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Saturday, November 19, 2005
Pretty cool...
Well today's saturday...I woke up earlier than my alarm clock once again, but too tired to actually get up, so I lazied a little on my bet....
We watched the morning cartoons as usual (Jimmy Neutron, Batman and Justice League) and then went to school on the internet....downloaded some more manga and that's it...
Then, after going for lunch, we headed to the cinemas...we went and watched Flight plan starring Jodie Foster...that was a pretty cool movie...
She lost her daugther on her plane and nobody actually saw her board with her daugther...then she recently lost her husband in an accident...Is it for real or is she imagining things...? Find out by seeing the movie ^_^
But damn, I really have lots of luck, there were 2 brats next to me and one of them kept on movie on her chair all the time...She even took off her shoes! Man at least it didn't stunk, and they also kept on talking during the movie...so annoying....Then in the end, missy took all her time to put back on her shoes...damn I told my bro to go all the way around, I was pissed to wait for her to get out of the way! -_-
Then, nothing else happened, except that my bro really pisses me off! I won't go into details but he does ....
Ummm...sorry that some of you don't like the music...now I know I won't post any similar music in the future...^_^'
Nice shirt

how nice.....lol
Guy pic

A special treat for jigglyness...I know that you love that guy ^_^
Reno from the video game Final Fantasy VII or the new movie Advent Children...
Another awsome art made by a korean artist Yi Lee...hope you like it too ^_^
Quizz of the day
You Are Not Scary

Everyone loves you. Isn't that sweet?
Well that's it for today....See ya around ^_^ |
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Friday, November 18, 2005
I'm done!
Well today was the last exam that I had to take....now I'm totally free from school ! oh yeah that's so great ^_^
Ok, well then my test today was a 2.00pm, and it was actually a Research exam, meaning that we knew what the subjects of the test were about and we had to do the research and then come up with a summary of that in the exam...
So then the exam was Internet Technology, we had 6 questions and we had to choose 4 of them and make a paragraph of about 300-500 words. And because it was based on research that we were supposed to do, it had to be really accurate....
Ok then, I took the questions about server-side process, multi-media, good website features and markup language....These I think were the easiest for me, so I spent 2h30 to write all I could about them....Then again I hope I did good...
Ummm, new music again, it's Spanish ragga from Daddy Yankee, the title is Dimelo (means "tell me" or something similar)...Well I really like the rythm of that song and it's been a while I've heard some spanish so yeah I like this song...hope you like it too ^_^
Yesterday night, my bro got to finish his game Phantom Brave...it's not really important but oh well, it happened so I post about it lol ^_^
Good New : I got a mail from on of my friends in my homecountry, and guess what? She's now engaged with her boyfriend ! OMG that is so great for her, I feel really happy about that...
I tell you she's completely spoiled by her bf, always getting flowers and stuff, even a trip to Hawaii for her b-day...What a lucky chick I tell you lol ^_^...Well that's the greatest new I heard today and it's cool ^_^

haha that's really a bad spot to try eating snow flakes haha Never do that under a tree haha ^_^....man that's so funny lol...
Usually it was in french but I translated it for you ^_^
Guy pic

A fanart of Yami...that's really well made...I really like it....and then again I don't remember where I got it ^_^'
Quizz of the day
Halloween Horoscope for Libra
You only like halloween if you have a special someone to share it with.
You like a romantic scary evening together - no big parties or events for you.
Costume suggestions: Romeo and Juliet or Batman and Catwoman
Signature Halloween candy: Nerds
Well Halloween finished a while ago, but oh well, who cares right lol ^_^
Well that's it...hope you got a good laugh with the pic, enjoy the current song and etc ....
See ya around ^_^ |
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
One more to go...
Today was my third test...it began at 2.00pm and I just came out of it, we finished at 5.00...Well that test, even though it was open book, meaning we could bring our lectures, it was boring, really boring...all there was to do was write from begining to end..ugh now my wrist hurts me....Anyway, with that test being in the afternoon, I got the opportunity to sleep in today, which was really great, but I think I can't get rid of the habit of waking up early now...I woke up at 8.00 again today...-_- oh well, not matter...
Tomorrow at 2.00 pm as well will be my last test of the semester and then I'll be totally free from school, and one step closer to go back home, that is so great I tell you ^_^
Yesterday when I said that I was excited about the exams was because I didn't have lots of them left, not because I'm confident that I did well...that I'm not completely sure about that haha ^_^'
So yeah, today I didn't have the occasion to got to Borders cause I've been craming for the exam...oh well, I'll still have time to go a next time ^_^
What Pervert !

That is so gross...but so stupid in the same time...
About what the spokeman said, I oppose cause it's the guy who's stupid enough to copy what he sees on TV...don't you think? hahah but what an idiot lol ^_^
Guy pic

Now where did I find that picture again haha...Well I find it pretty cool, they were pretty well done, but sorry it's a little small -_-'
Quizz of the day
You Are 60% "Average American"

You are average because you don't make New Year's resolutions.
You are not average since you don't donate to charity.
Well I donate sometimes, but just not everytime...when I have change on me ^_^'
Well, now that we're done watching Fruits Basket, I wonder what we'll be watching tonight...Then ending of the series is a little bit different from the manga..well considering that the manga is still not finished, they had to make up an ending...but I think that they did pretty good...An absolutely must see anime ^_^
Well then, nothing else to say, you all know that it's boring around here...so see ya around ^_^ |
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
2 more to go....
And I'm feeling more and more exciting about that(I'm talking about my tests there)...
Well my second test was today at 9.00 am again...I actually woke up at 7.00 this morning even though I slept at 1.00...I guess I was a little nervous because it was Operating Systems....
I tell you people, studying before going to sleep really works! I did that last night, and I got stuff engraved into my brains like I'd have studied for maybe days.....that was quite surprising cause I actually hate OS, it's too hard to make sense for me, too much theory lol ^_^...Before actually getting up, I was visionning my lecture in my head, it's a good thing that I got a photographic memory(is that how you say it?), that helped me a lot ^_^
Well like I said, I think I did pretty good on that test too, at least I think I did...I was able to answer most of the questions and I hope I did right ^_^
There were 7 sections I think and they were worth between 18 to 15 points...pretty harsh...-_-'
After 2 hours I was done with that, and I went and wasted my time reading at Borders again...I read BB Explosion 1-3, Escaflowne 5, DearS 3 and Evangelion 6-7...I read them cause I don't have much choice any more I read most of the mangas there, but they were pretty cool...
Those of you who maybe read or saw the anime of Evangelion, it's where Shinji's friend becomes the Eva 03 pilot....man that was really sad (sorry if I spoiled too much here, I just wanted to say it)...it was so sad I was on the edge of crying and my nose just kept on running because of that haha ^_^'
But now I think I'm getting sick (I feel like I'm gonna puke or something and my eyes are all blurry), maybe too much reading is no good for me after all ^_^'...
Tomorrow my test is going to be at 2.00 pm so yeah I'll have time to relax, and the test is actually "open book", meaning you can bring all the lectures that were done during class....that's so great I don't have to study tonight lol ^_^
haha, glad to hear that you 'enjoyed' yestderday's pic lol...yeah that was kinda gross ^_^
Alert Sigh

That's a really precise warning lol ^_^'
Girl pic

This is Reki from Haibane Renmei...we saw the first episode of it at the anime convension and it was really cool...I want to watch more of it ^_^ |
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Well today, I thought that I'd be off sleeping till I don't know 10.00 or something, but no...For who knows the reason, I woke up by 8.30....but it didn't stop me to go back to sleep lol ^_^
Anyway, then when I finally got up, I did some little study for my exam tomorrow morning...Operating Systems is my test...my so favourite class...not...well I'll study again tonight and hope that what the saying says about studying before sleeping help you remember better is true lol...
Today, like the usual, I wasted my time at Borders...do you ever see me say anything else..? lol...well I read GTO 21, Alchino 3, DearS 1-2...that was quite a lot a now, I think that my eyes hurt even more....
I changed the music again...now you can hear the opening I think of the anime Avenger "Gesshouku Grand Guignol"...I never saw that anime, but by seeing the pics, it seems really cool...The music, I really like how it sounds like some kind of arabic music or the sort haha, hope you like it too ^_^
I guess that tonight, I'll have to wake up early again if I want to be fit for my exam ^_^
A little advice

haha that's so gross, yet it's still really hilarious lol ^_^
Guy pic

I hope that you remember him...? My last theme...you got it now...? Anyway, Haine from the manga DOgs....Man this art is really great too ^_^
Quizz of the day
On Average, You Would Sell Out For

I'm not worth that much huh...figures lol ^_^'
Well that's it, hope you like the music, enjoy the lil advice and the Haine pic too ^_^
See ya later |
Comments (6) |
Monday, November 14, 2005
Ummm.....3 more to go....
Well today at 9.00 am, not 8 like I said in the previous post, I had my first test. It was Database Management Systems, I think I did pretty good on that test...I won't say that I'll get a super grade, but I think I'll manage to past it....well that's what I hope at least haha ^_^'
Anyway, there was something that freaked me out though, we got that answer book thing with at least 10 blank pages in it to answer the exam, I barely used one sheet per question (and there were only 4 questions), while there were people who needed extra sheet...Man what a great contrast ^_^'....oh well, I never was able to do long speeches (as you can judge from my posts lengths ^_^)...
After 2 1/2 hours or so of struggle, with maybe one hour spent on the first one, I got out of the room....then headed straight to Borders hahah...today, they actually received some new mangas, fresh books to read...I was kinda bored cause I read almost all the mangas there....anyway, I got to read Fullmetal Alchemist 3, Ultra Maniac 2,Ouran High School Host 2, and I read Fruits Basket 3 too cause I missed it before....lots of reading if you ask me haha lol ^_^'
Tomorrow, I'll get the day off...yeah no exam tomorrow, that's so cool, I'll enjoy a lil break before my next one on Wednesday morning....
Nice to hear that you people also enjoy the music and like the wallie I made, even though it was really simple....
No White Ninja yet

haha...the title speaks for itself ^_^
Guy pic
Well because they're all small pics that show the same guy, I decided to put them together...Dang that Kim Se Ra guy really is awsome...I wonder if it's a character from a video game called Persona or something like that, but I'm not sure, I don't understand korean...and the whole website's in korean -_-'

First the whole thing....

Then the bust and up...

And finally the face ^_^
Hope you liked the pics...His name is Angel Kavaron (phew that was hard to find, I actually got back to the site to find out haha)
Quizz of the day
 Your death will be murder....Most likely because your a very social person and everyone knows you, but there is one person lurking in the shadows that is so jealous of you or is so obsessed they end up killing you...There are many ways of being murdered...it depends on the person, but your death will either be slow and painful (like being stabed to death) or quiek and painless (like a gunshot to the head).
How Will You Die And Why? .:Beautiful Dark Pics:. brought to you by Quizilla
That's a kind of surprising death...I'm not that socialble....
Well that's it...except for the exam going on, it's still the same around here....hope you like the pics ^_^
See ya later ^_^ |
Comments (2) |
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Well today, I didn't do anything at all, except maybe study for my exam tomorrow....Dammit, it had to be at 8.00 am! That means I'll have to wake up early...what I pain I tell you haha...
But what's great about this exam is that we're allowed to have that "cheat sheet" thing. The cheat sheet is a A4 paper where you write everything you want on it, just on one side though, but that you can bring on the day of the test...Isn't that great? Anyway, I did so that I wrote as much as I could, meaning that I wrote really small lol...I hope it has enough info on it...but that doesn't mean that I won't study tonigh as well...better get prepared as much as I can don't you think? ^_^
Well except doing that cheat sheet thing, I didn't do anything else...maybe sort a little my anime pic on my comp...I wanted to make a dis cleanup, but I think it'd have taken too long, and I'm not really the patient type lol ^_^
Oh yeah, new week mean new music...For J-rock today, you get to listen to Pierrot, my favourite J-rock band so far and the song is Mad Sky...Man I really love that song, well I almost love all Pierrot music. Kirito's voice( the singer) is really awsome ^_^...I got the PV of that song and it's really great...their costumes are really great ^_^...Anyway hope you enjoy the music too ^_^
Because it's been really boring, I decided to submit a new wallpaper. It's Dark from DNAngel...well what can I say, it's still a bigger version of a pic that I turned into a wallpaper haha...but I kinda like it...Dark's gaze is really awsome, hope you like it too ^_^
Actuall work conversation

Well White Ninja is still not here, but enjoy this one instead...What a fake don't you think? lol ^_^
Guy pic

Well a fanart of Sasuke from Naruto that I found God knows where lol...I don't remember but it's really a cool piece of art, the body tone is really great made ^_^
Quizz of the day
Well that's it guys....hope you enjoy the music, the new comic and the pic too ^_^
See ya later ^_^ |
Comments (4) |
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Ok to aswer some of your questions, I don't know but I think I'll only be able to post every now and then when I'll be going back home, because back there, you just don't know how expensive the Internet is...so yeah, I'll try to come and visit at least once a week like last time.....And I see that you actually want to know where I'm from? Well I'm gonna tell you that when it'll time for me to go home, cause I think it'll take some time to explain it in details so yeah, I'm gonna prepare a speech for you guys lol...So as for now, it's a secret haha ^_^
Anyway, last night we watch the whole 1st DVD of Fruits Basket...haha we were supposed to watch only half of the DVD (3 episodes), but it seems that my bro has developped a linking to it lol...he just kept on telling me "one more", "one more", until we watch the whole DVD lol....Well I read the manga, so I know what'd happen, but it's still really hilarious....^_^
Then, because we ended up sleeping late, I had trouble to wake up and as a result, I didn't get to see Batman this morning. Oh yeah and there isn't Avatar anymore as well....dammit just when it was starting to become really interesting.....
Today, we went to see Doom...it was R16....my bro just knows that I'd have trouble if I was the one to go pick up the tickets, but no, because it's "my turn" to go take it, I had to go....As a result, the girl asked me my ID when I told her that I was 20 lol...I knew that she wouldn't believe...Well if you ask me, if I was under 16 trying to sneak into a movie like that, I'll just say that maybe I was 17 or 18, not all the way to 20 lol...Oh well haha ^_^
The movie was really great, lots of action and blood everywhere haha, sometimes there were some fun part, so the whole room was laughing ^_^...I got a scaredy cat next to me too, she was almost all over her boyfriend....what a wuss lol ^_^

Did you get it? It's as if he got robbed everyday lol....
Well like I told you in the previous post, I think there isn't any fun White Ninja that I didn't post, so I'm gonna wait for new ones to come out, so for now, enjoy my random comics ^_^
Guy pic

Yet another great Korean artist that I found on the Internet...I guess that the artist is a she cause she draws almost only guys haha...anyway, her art is really great and if you want to see more of her art, go to her site, believe me you won't be disappointed ^_^
Quizz of the day
What Military Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
Well that's it...on the coming week, I'll be on my exams...one paper for each day for at least 2 hours....I better start study a little then lol ^_^
See ya later ^_^ |
Comments (2) |
Friday, November 11, 2005
Well while I was still sleeping this morning, there was this voice coming from the fire alarm I think saying that they'll be doing some tests....damn it scared the crap out of me hahah...then I had no other choices than to wake up...well my bro and I had to go somewhere so it was somehow a good thing that I was up lol ^_^'
Well in fact, we had to go the the airline company to confirm our ticket when we'll be going back to our homecountry....It's now done and I can tell you that I'll be gone the 7th December at 02.30pm....ahhhhh I just can't wait to go back home....I'm so bored in here lol....^_^
Then, when we were done with that, I went to the library and did some work...then I noticed that my bro no only did he suck my internet credits(see previous post for details), he also used all my printing credits and then when I had to print something I didn't have enough....damn him, I want to punch him so bad!
Then went to Borders and read Evangelion 2-5, and the manga of The Cat Returns....pretty cool stuff. And then went back to the library, finish my work (YAY!), fill up my printing credit and print out some lectures that I'll need for my finals next week.....and here I am writting now.....
Dang, I'm so tired, I just wanna go home....
White Ninja is a sculptor

I've run out of good White Ninja's comics, I'll be searching for other ones to replace it for a couple of days....
Guy pic

Yet another great fanart of Harry Potter....Dman it look really identical as the real deal....
Quizz of the day

DragonballZ Character are you?
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I change my music like usual, now you can hear the band, or rather duo Frou Frou with their song "Must be dreaming"...The duo is actually just a guy making the music and the girl who sings, we found about this duo when searching for AMVs....anyway, their songs are really cool, the girl's voice is just amazing...hope you like it too ^_^
Well that's it...nothing else around here...Oh yeah the Be Cool DVD came out, I can't wait to buy it for me too, that movie is too hilarious, especially because The Rock is playing a gay bodyguard lol....really great ^_^
See ya later ^_^ |
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
Anybody here...?
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