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Friday, October 7, 2005
What the..?!
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
A complete makeover...
Well I know I said that I was going to do a Hellsing theme to match the Halloween season, but I got a change of heart in the last minute and decided to go for a Dogs one...Man this manga is not that famous, cause well it barely reached vol2 so far, but heck check out this art, it's so awsome that I wanted to make a theme of it....Ok, the guy on the background is Haine and the other one with the long hair is Badou...Ummm because the story didn't go really far(just chap1 of Vol2..), all I can say about these two is that Haine is somehow unkillable, well he got shot several times and is still alive and Badou is the coward type...but take off all his smokes and he becomes a badass with guns lol...There are 2 other characters(a middle-aged guy and a woman), but these 2 are just my favourites...try to guess why lol ^_^'
Anyway, by doing this theme, I took the opportunity to completely change my whole site...Now the bg pic doesn't move, I changed the color of the text and links....It's so weird to see my site all red...I'm not really into red that much, but I'll deal with it...But man that was a hard one to do...Because I don't have super softwares like photoshop, all I could use was Paint and Photo Editor, so yeah...it was really hard, especially when you make the pic in jpeg, the red becomes all crappy...I had to convert them in png, the pic is better looking but the file is so big...that was a really hard theme to do lol...Oh yeah, and did you see ? I even changed my welcome note lol...Well I think it fits pretty much the halloween theme...hope you like it too ^_^
Well, today, I did nothing really, but let me tell you when I posted for today...as I was writting my post in the library of school, a girl comes and tells me that she booked the computer...Dang! I had to get off the comp and hunt for another one...And I was ready to give you the last 2 stories of the doujinshi...but not anymore, I'm not in the mood anymore...So if you missed yesterday's stories, go check them out, they're just further below...oh yeah and go check out my art too...you'll see details on my previous post...so go read it! No I'm just kidding...^_^
White Ninja and the mask
Duo pic
Well to fit today's post, I decided to post a fanart from the artist of Dogs: Miwa Shirou....There you can see Reno and Rude from Final Fantasy VII...Man I really like the way the guy draws it's so awsome ^_^
Well that's it for today...hope you like my new theme, it's the first time I do so much for a new theme, usually I just change the bg pic of my site and text lol...
See ya later ^_^ |
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Hey there people...well I've been thinking for my next theme...maybe I'll do a Hellsing one, cause y'know...it's almost Halloween, so I better make a theme that'll match that...jigglyness, I hope that you don't mind me copying your theme....^_^'
Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that yesterday...I dropped my cellphone too...Dang it that's something that shouldn't hit the floor....Hopefully I was at Borders that time and there was carpet everywhere so nothing happened to my cellphone...phew...carpets are a life-saver lol...Well when I told my bro about it, he said that his friend and one of our cousin often do that too...I mean, when you're sitting and check out you cellphone, don't you forget sometimes that you actually left it on your lap...?And when you get up...a disaster happens...? So much for memory lol ^_^' It often happened with my old cellphone...I even lost the vibration because of it lol ^_^
Well nothing to tell at all today...I think that my luck is a bit better today, I didn't drop anything...lol ^_^
I tried to 'train' myself to wake up early or I won't be able to do it when school comes back, but I can't pull it out yet lol...I still sleep tigh after turning off my alarm clock lol...
Then, after getting up I did some lil homework and head straight to Borders where I read vol2-5 of Trigun Maximum....
Oh yeah...before I forget to mention it...I submitted a new fanart...I think it's the best one that I ever made so far....Would you believe me that at first it was so awful that I almost threw it...? Please go check it out ^_^
Ok...there's nothing left for me to tell...so let's head for the doujinshi...All you Sesshy-lover, you'll be greatly served today, as he's in both of them...
KAGOME, KAGOME 2(you'll get to see how his scar on his forhead was created lol ^_^)
The mystery is now clear...haha poor Sesshoumaru...no wonder he hates his brother...lol ^_^
PRIVATE OPINION(the best part ever !)
haha that's really is the greatest story in the doujinshi...Who wouldn't want to switch place with Rin eh..? lol
Well these pages where some fill in pages that were inside the doujinshi...I'm sure you'll want these ^_^
Shesshoumaru and Rin
Whew...That was a lot of 'a href' codes to make lol...anyway, hope that you like those ^_^
White Ninja goes to the farm
Girl pic
For a change...a sexy girl lol ^_^
Ok the artist calls himself/herself(I don't know the gender) Carnelian...and his/her art is quite good...Enjoy the pic ^_^
Quizz of the day
Your Mood Ring is Light Blue
Emotions mixed
haha this quizz is really funny and simple to take ...have fun ^_^
Well that's it for today...I wanna say thanx again for the hits....please go vote for my piece of art, I need votes and I'll try to make the next theme ready for the next couple of days ^_^
See ya later ^_^ |
Comments (2) |
Tuesday, October 4, 2005
Well guys, sorry that I didn't post yesterday...Let me explain what happened...Well now, with the daylight saving thing, I get to post later than usual, so when I went to the library to look for a free post, it turned out that there were none...As I'm not the patient type, I thought, doesn't matter, I won't post today...Then, when I headed out of the library, I just saw one that was just came out free...I decided to go back there and use the comp...BUT! before I arrived to it, another guy just got before me...so yeah, I got no luck, so I went back to read more Initial D...But you just didn't miss anything special, so it doesn't matter...
Oh yeah, and yesterday too, as I was running to cross the road, my mp3 player fell on the road! Dammit how embarrassing..the lid to the battery actually came off too, so I had 2 parts lying somewhere on the road....Hopefully the most important one(the memory stick) fell pretty close to me and there were no road coming, so I had time to pick it up before a car arrived...Then for the lid, I had to go back to the sidewalk and I found it next to the gutter...Lucky that it didn't fell into it, and it was pretty simple to put it back together....I sure don't have lots of luck lately lol ^_^'
Well, today, I decided to do the laundry...Hell with my bro, it's supposed to be his turn, but I was sure he'll came up with lame excuse like "You're the one staying late in the room, why don't you do the laundry?" and that's exactly what he did...*sigh* he always finds a way to leave all the chores to me...it's really annoying.....Well I did it anyway, but then, another proof that I got no luck at all : when it was time to put the laundry to the dryer, I put in one that actually doesn't work(the thing you place the coins in didn't work...), so I had to take all out and put it into another one...then I thought that this one had the same problem like the first one, so I changed it for the second time...But then I realized that the one that didn't work was the one I put the laundry into, so I had to change it back...Gosh that was hard lol ^_^'
Well that's about all the lil bad stuff that happened to me the last 2 days....
Anyway, it's time to change my music, now it's 'Tomo' from the Azumanga Daioh anime who's singing "Poi Poi Peace"...it's really a really entertaining song for me and I really enjoy listening to it...hope you like it too ^_^
Now, for the next 2 stories of the Inu Yasha doujinshi:
SESSHOUMARU-SAMA AND ME(that's for all Sesshy lover around here lol)
Well that's it for that, yeah the stories are only 2 pages long, but it sure is funny lol ^_^...More to come tomorrow .....
White Ninja and the chinese pug
....Very cute indeed .....lol ^_^'
Oh yeah, before I go on, one thing that I have to thank you for:
Thank you all for the 1800 hits...^_^
Guy pic
Ok here's another piece of art that I really like...from the artist Azumi Tohru....she also did some Gundam Wing fanart too that were really cool..but I just like that guy's face...^_^
Quizz of the day
Slow and Steady
Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy.
They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.
It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment.
They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it.
Well that's it for today...Hey I actually had some stuff to tell today....what a miracle lol...
Oh yeah...crap before I forget again, I wanna chang my theme because it's a new month...but I gotta admit that I'm kinda blank of idea..any interesting theme you'd like to see ? Give me your opinion....
Well now that's really it....hope you like the pics and enjoyed reading that doujinshi...see you later ^_^ |
Comments (4) |
Sunday, October 2, 2005
Stupid me...
Well I almost forgot that it was that daylight saving thing and I was about to post at 4pm...then I realized that I have to wait till 5 to do it...hopefully I noticed it in time, or I'll post before the time lol ^_^'
It's raining again around here...it's been a while I've seen the sun shine for a whole day here....*sigh*....lol ^_^'
Anyway, well yesterday night I slept kinda late...I don't really know at what time, but maybe around 1.30 or 2 am...Well you see, there was that movie "Twins" on TV...yeah the one with Arnold Scharzenegger(is that spelled right?) and Dany DeVitto playing the twin brothers...haha if you never saw this movie, you don't know what you've been missing, it's really great...Just to say that DeVitto and Arnold are twin brothers is already really funny, seeing as how much they look alike lol ^_^ Well, I had fun watching that movie and I woke up at 11am because of that lol...it's really a good thing that I'm on a break or I'll really be in trouble lol ^_^'
Oh yeah, before I forget ...I changed my music if you didn't notice it yourself...well today's J-rock day so it's a band named Lead and the music is 'Night Deluxe'...I find it really cool to listen, even though it's not really like my favourite type of music...it's surprising how the rythm can be catchy lol ^_^...Well hope you like it too ^_^
Well then, I can see that you're all interested in seeing that Inu Yasha doujinshi that I got..so there it is as I promised....Oh yeah, they're just some lil stories, and I decided to post for today only the 2 first, the next post I'll post some more, so if you want to see them all, you'll have to wait the following days....nyahahaha yeah I'm so evil lol ^_^ (I'm just too lazy to post them all at the same time lol)...Anyway...here are the two first stories...I'll make some links to lead you to the pages, or my post will really become big lol ^_^
That's the first story
Well now, because some of you wanted to see Sesshoumaru, I decided to post the second story as well...You'll get to see his younger version in here
KAGOME, KAGOME (you'll understand why this is the title)
Well that's it for today...I'll post some again tomorrow...bear it till then lol ^_^
White Ninja waits for the bus
Guy pic
Well with the Inu Yasha doujinshi, I decided why not post a Inu Yasha pic as well? ...Anyway, I really like how they were drawn, they look way better that way lol...hope you like it too ^_^
Quizz of the day
Your Japanese Name Is... |
Yoshino Minase
Well that's it for today, I hope that you enjoyed read the doujinshi and listened to the music as well....^_^
See ya around ^_^ |
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
Well today, after watching yet again Avatar, Batman and the Justice League, I came to the library and visit you guys that I didn't yesterday night....
I found a funny lil doujinshi of Inu Yasha, it seems to me that it was drawn by the artist of Hana Kimi, so yeah the art is pretty great, especially the guys turned out pretty well lol ^_^'
Well if you're interested, I could post some part of the doujinshi here if you want to see it, so what do you think of it?
In that manga, the artist came up with an idea of how Sesshoumaru came up wit that moon scar on his forehead, you wouldn't guess how, unless you saw it...really funny lol ^_^
Well then, after that, we went to the movie and saw the Dukes of Hazzard (I thought that hazzard was spelled hazard...until now lol ^_^')...Anyway, this movie is really great, it's so funny, if you didn't see it, you should cause you won't be disappointed...And Willie Nelson as 'Uncle Jessie' really did a great job, he always says funny jokes lol...well if saw the movie you know what I'm talking about ^_^
Did I tell you that I'm done with my report? Now I have 3 more to go..YAY...-_-...man that's so annoying...Heck I don't work on weekends! I'll do it starting from monday...now I just relax and enjoy my break lol ^_^
Oh yeah, tomorrow, we'll change our time, one more hour on the clock...Now I'll have to upload at 5pm instead of 4pm...damn it's getting later and later....-_-'
White Ninja stands too close
Girl pic
Ok, this is a pic from the artist named 'Dehzen'....man I really like her art(I supposed she's a woman, I don't know...)...it's really looks like a real person...hope you like it too ^_^
Quizz of the day
Well then that's it..glad that you like the music too ...See ya ^_^ |
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Friday, September 30, 2005
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
Somehow a cool day
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Still as boring...
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