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I created a good story (I think)

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I watched Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z quite a long time ago

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Too many to tell

Be able to draw my own manga...

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Sunday, May 14, 2006
Sorry for not being there...
Well sorry guys that I wasn't on for the last couple of days, I know that lately I'm not on anymore on week ends....
Well Friday, I just couldn't help it. Some family we've got around here in New Zealand invited us to dinner, because my uncle and aunt went to their house to pay them a visit.
Before that I had class, thanx to some people who didn't bother come, we didn't have class, so we're behind schedule...Then, we had a meeting with our client, I was there first cause my class wasn't that far from the meeting place, and thanx to my team members I spent a whole hour alone with the sponsor because they didn't show up at the time. Well at least I was able to figure out a little problem that I had with the spare time I had. So as a result, instead of a one-hour meeting I got 2hours...well it's not like I had anything else to do anyway lol...
Then, I headed home and my bro told me that our relatives called while I was still at school, well it's not my fault it lasted longer than we had to wait a little longer than previewed. When they finally called back, we had to wait for them to come pick us up.....under the cold rain of fall...oh joy....-_-...I was practically freezing out there. Then, when they finally showed up, we went to eat at KFC.
At first we headed to the usual place they were used to, but when we arrived, it wasn't there we headed for another store, a bit farther...Then, we finally enjoyed our KFC and headed to the relatives' house. We said hi to our uncle and aunt, talked a bit with them (man it's been a while I didn't talk that much lol) and then partied. When it was time to eat, I was completely full because of the KFC, but I still tried to at least eat something, that was really hard lol ^_^'
Then, more party, singing and playing guitar, and then we went back home at 10.00pm. That was all that happened on Friday...what a long day, I didn't get to do my workout for that day, but hey, not my fault I wasn't there...
Then, Saturday, my uncle and aunt told us that if there were to got to the flee market that day, they would call us...We waited all morning for the call, but nothing. Also my cousin, who's here with her dance band, told me that she wanted to spend the day with us, and so she told me that she'd call us for that(because she doesn't have a cellphone, we can't phone her...). She didn't call, so we thought that she wouldn't come, so we went to eat chinese outside for lunch and then around 3.00pm, we headed as usual for the movies. And when the movie started, guess who called? My cousin....nice timing girl.....She then said that she'd call back after the movie would end....we waited all night long, no one phoned...oh well, maybe next time.
Today's Sunday. Because my bro slept early on Saturday night, I was able to enjoy a DVD on my own....i was fed up to wait for him to watch it.I mean, when we want to watch a DVD, he asks me what I want to watch, I told him that I wanted to watch the movie "Shadow Skills"...he says no and chooses another movie....What's the point then in asking me? So I watched the movie on my much better...
If you're interested, Shadow Skill is like a fighting anime. Lost of combat and stuff. There's a series of it too, but I never saw it, so I can't really tell you what's it's really about, but if you want, Shadow Skills is the best martial art ever and Elle Ragu is the heir of that art. She then trains her adoptive brother. The Shadow Skill was created by slaves when they had to fend for themselves. Because they had their hands tied, so they could only fight with their legs.....Cool stuff ^_^
Well I watched the first part of that movie, then because it was getting late, I slept at 12.30am. The next morning, before I knew it, my brother was already in my room on the computer, he really doesn't lose time. I closed my door last night to not disturb him, and the least he could do was to wait for me open the damn door !...oh well, I think I should've locked it if I wanted some peace and quiet.....
I spent my time watching TV, I watched Crocodile Hunter Diary and World's Craziest movies...Glad that these get aired on TV every sunday, or I'd be completely bored.....-_-'
When I wanted to post, I went to see my brother in my room, and he tells me "So we're going to the groceries?" Man he really is annoying...I mean it was almost 3.00pm and he wants to go out? Yeah right, I'd rather go in the morning and then I'm done for the day. No, HE adapts his time, when he got nothing else to do on the internet (msn and stuff)....So in the end, we didn't go, and I had to piss him off so that he'd leave me on the computer, or he'd be able to spend his whole day on it. Now he gone out, thank God he's not here anymore....Man I can't wait to go home, because living with him is really too much -_-'
On a better note, as you can see, I finally changed my theme with a Final Fantasy Advent Children one. The DVD should come out about the 23rd May this month, so that's kinda why I made a theme out of it....So how do you like it? I tried to put every one on it, so that there wouldn't have any jealous lol...Hope you like it, even though the background is a bit blurry...not my fault if the picture is that way in the first place ...
New music as well, Jrock with the singer Kozi and his song Honey Vanity...I really like that song, it's really soft and relaxing, hope you like it too ^_^
White Ninja is interrupted by charity
Guy pic

Well you should all recognize this guy...Edward Elric from the anime/manga Fullmetal Alchemist....This is his manga version...look a bit older in that one, don't you think? (taking from a calendar obviously)
Well that's it for today....that was actually a long post, hope you didn't fall asleep in the middle lol....Anyway, hope you like the new theme as well and the music too...
Tomorrow, I just got my team leader and he told me that the client wanted to see us so we're gonna have a meeting at 11.00...that's one hour less of relaxing at home -_-
See ya later ^_^ |
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Thursday, May 11, 2006
Trying to fix it up
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
The formal preview
Well today, we had to meet the teacher to talk about our far he says that we didn't give him enough documentation about what we did, he wants to see the different steps that we made to meet the final solution that we have done in the bothersome...I guess I'll have to focus even more for the last 3 weeks of school -_-'
Then, after that, I went to read at Borders, I read Harlequin (a manga adaptation of some harlequin novel), not the best of all mangas, but hey I don't have anything else to read...Then I also read Earthian, about angels debating about wether to let or destroy the human. For that, there are different groups that are to collect the pluses and minuses of the human behaviour....It's kinda original, but I would switch it with something better anytime ....
Then, went back home, watched TV, and .....that's pretty much it. I think I'll have to cook dinner as well while my brother is out at the gym....
Oh and on another note...I found out, while searching for J-rock musics on rotation sites, that Pierrot is officially disbanded......Man that just sucks...they were my most favourite band ever...why did they have to disband? I also hear that Jun and Aji were going to make solo projects as Kirito is doing right now....I hope they'll put up some good music then ^_^
White Ninja meets his editor
Guy pic

These 2 guys are from Yuu Watase's (Fushigi Yugi, Ayashi no Ceres...) one of the latest manga, Alice 19th...It's a 7 volumes long and well, it's pretty much the same storyline as any other manga from the same mangaka....Not to be mean or anything, but I'm really starting to grow tired of her stories, it just look all the same to me....And her art, of course it's really good, but the characters sometimes look always the same (as you can see)...
But anyway, in Alice 19th, words have powers, and if not careful with what you say, you can ruin someone's life or save him...well for some people anyway....that's pretty much a small description of the story...if you want to know more, well you just got to read it ^_^
Umm, glad that you peole like the music too ^_^
See ya later ^_^ |
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Tuesday, May 9, 2006
The presentation was crap
Well today we had our presentation, as expected there was one missing member, the one who's been missing for the longest....we didn't wait for him anymore, or point would've been deducted again...and because of us we are 2 lessons behind schedule -_-'
Anyway, like I said above, my presentation was all crap...Not only do I HATE speak, even worse in front of people in the first place, but then, I found out when I was doing my presentation that my part of the work wasn't the latest version of what I did, as a result, I didn't have all the information that I put in and I was completely lost of word....that's why I said that I completely did it wrong, I didn't speak that much too....thanx a lot -_-'
Well I think that as long as we got 50% it's all good to me, considering that some parts of the presentation was made on the spot too -_-'
Then after a crappy morning, I went back home, played with the GBA, relaxed a little on the bed while listening to music waiting for the time to go to the gym...what a great day that it....
On the gym, they were showing T2 again on TV, but this time there weren't any subtitles...nice, how can we follow the movie like that(there is music in the room so the movie was on mute). Anyway, I did a 40 minute work out (not that much I know, but I don't like to force myself...and beside I mostly do abs...doesn't take much time), then went back home take my shower and wash my hair...and here I am now.....
New music today, witht the opening song of the anime Beck, Hit in the USA....I just love that song, the rythm is just great...and don't you think that their english is just awsome (I think it's a japanese band - Beat Crusaders) ...I loved that song since the first time I heard it...hope you like the song too ^_^
White Ninja gives his son a practical gift
Group pic

Chiyo-Chan(orange hair), Osaka(the girl carrying Chiyo) and Chiyo-chichi as it is called(that yellow-ish thing) from Azumaga Daioh in, is that a scene from My neighbor Totoro...?
Well if you've never seen Azumanga, I HIGHLY recommend it to you guys, cause it's really serious, you just CAN'T watch it without laughing.
There are 6 schoolgirls in the show, and all of them represent a stereotype: The Hyper (Tomo), The Slow(Osaka), The Sporty(Kagura), The Silent(Sakaki), The Serious(Koyomi) and The Genius (Chiyo)...and you follow their really weird high school life lol...and you even got the not-so-serious teacher(Yukari-sensei) and the famous one with her students (Nyamo)....
You just can't describe it, but I can tell you this : TIS REALLY AN AWSOME ANIME, ABSOLUTELY WORTH WATCHING OVER AND OVER AGAIN. ^_^
Well that's it....tomorrow, we're going to have a meeting with the teacher to show him our progress in our project...hope it'll be better than today's presentation
See ya later ^_^ |
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Monday, May 8, 2006
I can update early for a change...
Well last night, we watched a local show, "top of the class", about NZ celebrities going back to school with a "mini me" of themselves...Their goal is to team up with that kid and win the prizes the kid wants to get. They got questionned about school stuff and they have 1 week every time to train before the exam. Then the best "students" along with their mini-me's compete against each other and if the adult can win, he get to make the kid win the prizes that he wants, if not...well too bad but the kid gets nothing....I don't know if the description I've given you makes sense, but it's really a funny show to watch ^_^
Then, we got to watch some episodes of Get far so good, I read the manga, but I think I reached where I didn't get in the manga, so it's really cool ^_^
This morning, I got up early because I wanted to go to the what a bother, because of that I got trouble getting back to sleep, and then when my alarm rang I didn't hear it until minutes later -_-....Well at least my class was at 12.00 so it wasn't a problem ^_^
In class, we talked about what was done so far with the project....and about the little meeting we'll have to do with the teacher on wednesday...We still got 3 weeks of class to go, and then I'll be done with school...oh yeah I just can't wait ^_^
Then, I went to read manga at Borders...nothing really interesting left to read...nothing new came in store right now so I got to read some mangas that I don't even remember the name anymore lol ^_^' ...Well at least I got SOMETHING to read, so I won't complain lol
Back home, I was able to hold the computer before my brother does, so now I'm able to post early while he's stuck watching TV....well Fairy Olparents are on, so it's cool ^_^
White Ninja nees to upgrade his cassete desk
Girl pic

A fanart of a sexy grown up Sakura from Naruto....I didn't get that picture, my brother did -_-'...but heck, it's really awsome, the art is really good, and she actually looks like Sakura ^_^
Well that's about it for today...still working on that new theme of mine, I'm trying to figure out which pics to use, but I'm almost done with it ^_^
See ya later ^_^ |
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Sunday, May 7, 2006
Boring week end...
Well sorry for not updating yesterday, but I bet you know the reasons by now....-_-
Anyway, I didn't do anything so it's not a great loss either least I got to visit you guys, well those of you who bothered visit me anyway ^_^'
Ummm...yesterday, we went to the movies like the usual, we saw MI3 and it was really great, awsome movie, lots of action...What kinda pissed me off though was that we were given seats (because it's a new movie) and I was seated near a couple. Not only was it a couple (I can't stand it when they go all lovey-dovey in front of me -because my bf isn't there lol-), but because for almost no reason at all, the girl was all scared and alway hold her bf's arm....the movie wasn't even scary...stupid -_-...But I still got to enjoy the movie ^_^
Oh yeah, I bought the Azumanga girls figures...some of them don't stand right well (can't expect much from the price anyway lol -$40 for the 6 of them-) but it's still cool to have them ^_^
Today, well it was even more boring, because I litteraly had nothing to do...My brother was all the time on the computer, I watched TV (luckily there was Crocodile Hunter and The world's craziest videos on so it was kinda cool )...oh and they were airing Look who's talking too.. man it's been ages I saw that movie ^_^ funny ^_^
Then, we went shopping groceries today, at last, we were short of food in our room bro actually bought us some chocolate mousse as a he can be nice if he wants lol ^_^
New music, Pierrot with Psychedelic Lover...nice chorus in that song, like it...I even got a remix of that song, and it's really funny too..well anyway hope you like the song...
By the end of next week by the way, I'll be puting on my new theme, so watch for it ^_^
White Ninja doesn't read emotions well
Guy pic

This is Van from the anime GunXSword, or as he calls himself Van of the Dawn. Just check out how he eats his steak...lots of sauce on it, and he puts LOTS of it...He's actually a good fighter too despite his looks and is the pilot of an armor...
Well we've just started to watch it, my bro just got the first 2 epidodes downloaded and it's pretty cool so far, lots of action ^_^
Well that's it for today...look out for the new theme and hope you like the song ^_^ |
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Friday, May 5, 2006
The presentation is postponed....
Well as you can read it in the title, our group didn't get to pass today for the presentation...wanna know why? Because 2 of our team members didn't bother to come to class today....As a result, the teacher accepted to make up go next tuesday, but at some conditions:
-either the 3 of us got 10% penalty of the total score and the 2 other 20%
-or all of us got 20% penalty
-or we could still pass today but the 2 that weren't there were going to have no marks. In a way I wasn't against that one, but because the team leader wasn't there too, and she was the one who made most of the work, so I didn't think it was fair to her. The other member wasn't here for the longest time, so I don't really care about him anymore.
Well, as a result, we didn't do our presentation today, when we'll do next week, we'll have a penalty...oh joy -_-'
Today's class was at 8.00 this morning, put my alarm at 7.00, stayed in bed until about 7.40 lol...luckily, the teacher from that morning class is pretty cool, so I didn't run into trouble, and I live at only 10-15 minutes walk from school, so it's not a real great problem lol ^_^
After that class, went back home, my brother wasn't here surprisingly (but he came back not long after I went myself, so my freedom didn't last long lol ^_^'), I visited you peole, and then, I left my place to my bro, or he'd just stay behind me all the time (you can guess that he's telling to get outta here lol ^_^'). Played a little with the GBA, got pissed at it, turned it off and went for a little nap ^_^
When I woke up, stayed again a little on my bed, then I headed to the gym...Now I think I'll mostly work on my abs ^_^
And...that's it with my oh-so-eventfull day lol ^_^
Good thing White Ninja ran into that turtle

Nice butt White Ninja ^_^ ...I like it when he releases his butt lol ^_^
Group pic

A group pic with 5 of the Shinigami captains from the anime/manga Bleach....I remember the names of only Byakuya, Hitsugaya and Kenpachi, the other 2 I don't remember -_-'...Anyway, I assume that you people know what that anime/manga is about, so I won't blab about it ^_^...Just enjoy the pic ^_^
Well that's it for today...It's so great to know that you'll have a penalty on a presentation, don't you think haha ^_^'
See ya later ^_^ |
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Thursday, May 4, 2006
No school again today
Well like every thursday, I didn't have class today, but still got to get out of the room because of the housework....
So woke up around 8.00 but still stayed in bed until 9.00...I just love to be lazy lol...Then, I went to school, I had to work on a presentation that we'll have to do, not in front of everyone, but in front of our 'client' who's another student group..(this presentation isn't the same class as my project group I talked about previously)....So, I did that for about 1hour, then when I had enough of it, I just got out and went for some reading at Borders....I read Chinwoo, a pretty cool manwha and DearS vol 4-5....
Then, I went back home, watched TV, played with the life is so full of events....
I changed my music today....with the ending song of the anime Shoping arcade Abenobashi, the title is Anata kokoro ni (if I'm not mistaken, that means In your heart)....That song is really relaxing and is sang by the singer Megumi Hayashibara, voice actress of Rei of Evangelion....hope you like the song too ^_^
White Ninja is stuck with a purse
Girl pic

This is Lucy from the anime Elfen Lied....Well I watched the first episode of that anime, so I can't really tell you what it's about, but I can tell you that it's really cool....if you like anime with lots of blood, that's the stuff you HAVE to the first episode she spills the blood of many people ^_^ cool lol ^_^
Note: Remember last post's pic? KitsuneTsuki, in fact they are both's not a guy lol...sorry I didn't told it sooner lol ^_^'
Well that's it...hope that you got a better day than mine....and I hope that you're enjoying the new music too....
Oh yeah, almost forgot, I think it's time to change my any ideas for that?
That's it now...see ya later ^_^ |
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Wednesday, May 3, 2006
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Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Pretty tired right now...
Hey I actually was able to visit you people...thanx to the computers at school, and being back to school lol...
Ummmm....anyway, last night, my bro went to his Korn concert, so I spent my time reading manga scans on the computer, then watched the Sunday movie, which was 40 days and 40 nights....
It's about a guy who couldn't get over his ex-girlfriend, so then for the Lent, he decided to not have sex or anything related to it, for 40 day..that was a pretty funny movie, especially when you see the guys friends betting that he won't make it, and then, try to make him crack so that they win the bet lol...that's pretty funny...
After that movie, I was so bored, that I watched a DVD, it was a Ghibli movie, Pom Poko, about how Japan's environment changed and how the raccoon copped with that....a really touching movie about what the human are doing to the environment.....
During that movie, my bro called me cause he didn't have a way of coming back home, there were no taxis near the stadium where the concert was held. He told me he tried to call a taxi from his cellphone but it didn't work (I know what he meant, I tried once too and it didn't work....really weird), so he asked me to call for one on the fixed phone at home.....
The first time I tried, I got through, but the reception girl was so far from being friendly...I asked for a taxi to go pick him up and she just answered me that she couldn't send a taxi there cause there were too many people out there, and the taxi might get taken by someone else.....or something like that, she was talking so fast that I didn't really understand what she said....thanx for the help really -_-'
Then, because there still wasn't any taxis, my bro called me once again....I tried once again to phone the taxi last the woman was cool....I could understand better and asked for my bro's cellphone to get details from him, so all was good.....
When it was the end of my movie, my bro arrived, he told me that he found a taxi and when he was already in the taxi, he told me that the woman called him if he needed a taxi....well that's too complicated....
Well because of that, I slept around 1.00, because I turned off the computer around 12.40,and I actually take some time to really sleep....
Then, today, my class started at 8.00...slept around 1.00 and had to wake up at 7.00, that's a lot of sleep lol -_-'
Anyway, today's class was kinda cool, or rather boring, there was nothing to do, so I went on the computer and visited you guys lol...that's educational lol ^_^'
When I went home, my bro was on the computer like always. Luckily for him, he didn't have class so he could take it easy....I went on my bed, listened to music and fell asleep....Around 2.00pm, I went to the gym for my workout....So now I'm pretty much tired, I think that I'm gonna sleep well tonight lol ^_^
New music today, a bit late but still....Pierrot with their song Labyrinth....Man it's been a while since I listened to that song...but it's still really a cool song...hope you like it too ^_^
White Ninja is sensitive

What a sensitive guy lol ^_^'
Duo pic

Saber(the blonde) and Rin from I the video game Fate Stay Night....I never played that game, but we got to know that game because the artwork is really cool, well you can't deny it right ^_^...I heard that they were doing an anime adaptation of that game...I'm sure that it's really great ^_^
Well that's about it...last night and today was pretty busy...for once lol....At last I got to do something out of my days lol....
Anyway, hope you like the song...See ya later ^_^ |
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