the sea horse, but much bigger in size...really cute ^_^

On Saturday morning, I was called by friends to go and go shopping for the dinner that we had to prepare for the party that night (for my bday)...On our way there, there was some kind of indian festival, lots of shops and indian stuff, and even dances shows...really nice ^_^

This is Hendrick on the oven, he was our cook on that night because he wanted to impress the girl of his dreams lol...He only got to cook the meat after we prepared everything else lol...that was funny...and he was surrounded by all the girls lol...

This is our table and all the food we prepared...Salmon, steak, fries, french bread, sushi, and blue cheese sauce for the steak...a really fest *drools* lol...And here you can almost see all the people who came that night...in total we were 11 I think...Nice, fun and lots of good food lol ^_^

After dinner, we went out to play pool...it was lots of fun, and even though I'm far from being a pro, I still managed to make some balls in lol...I went back home at 12.00 while my brother was also out to a concert of a local band...So we came back home almost at the same time and enjoyed watching anime for the rest of the night lol
On the following day, I was finally able to call my boyfriend after almost a whole month without any news...Man that was hard lol...Anyway, he's good, everything is alright in his side and we had lots of fun talking, even though he had to hang up pretty fast because we weren't using his mobile phone, because he doesn't even have a cellphone in the first place -_-'...If he had, it would've been so much better....and if you didn't quite understand, I'm the one making the call, so we didn't waste any phone credits of someone else....
well that's about everything fun that I can remember of...it's been so long that I don't even remember what I did lol....
Oh yeah, it's been a while that my status is that way, but I'll add it anyway...

Thanx for all your visits ^_^
I also was able to change my music for my site...after a lot of attempts lol...Now you can hear Faye Wong, the same singer who sang Eyes on me for the ending theme of Final Fantasy VIII....And the song is Hypnotize. Her way of singing that song reminds me of the Cranberries singer lol....Still a really cool song, pretty relaxing to listen to it...hope that you like it too ^_^
Well that's about it for me...Sorry I didn't post for a long time...but at least I tried to visit at least those of you who still come and visit me...and that can be a lot if you consider that my internet connection really sucks -_-'
Anyway, hope that you people are well and that you enjoy these pics and new music ^_^
See ya later ^_^ |
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Monday, September 25, 2006
I'm back and if finally feels like spring
Hey there...sorry again for not updating for a long time...I've been pretty busy again, or our internet connection wasn't cooperating or I was just plain lazy to post lol...
But at least, I have lots to say for the past week, isn't it great lol...lots of reading for you ^_^
Anyway, for the fun stuff:
On tuesday, we went out to eat dinner with classmates, of course with Marco, Abdullah, Tak, Kyoko and me. We had lots of fun. We went to Parnell street to eat big hamburgers, not like the ones you can see at McDonald's or Burger King. We went by foot, and on the way there, we crossed a big park, in the middle of the evening lol...it was cool lol ^_^
When we arrived to Parnell, we directly went to eat, the whole burger, fries and drink cost $16.90, a bit expensive, but if you see the size of the burger, it's just well worth lol...
I got myselft a C N cheese, with cheese of course and even parmesan into the burger...quite original lol...Then, we were supposed to eat ice cream into another swiss shop, but we were so full, we just went to a cafe and ordered some cafe or tea lol ^_^

This is Kyoko savouring her burger...Just check out the size of it! lol..it was really good ^_^
Then all the way to Friday lol
We had a graduation day for all the students who left the english school to go back to their home country. On that day, all the students who left were actually japanese, so I guess that their school in their country will soon start lol...As for my class, we got 2 japanese students who also left, but not to go back now, they first are going to visit the south island, which is really cool for them. Then, they are going to Australia where one of them Masaki is going to stay there to work (he was able to get his working visa which is really awsome for him ^_^) and Kyoko is going back to new zealand before got back at last to Japan.
After the graduation, we saw a new zealand movie called Sione's wedding. A really funny movie that shows 4 guys who always end up spoiling weddings lol ^_^ lots of fun ^_^
In the afternoon, there was the 'Amazing race' AUT IH (the school's name)version lol. We participated because we were told that the prizes were good if we won. We had at first to answer to at least 8 question on a piece of paper before going out and noting all king of stuff in the street following hints on a paper. In the end, we come back to the school and each good answer correspond to some minutes that we minus our total. We were the first team to arrive after only 35minutes and so we were far in the front so we obviously won lol...The third and second team got candies...and guess what we got? one lollipop each and a AUT pen ! lol...Dang we've been ripped ^_^' lol..but it's ok, we had fun lol ^_^

This is Masaki, Kyoko and Katy our teacher at their graduation. It was lots of fun ^_^
On the same day, Marco and I went to the beach at Mission Bay. No we didn't go for a swim, just to visit the place. Another tahitian was supposed to come as well...well it was his idea in the first place, but after the race, he didn't want to come anymore cause it was a bit too late...rubbish ! lol
So we went to Mission Bay, I took a couple of pictures, my batteries went out at the right moment lol...but I still got fun. After that, we went to some ice cream, the same shop we were supposed to go to when we went to Parnell eat burgers. Mannnn, their ice cream is so good. Let me think, I think the name of the shop is Movenpeck or something like that. It was really good, even though I got cold after eating it with the windy day lol...it was really worth it ^_^
Then, we went back home and that's it lol ^_^

Well this is the beach at Mission Bay...nothing compared to our beaches back in Tahiti, but I guess it's pretty beautiful too ^_^
On Saturday, because it was the last day we could see Masaki and Kyoko, we went out again and we spend the day together. First, two tahitian also came with us, we went all to the movies to see which movies was going soon, then we went to the flee market near the cinemas and ate lunch. I opted for a burger again lol ^_^'
At 12.20, we went to the movies and saw Nacho Libre, a really funny and great movie ^_^. I recommend it to you if you didn't see it yet ^_^
After the movie, we went to a cafe, ordered something to drink and then we played cards. It was really fun and well at least I got something to do out of my days for a change lol ^_^'

This is Marco and Joachim, another tahitian, sitting at our table at the flee market after eating our lunch lol ^_^
Well, I'm done summerazing my last week lol...I don't know if I missed anything, but that's maybe the most important parts of it lol....
New song for the week again...Sorry, I just had to upload another Savage Garden song...Hope that you don't mind me...their songs are just so great that I want you to hear them ^_^
Ok this song is I knew I loved you, another romantic song, but still so great ^_^. *sigh* I so miss my bf right now, maybe that's why I'm in the mood of listening to them right now lol ^_^'
Anyway, hope that you guys like the song too ^_^
Beanie cat

A pretty cute pic, don't you think ? lol ^_^
Since yesterday, the weather has been really nice, it's sunny and almost no cold winds around here...which is pretty rare around here I can tell you lol ^_^ . You can really see that spring is there ^_^
So maybe tomorrow is as good, I'll go to school in shorts for a change lol ^_^
Well that's about everything that I had to say...hope that while I didn't visit you everyday, you still got good days ^_^
See ya later ^_^
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Well almost a whole week without updating again...sorry about that....
Yesterday I wanted to post, and show you my new theme...but the computer was taking so much time just to upload the pics that I gave up and just did my theme...
Anyway, this month's theme is based on a video game: Guilty Gear. It's a fighting game and each characters are really unique and have their own styles, that's what I really like about that game. Here you can see some of my favourite characters, it's not all of them, but those I like: in the background, the main character Sol Badguy the very first gear. Behind the text the ninja of the game Chipp Zanuff originally an ancient drug addict before being saved by a japanese ninja. On the welcome note, it's Dizzy a self aware Gear, and so a threat to human because she can control the other gears.And on the sides Axl Rose based on the Guns n' Roses singer Axl Low, Baiken the japanese who lost her right arm and left eye during the war against the gears, Ky Kiske a crusader and ancient friend of Sol now his rival, Millia Rage a russian girl brought up to be an assassin and fights with her hair, Testament an experimental gear and fights with a weapon similar to the Death and Venom now leader of an assassin guild fights with pool balls and queue.
See how unique each one of them is? That's really what makes that game so cool, and also its music is really great too ^_^
Except from that, what can I say? Ummmm last Saturday, we had another farewell party for the german guy in my class. We ate pizzas and thai food...man that was so delicious...I forgot my camera that day (stupid me -_-) so I don't have any pictures to show you...sorry about that, sometimes my head is elsewhere really lol ^_^'
Then after eating, we played pool for a couple of hours, then we headed on a cafe, there the others ordered a cafe (I don't drink coffe so yeah, I just took a thing to eat) and we played cards. That was really fun, and then I went home around 10.30pm...
Now this week, we're having another evaluation test, well in fact, we just finished it today, so we just have to wait for the result now. Hummmm it was harder than the last one, but I think I did good, and it's still good revision so that's cool ^_^
Man for the last couple of days, I'm feeling so sleepy, I wonder why. I wake up at 7.00am in the morning (which is really early for me) even though I can't sleep until really late at night....I wonder what's happening to me -_-. I can't stand to lose that sleep time lol ^_^
Ummm...I see that Savage Garden is pretty popular with you guys, and I don't know why I'm just in the mood of listening to them (which is what I'm doing right now by the way)...Maybe that's because it's been a while I didn't listen to them....So because of last week's popularity, I decided to upload another of their song, actually my favourite song of theirs ...it's this song that made me want to buy their cd and fan of theirs lol....The title is I want you and I still struggle to sing along the song lol...but I know most of it lol ^_^...Anyway hope that you like it too, and I hope you don't mind my choosing ^_^'
Girl pic

Saya from the anime Blood + ....At first, she's a little she was afraid of fighting because she lost her memory, but once she recovered her memory, she just kicks ass! Way to go ^_^
Group pic

Believe it or not, but this is Metallica...and my bro told me that they're going to be guest appearances in the new season...well for some of you maybe you already saw it, but it's still in the 'coming soon' state for us lol...I wonder when we'll be able to see the new season....
Well that's about it...nothing interesting or worth telling right now...or I forgot about it lol...hope that you like the song and that you're becoming a Savage Garden fan too lol ^_^
See ya later ^_^ |
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Whoa! no updates for almost a whole week!
Ooops sorry about that, it's just that I couldn't or didn't want to go on the computer earlier than today...-_-'
Anyway, so what beautiful stuff did I do during this whole time...Well what I can remember:
We saw a new zealand/maori movie during class...We saw Whale Rider, it's about a maori community who's waiting for their next leader to appear. The current chief's first son, doesn't want to be the next chief and becomes an artist who travels around the world. In the beginning, he had twin babies, a boy and a girl. But at birth the boy who was supposed to be the next village chief died along with the mother, only leaving behind the little sister. But a girl can't become chief, in her grandfather's mind. So a lot of things happens to her to first, be accepted by her grandfather and finally the next chief of the village. That movie is really moving, the young actress you played the girl was nominated for the Oscar of Best Actress...but I don't remember when...So it's just to tell you how great her performance was then. If you ever find that movie somewhere, I really recommend you to seeing it ^_^
Then Saturday:
As usual, we went to the movies, we saw Lady in the Water. Man I really loved that movie, it's so much better than the Village, fomr Night Shyamalan. It's about a bedtime story character who came to our world to meet someone before going back to her world. Maybe my most favourite movie I saw this year, with Pirates of the Carribeans so far, and I really recommend it to you if you didn't see it yet cause it's really great and lots of fun too and of course there's lots of mystery too ^_^ You just don't get bored watching it, always wondering what going to happen next. And my bro told me that actually the guy that the bedtime story character have to see before going back to her world, is actually played by Night Shyamalan himself! Cool lol ^_^
On Monday:
Well didn't have anything to do...it was raining, and I was too lazy to come on the computer...And my bro was on it all day long anyway, so I didn't have time to go myself...that's why I couldn't update sorry -_-'
One of my classmates..Marco actually (the italian guy) was going to the museum...And it was such a great day yesterday: lots of sun, no rain in the horizon, almost no cold wind...and because I didn't have anything else to do, I decided to go with him. We walked all the way there, an 30min walk in the sun, went through a park and arrive to the museum. Also there was a spectacle of maori dances, so we arrived just in time for it. It was actually the first time Marco saw it with his own eyes and he was really glad to see it. I can understand him, I don't know how many times I saw their dances, but I just never get tired, it's just really awsome ^_^
After the show, we visited the museum, there was the ground floor and 2 other floor of stuff about New Zealand, the nature it history and its involvment in the first and second World War, also with wall of Honour...I found my familly name on those walls too lol....2 for the second WW and one for the first WW...it was quite surprising by the way lol...Anyway, in all, I had a great time, we spend around 4hours there, and it was really worth it ^_^

This is the Museum...see how the sky is so clear...I wish that it could be like that more often lol ^_^'

So this is the maori show...with their traditionnal clothes....really awsome ^_^...and I got a nice view too lol *to the left* ^_^

So this is one of their traditionnal carvings/art they do...this is the inside of a communal house...it's really impressive if you saw it for real...must take years to build only one house! So many carvings...

So these are the Wall of Honours I told you about, and it's supposed to be new zealanders names on it, and I found our familly name on it! How awsome is that lol ^_^....By the way, our familly name is SCHMIDT...pretty german, but we aren't lol ^_^'
Well that's about it...Ummm I changed the music for the remaining days for this week...now you can hear an old band, one of my favourites in fact Savage Garden with their awsome song Truly Madly Deeply...*Sigh* hearing songs like these, I just miss my bf even more lol ^_^ Well I know that's it's quite old, but I hope that you still enjoy hearing it ^_^
Today, I didn't do anything that is worth telling so I think that'd be the end of my post soon ^_^
Girl Pic

So this is the new anime by Gonzo Witchblade...There is an american comic with the same name, but the story is completely different...but it's still this sort of armour that goes on that woman and then she kicks ass! lol...So far, my bro downloaded the 3 first episodes, and it's really cool so far, except maybe that the woman got too big boobs...and it's kinda annoying to watch them moving around too much -_-' lol...but it's still got lots of action in it ^_^

HAHA they even got a special message to the dogs lol....really interesting...^_^
Well that's about it for today..sorry for not being there for the last couple of days...and well have a great day and I hope that you enjoy the pics and music there ^_^
See ya later ^_^ |
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006
A really tragic event
Well last night I heard about this really tragic news...Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin, maybe the most famous australian died yesterday morning while filming one of his documentaries. He got stung by a stingray to the chest and maybe got a heart attack or an allergy to the stingray venom. It was said that it's not very common that someone died from a stingray, in fact he's only the 3rd in Australia. To think that this awsome man, always handling deadlier animals such as crocodiles and snakes got killed by a normaly pacific animal like the stingray. He died around 11am yesterday just a couple of minutes after being stung and brought back to his boat. Man I just loved what the man was doing, he did his best in animal preservation and his documentaries were maybe of the best I've seen. This great man will really be missed by lots of people. And I was thinking, if I were to go to Australia one day, I'd have loved to see him once...I guess now it's impossible. It's so sad that he had to die at a young age of 44. Also his wife didn't know of the news until later because she was trekking in the tasman island when this happened...

This is him with his wife Teri and daughter Bindi. Man he's really a great loss to everyone and especially the animals, because he contributed a lot in their preservation
Ummmm...I don't have anything else to say...it's just that since last night that I saw the news, it's been stuck in my head and couldn't pull it out...
I also changed the music if you can hear...this is the Silent Hill theme that I wanted to upload yesterday but my computer didn't want to...so here you are, as I wanted to say, this music is quite weird and unique in its style, and I like it...hope you do too ^_^
Guardian of the World Trade Center

If only he was actually there when the tragedy struck in 2001
Girl pic

This is Roberta from the anime Black Lagoon, the indestructible maid lol....She got a lots of history behind her before becoming a maid, but I won't go to details to let you discover it if you are to watch this new anime soon ^_^...I recommend it if you can see it ^_^
Well that's about it for today...I didn't want my post to look that sad, but that was just a big news around here, and I just couldn't avoid it either...If you knew the guy and didn't know that he died, well now you know and I hope that he'll miss you as he does to me -_-'
On that note...see ya later, and maybe next time I'll have a brighter post to write ^_^
See ya later ^_^ |
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Monday, September 4, 2006
Yet another week starts...and it's back to square 1
Well anyway...what can I say about what I didn't during the time I didn't post?....
Nothing much really...at school, we had that small text to read, it was about a crashed plane survivor in the Andes in South America. They survived out there in the cold for 72 days! But how did they survive in that harsh environement? Well that's the thing...to be able to survive while waiting for rescue, they needed something to eat, and many people died on the crash...you see where I'm going...? Well, the only food they could have was the meat from the dead people.....I know that sounds disgusting, but you'd do anything to survive, and also they didn't do it at first, they had lots of discussion about it, and in the end, they resolved to do it....That must be really tough, because they were a rugby team, and so they knew each other....
Anyway, enough with the gross subject, I just wanted to talk about something and that was the only fresh subject in my mind...hope that you weren't eating while reading this part...If you were...sorry -_-'
On Saturday, we went to the movies and saw Silent Hill...man that movie was really great...But as usual, because it was R16, I had to show my ID...dang my brother, I told him to go so that maybe he won't be asked -_-'...
Anyway, that movie was really great...I don't know really well to story of that Video game (if you didn't know, it's based on a japanese video game), but I remembered some of the stuff that I could see when my brother was playing....It was really cool, and the monsters were really close to those you could see in the games, really well made and it's lots of action...If you like horror movies, that's it for you...but it's not really that scary, so you could still enjoy it anyways ^_^
Also, last night, there was School of Rock on TV...it's the first time I saw it and I can say that it's really cool ^_^ ...Jack Black is really a great actor ^_^
That's about it of my days...nothing much to say as you can see lol...Oh yeah, today I went to the gym as usual, and I lost another 500g lol ^_^...3.5kg to go to reach my normal weight lol ^_^ ...Hang in there lol ^_^'
A reversed world

Well that looks interesting lol....Really cool and really well made ^_^
Guy pic

This is Kyo from the video game King of Fighet...They made maybe 4 OAVs of that games, but my bro said that it was a test, to see the potential that it could have if they were to really do an anime out of it...Well so far, the art is really excellent and I really hope that they're gonna do it ^_^
Well that's about it...I tried to upload for you the main theme of Silent Hill, but my computer isn't really cooperating lately...sorry about that..I'll try again tomorrow ^_^
That's it then...see ya later ^_^ |
Comments (3) |
Friday, September 1, 2006
The end of the week already...
So what happened so far for me....ummmm last time, I forgot to say this...Tuesday 29th August was my dad's birthday. How could I have forgotten this !? Shame on me lol...Anyway, so now he's 50...time sure flies by lol...but I still think that he doesn't really look like 50...maybe close but not 50 lol. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DAD !!!!

haha so this is my dad lol...I don't know why I post his picture, but oh well...it just makes my post even more interesting lol...I think ^_^'
Then, during the week, didn't really do anything else...Wake up at 8.00 and prepare to go to school for 9.30 and then finish school at 12.30. The same routine all the time.
On thursday though, I went to Borders to read some mangas. I read Genshinken 3 and 4...man that manga is just really hilarious. It shows the life of 5 otakus and one girl who not but just goes to their club because of her boyfriend lol...it's just too funny. If you want to read something new and never tried it, you should cause you just don't know what you've been missing.
Oh yeah, in english class, we're currently learning the different tenses, like the day before was present simple and present continuous, and yesterday and today was past simple and present perfect. Well it's good revision for me and it's actually quite difficult for my italian friend Marco...but he's hanging in there lol ^_^ Good luck Marco !!! lol ^_^
Today also, I went to the gym, after skipping it on wednesday. I told myself that I'd go 3 times a week: monday, wednesday and friday...Anyway, I went today and it's been pretty good, I was quite full of energy too lol..and I keep on losing weigh !! Yay me lol ^_^
Well that's about it...nothing else to say for now...we didn't plan on doing anything this week end either with the classmates...so I guess it'll be quite boring lol ^_^'
Dang I wanted to say something else, but I forgot it....stupid me -_-' lol
Group pic

*drools* lol I wish I could draw like that....I don't know where it's from, I don't even remember where I found these pictures, but I think it's a video game called Zera Imperan Intrigue...sounds cool ^_^ ...well hope that you like them too ^_^
Puss 'n Boots

Awwww you just can't hate him lol...especially with that face of his lol...I think that Antonio Banderas really did a great job playing his voice...he's maybe my favourite character in Shrek 2 ^_^
Well that's about it for today...I'll have to start working on a new theme for my site too...Any ideas anyone ?
Well then, see ya later ^_^
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
I'm back and lots to say
Well so what can I tell first...? Ummm....Because last week was Yuko's, my japanese friend, last week before she goes back to Japan, we got to spend lots of time with her, along with Marco, the italian guy, and Abdullah the arabian one ...And man, I can tell you that it was really great ^_^
First day was on thursday...we wanted to go out, so the 4 of us went and headed to an ice skating ring...We took the bus, and went there...But unfortunately, it was closed, well it was opened but I think it was for a competition...so we couldn't get it...What a waste of money -_-'
Anyway, so we went back to the city center, and decided to go to the movies...We went to see Fearless with Jet Li. It's based on a true story of Huo Yanjyu I think the name of the guy Jet Li was playing...and the story is about when the English people went to China and organized martial combats. To restore the chinese pride, Huo entered and won several battles, which of course ticked off the English people...i won't tell anymore, but if you like action movies, with lots of martial arts, this movie is pretty good ^_^
After that, we went to a coffee and talked for the rest of the night...Around 10.00pm, I waited for Yuko's bus with her, because her bus stop was just in front of my appartment so it was ok...and then that was it for the day...
On friday, on that day, we didn't have class, we spent our day watching a DVD...We had to choose between "My big fat greek wedding" and "Ladder 49"...we ended up watching the first on...becaus, well majority rules lol...I already saw that movie before, but heck it was still good to see it again ...Then, we had a graduation ceremony in our school for the international students who were leaving...Yuko skipped school that day to pack her luggage...so yeh lol...
Then, we went out again, the same 4 of us...After morning class, we talked about meeting in front of the school at 4.00pm...I was the second to arrive, and I waited with Marco...Then Abdullah arrive and we waited for almost 1hour for Yuko to arrive lol...she didn't see time going on as she was shopping lol...she say that she spent 3 hours in a shop to choose a gift for her lol...that's really a lot lol
After getting together, we caught our bus and headed to bowling...Man it's been so long I didn't bowl lol...I really sucked lol...but at least I got some points lol...but mainly 0's lol...^_^'

This is Abdullah, Yuko and myself lol...just having fun lol...

And this is Marco, dancing along with the music lol...He was the winner of the games...he's just really good at it lol ^_^
After playing 2 games, we went to eat at KFC not too far from the bowling centre...it's been a while I didn't eat KFC *drools* lol....Then, we caught another bus to come back to town...
Back to town, we went to a bar to play some pool...this game too it's been a while I didn't play it lol..but I still got the hang of it lol...I'm not all that great, but I can fend for myself lol....especially when you know that I learnt by myself lol ^_^ . We played around 4 games...3 games only Yuko and I, and the last one we played double with Marco and Abdullah...I played with Marco ^_^...man these guys are really good at pool -_-' compared to us lol ^_^
Then, because Yuko to see it, we went to a gay bar lol...Yeah you heard me well, a GAY BAR !!! What the heck were we doing there lol...But man, it was really hilarious....Marco really wasn't that comfortable with the atmosphere and just wanted to get out of here as fast as possible lol...And I saw a guy checking out Abdullah too lol that was just hilarious lol ^_^...and also 2 guys kissing ^_^'...that's really weird to see it in front of your eyes I can tell you that ^_^'
After that, well because both Marco and my appartments were on the way, we walked there and talked some more and then, we called it a night lol ...a veeeerrryyyyy long night lol...I went home at 1.00am lol
On Saturday...umm didn't really do anything...It was the day for Yuko's flight...Then, we went to the movies my bro and I, we went to see Snakes on a plane....well, it's supposed to be a horror movie, but I wasn't that much scared...not at all in fact...but heck it was still pretty funny...^_^
On Sunday...I was supposed to call my boyfriend that day...so I was waiting for my friend to tell me when I'll be able to call her...but she never sent me a sms...so I spent my time watching TV, and my brother was making AMVs on the computer....
Then uesterday Monday. I went to class as usual, but what a surprised, we changed room...Because I didn't know, I headed straight to my old room, and entered to a different class and of course a different teacher...how embarrassing ^_^' lol...Because I overslept that morning, and also becaus of that room change, I arrived completely late lol...well the teacher is all cool so it was ok lol ^_^'
Also, that day I still tried to call my friend to ask her what's happening and if I could call him....she didn't responded so I sent her a sms and told her to please answer. She sent me a sms back and told me to call her, but I was in class so I said that I'd call her later. Later that day, in fact just after school lol, I called her and she told me that she'd send me a sms to tell me when I'll be able to call him...
As I was waiting, I went to the gym to do some workout, because well, I didn't go at all all last week lol..so I went to catch up ...it was really great ^_^
Back home, I had my shower, and suddenly hear that I got a new message (because well the walls on our flat arent that thick lol), so I huried out and went to check for it...it just said which number to call when she'll tell me it's ok to call...story short, I hurried for nothing lol ^_^'
But, not that long after that, she sent me another sms to tell me to call him...and so I did...Man it's been so long I didn't talked to him (3 months can seem an eternity in this situation) so we caught up all this time we missed so yeah it's been really great...I really missed him a lot and he's doing great too...We talked for about 1hour, and it just wasn't enough, I wish I could've stayed longer, but I didn't have anymore credits on my cellphone...next time, I just can't wait ^_^
Today, there was another strange thing...I walked as usual to my new room at school, but then the teacher was Katy as it should be, it was that guy called Milles...And because I don't have that great eyes, I thought that they changed rooms again...so I went and asked for a teacher around, she told me that Katy wasn't there for the day and that her room was supposed to be where I went...I should've checked the students instead of the teacher -_-' lol....
Today, there was a new student (in fact another one arrived too yesterday) and his name is Misaki coming from Japan. Today, we got to talk about dating and how to meet the special someone, using dating agencies....Of course, it was just to get us talking but it was really interesting...Like one fact Milles said: On a tuesday night, going shopping to New World and getting bananas is to say that you're single and looking for someone o.O lol...yeah weird I know lol...He said that he got to learn it the hard way, because he went shopping to NW and got bananas because well he loves bananas...lol ^_^
That was lots of fun the last couple of days and well I really enjoyed them ^_^
New music for today...it's from the anime Full Metal Panic Fumoffu and the song Arekara...and really slow song, telling about a girl who's doing her best after separating from her lover and hanging in there...really sweet and also sad song....hope that you like it too ^_^
Duo pic

This is a scene from the anime Ergo Proxy.. a pretty new anime and it's really great...Ok so the guy is Vincent Law and the little girl is a robot called Pino...after some circumstances, they ended up in a journey together....Soon they were joined by Real, who's make up is on them right now lol...That scene was pretty funny to watch, and Pino is just a great character too ^_^
Aren't they just pretty lol ^_^
Marlboro Lights

Antoher meaning of the Marlboro Lights lol...so how do you like it lol ^_^
Well that's about it...hope that you get to umderstand my blabering above...because I know that sometimes when I write something it's so direct and I don't give too much details, so yeah...lots of reading to do for you there lol ^_^
That's it...see ya later ^_^ |
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
A pretty fun day
Well today was another day at the english class...We didn't really do anything too serious, so we had fun...At first it was a spelling game lol...we got 14 to spell:
prologue, comprehensible, yacht, pronunciation, amateur, manoeuvre, genuine, appreciate, principle, asphalt, authentic, bourgeois, catastrophe and hypochondriac...Most of the words were easy for me cause they are the same as in french...but it was funny how asian people spelled some words lol...like manuve for the 6th word lol...but the last word I just didn't know that word, but I was close to it : hypercondriac lol....
Then, we had another work, which was to think about the man's greatest achievement for the 20th century...We talked about stuff like vaccine, computers, telecommunications.....
But then, we had to think about the 21st century and we just blabbed on about cosmetic chirurgy lol and it was quite funny and interesting ^_^
At lunch time, there was a parade called Erotica to promote pornography lol...last year I saw it too, but there weren't that many people on the streets...Today, it was completely different. Everyone just went on the road even though the roads weren't even closed for the parade lol...the cops had lots of work to do lol...So the parade was first 2 tanks with guys and topless girls on them, then there were harleys with topless girls riding along lol...But then, it was all the same, so it was quite boring...except of course if you were a guy lol...
Speaking of guy, there was one behing who kept on pushing me cause he wanted to take pictures of the girls...so annoying, I wanted to push him back too...I was all squeezed in the crowd...I wasnted to take pictures, but I forgot my camera, so I thought about taking some with my cellphone...but there weren't enough batteries so I couldn't -_-'....Oh well, not that I'm that keen on having pictures of topless girls lol ^_^'
Also, we planned another evening out with the classmates to celebrate before Yuko goes back to Japan...So yeah, we're supposed to be going bowling tomorrow evening and eat out ...hope that I'll have lots of fun ^_^
Photo prank

The poor people taking the picture lol ^_^
Girl pic

A fanart of Integra from the anime Hellsing...Man isn't it awsome ? I just love the art...the artist really did a great job ^_^
Well that's about it...nothing much to say...except that we're continue our spelling game tomorrow and the day after lol...sounds like fun lol ^_^'
Well then, see ya later ^_^ |
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
I'm still alive
Well sorry for not posting for the last couple of days, it's just that either my bro was on the computer all day, or just that I was too tired to post...and even on saturday I couldn't be on because I spent my whole day with my classmates to celebrate because on of the student will go back home this coming week end....so yeah...a pretty fun day ^_^
Well, let me tell you in more details what I've been doing..at least the most interesting stuff, that is lol ^_^'
Ok the first thing was Friday's activity, which was Rock Climbing...man it's been a while I've done that lol...and it was pretty fun...I asked my japanese friend if she wanted to come with me to that activity, she wanted to come too, but she had another appointment that day...too bad, but oh well, I did have fun even though I went there with no partner to enjoy it lol. But then, when I arrived to the mmeting place, I saw the Thailand guy who's in the same class as me...so we stuck together and paired when we arrived at the rockclimbing lol...it was really great. I didn't lose the hand of climbing either lol..the teacher said that I made it look easy to climb because I was fast lol....Really cool I tell you lol...But then, I had my arms hurting for almost 2 days lol...that proves that I don't exercise too much my arms lol....Now it's all good lol ^_^

Tis good ol' me climbing a wall lol...please don't mind my butt lol ^_^'

This is Tak the thailand guy in my class..he's pretty cool and fun ...I really liked to pair up with him. It was really cool ^_^

Here you can see the hardest wall...and some asian guys having fun lol...We dind't try this one cause we were already tired and that it was too difficult because the wall wasn't straight lol...^_^
We spent around 2 hours there, and it was more than enough...we had the time to do all the beginner and intermediate walls...Unfortunately for me, sometimes I couldn't reach the top because I wasn't tall enough to reach the things on the wall to climb up lol...that's one the reasons I don't like my height lol ^_^'
Then, on saturday...around 1.00pm, I went to the school library to meet up with my other classmates to have our party at Tak's appartment. We ate chinese dumplings, sushi, thai noodles, cheesecake and even got Italian champagne and red wine lol...That's about the food that I remember cause it's the ones that I ate, but there were others but I don't remember...as for the beverages, I only drank one glass of champagne but then switched to lemonade lol...I odn't really like alcohol ^_^'

Here all the people there (most of them are my classmates so yeah...): from left to right, I don't know but it's Tak's roommate, Yuko the japanese girl who leaves next week end, I don't know but I think that's one of the roommate's friend, Chinese girl Tina who is Yuko's friend, Arabian guy Abdullah and Italian guy Marco...

The more serious bunch: Chinese guy Jason, German guy Frankie and Thailand guy Tak...By the way, it was Tak the cook that day...and it was just delicious.
In the end, we stayed longer because we planned to meet up later on the night to go to the movies and we watched My super ex-girlfriend. Tak just did all the housework after lunch, man he'd be a "good husaband" like Abdullah said lol
The movie was really great, just lots of fun watching it, and I recommend it to you if you're looking for a fun movie to watch and of course if you didn't see it already lol ^_^'
Then, after that, we walked Tina to her bus stop and waited for her bus to arrive, then before going back to Tak's appartments, we went and had a bite at Wendy's because Yuko was hungry lol ^_^'
Finally, the others went to a club later that night...I started to go with them, but then I thought that my brother was waiting for me back home so I came back to my appartment. Well I don't like crowded places anyways so ...yeah lol...In the end, we slept around 2.30am sunday morning lol ^_^'
On Sunday morning, I woke up at 7.00am because I was expecting my friend's message, which didn't arrive, so I woke up for nothing and couldn't get back to sleep either lol...and so I spent my day watching TV as usual, as my bro wpent his in front of the computer lol ^_^
Monday, I was supposed to post, but then I was so tired from lack of sleep from the last couple of days, so I didn't lol ^_^
We had a speaking test and writing test that day, and today was listening, reading and grammar tests ...It's for evaluation, so it was quite easy for me, but well it was a cool day ^_^
New music for the day, it's the first ending theme of the anime Blood + , Kataritsugu Koto is the name of the song...Well the way the singer sings the song reminds me of the old japanese songs..and it's quite original in my opinion lol...well I just hope that you like it too ^_^
Couple pic

Yet another awsome art from the awsome korean artist Kim Se Ra...Man I just love her art, and I find this one really seeeexyyyyy lol ^_^
Well that's about it for today...I updated what I did for the last couple of days...visited some of you and I think that's about it then lol
See ya later ^_^ |
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