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In the 3rd planet of the Solar System
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I watched Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z quite a long time ago

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Too many to tell

Be able to draw my own manga...

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Monday, April 17, 2006
Another day doing nothing but stare at the TV
Well the title says it all....I wanted to get out of the room today, but then I was caught because they were showing Mrs Doubtfire on TV...Man even though that movie is quite old, I still like it very much, Robin Williams really is funny....But it seemed like they took off the part where he's learning how to cook, where he's dancing while doing the housework (if you saw that movie, maybe you know which part I'm talking about).....Well, I thought that something was missing when I watched it, just in the end that I realized....I wonder why they took it off.....
Oh yeah, after that, I was quite surprised to see that they were showing again Crocodile Hunter....I wonder if they'd show it everyday...? That'd be cool ^_^
Ummmm...well because you see that I had a [not so] wonderful day, I just did [not] do lots of yeah, it was quite boring.....But either tomorrow or wednesday, we should be having a meeting with our sponsor for our project, so I guess that I'd at last have something to do then.....cause now I'm just getting bored, and maybe the only thing I do to waste time is play with my bro's GBA.....what fun -_-' (I hope that your days a better than mine at least)
White Ninja's revenge

Now that's what I call getting even lol....^_^
Girl pic

That's Natsuki from MAI Hime, if I remember her name well....Well she's one Hime with powers...well the story's complecated to explain, but lets just say that she's Mai's main rival (either for the Hime thing and for love)....I read the manga, and it's quite cool, not one of the Must Read, but still nice to have ^_^
Anyway, I think that that pic is just funny...just look at her pose, showing her butt and all lol.....I think that she wants to seduce her guy lol ^_^
Last thing, new music, still with Pierrot and this time it's Barairo no Sekai....I think that they used that song for an opening or ending of Get Backers....well now you know it, Pierrot sing that song ^_^ Hope you like it, their songs are just so original ^_^
Well that's about it.....see ya around ^_^ |
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
Easter .....without chocolate....what joy...
Well as you can read it, we didn't get our chocolate for bro just kept on saying "Tomorrow" and now, today as Easter, all the shops are closed, so we didn't get any chocolate....that's maybe the 3rd year like that....nice one bro....
Anyway, today, woke up around 9.30 but I just wanted to stay in bed, cause well it's I did, then my bro turned on the computer like the usual (can't he just leave me alone for once -_-).....So my day just ended up being in front of the TV all along.....But there were that show "Crocodile Hunter diaries" today, about animals at the Australia was pretty cool, so yeah....
Then, I was too bored, so I went to check on the shops in town...everything was just closed...I walked until the closest shopping mall, hoping that it'd be open (I just wanted to buy my chocolate)....when I arrived it was closed, so I turned around and went back home. On the way, I stopped at one of those convenient stores that were open and bought myself and for my bro junk food.....I think that's be substitute for the easter chocolate -_-
Went back bro was still on the computer, so I went to play video games in his room.....till a friend on mine sent me a nudge on msn....I was finally able to get on the she's gone so I can type that post freely lol ^_^
White Ninja spoils his little girl

What a nice dad spoiling his daughter......well not really lol....he got so cool stickers lol
Duo pic

That's Natsumi HINATA, a human girl, and Sergeant Keroro, a alien frog lol....and they are from the manga/anime Keroro Gunso or Sergeant Frog.....Man I tell you that this manga is just can't read it without laughing your lungs out lol..Because I was reading in at Borders, I tried to read it as silently as possible, but I tell you : it's HARD lol....
Ok the story's about Keroro, the alien that's been in charge of Pokepon's (earth in their terms) invasion. He was doing his duty, infiltrating the Hinata household when his cover was blown....So in the end, he ended up staying there and being in charge of house chores....It just gets funniers when his subordinates pop out and stay with him as well lol....well I just recommend you guy to read it, it's just HILARIOUS lol ^_^
Note: Natsumi isn't a half dragon by the way.....
Well that's about it...glad that you guy like the music.....and I hope that your Easter will end up better than mine.....sigh no chocolate for me this years either.....poor me just kidding ^_^
See ya later ^_^ |
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Saturday, April 15, 2006
Easter chocolate?.....yeah right
Well today, we didn't go to buy our chocolate? Why...? Because my bro found it better to spend his whole morning on the computer again!!!! I should know that I could never trust my brother anyway.....
So yeah, I ended up spending my time in front of the TV again....well that wasn't too bad in a way, I saw a nice show about the sharks and lots of stuff about them thay way.....But still I'm pissed....
Sorry, it's not really about that that I'm pissed it's just that I wrote my post before and because of something stupid it just got deleted, so now I got to write it all back again....oh joy to be me I tell you -_-'
Anyway, last night there were showing the 20th anniversary version of ET on's been a while I didn't see that movie and it was cool to see it again after a so long time ^_^....haaaaa, I'm starting to regain my cool now ......
Then, after that, my bro played his game till 1.20 because he was at the end of it and that he just forgot to save before he went on to a time where he couldn't anymore and that the only way was to defeat the big boss and end the game....I couldn't go to sleep ahead of him cause I was waiting for him to watch Robin on the computer....I tell you I spend my life waiting for him sometimes....-_-
New music's Red hot chili peppers with their song Scar Tissue.....Man that band just rocks ^_^
Ummmm....I wrote more on my previous post (that got deleted) but I don't seem to remerber what I wrote, but I got the important part back in a way I guess it's all cool.....Oh yeah and for some reason, myphotobucket album isn't working as well....I think that life is against me today T_T'
White Ninja's fluffy pillow

Well....that's just plenty gross....but in a way, isn't he recycling....? lol ....I know it's stupid ^_^'
Group pic

Ok from left to right: Henrietta, Triela and Rico from Gunslinger girl....3 apparently teenage girls but they are in fact cyborgs (they were really human at first but then they were turned into cyborgs) and are working as hitmen to kill bad guys around Italy....well the manga/anime is really cool and lots of action. These girls just got a really sad life and stuff...If you never saw/read it, I really recommend it to you cause it's really cool ^_^
Well that's it...I got lots of trouble writting that post but I finally got it....Glad that you people liked the work that I did on that pic, I don't know when I'll submit it, but I'll let you know ^_^
See ya then ^_^ |
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Friday, April 14, 2006
Umm today's friday....Good I didn't have to wake up at 7.00 to go to class...I got the day out yay...or so I'd like to that I won't have class for the next 2 weeks (because of the mid-semester break) I guess that my days are going to be even more boring than before....what fun that's gonna be -_-'
Anyway, today, woke up because my bro turned on the computer, stayed a bit longer lying on my bed, then when I finally got up, I wanted to go read at Borders, but when I turned the TV on, they were showing shows like Balto ( it's actually the first time I saw the begining of that show ^_^), Beethoven 4 (never saw it before, but it was really funny ^_^) and Little women (a film talking about the March's daughters, I saw it before but it was still nice to see it again ) yeah I ended up spending my day in front of the TV....oh well, now that I think about it, Borders shouldn't have been opened because it's a I'm glad I didn't go and make a fool of myself going there just to see a closed shop lol ^_^'
And because it's a holiday, the gym is also closed, so yeah I couldn't go there either....too bad, that could've been a thing to do.....oh well.....
Tomorrow, my bro proposed that we'd go a buy ourselves Easter chocolate....A 1kg big egg lol....can't wait, I just so love chocolate lol ^_^...well who wouldn't? haha
Oh yeah, about something other than boredom, I wanted to ask you something...I drew this pic based on KitsuneTsuki's story, and I just recently colored it...It's the first time I colored a pic, so it's a bit sloppy, for me anyway, but I just wanted to ask you people how you like it or if there's anything that could be improved...and then, when I'll be really done with it, I'll be submitting here on myO....
So here the pic, so tell me what you think of it ^_^...
White Ninja's new neighbor

Well...looks like he got those numchuks alright lol ^_^
Duo pic

Ummmm....those two are from the manga Loveless...sorry I can't seem to remember their names, considering that I read only the 1st volume of the manga and that I never saw the anime either.... I'm not really into yaoi stuff, but I can't deny that the art is just's really cool ^_^
Well that's it....I wish you all a Happy Easter and hope that you had more fun that me today ^_^'
See ya later ^_^ |
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Thursday, April 13, 2006
Ummmm today's thursday, and that means that I got the day off ^_^ ....And tomorrow's gonna be Good Friday, followed by our 2 weeks mid-semester break...oh yeah, that's so cool lol ^_^
Anyway, today, had to get out of the room because it's the housekeeping yeah I got out of the room, headed to the cafeteria at school to check if I got new emails, especially from my teamates, because today's the deadline for our report....nothing.....oookay, so then I headed to Borders, read Kamikaze vol1, pretty cool manga and lots of action too, there're lots of people slicing in there lol ^_^...and another book I don't remember....
Then, around 12.00pm, I went to check out if my team wasn't working on the report in one Open Lab...they were! So I went with them, did nothing, the leader did all the work like the usual, I just stayed there and listened to what she and another member were saying......when my phone rang...that was my brother, he forgot the room key so he can't go back in the room.....I told the leader that I needed to leave and that I'd come back....she said that I needn't come back cause they were gonna finish in just a bit anyway.....So yeah, today, my bro saved me lol...even though he made me wait quite a long time outside the building....damn him, after I agreed to come, he makes me wait!
Then, went back to the room, went on the bed, had nothing else to do but sleep again....gosh my life is so exciting -_-'
Oh yeah, sorry but you're gonna hear me again complain about my brother....what'd you do if you were me, here's the situation:
-You watch TV with your bro for at least 4 hours, watching Lost, Joey, 2 1/2 man and then him playing video games....
-When it's almost time to sleep, you head on the other room (mine) to watch Robin on YouTube and Endless Rain's XJapan's PV....
-When you start to go to sleep(around 12.50), your brother just stays on the computer because he wants to burn CDs he's gonna send to a friend overseas the next day....! What the heck?! Why didn't he do it, like when the computer did nothing but stay on screensaver mode, like 4 hours while we were on the other room watching TV.?! Damn, I wonder if he's not doing it on purpose !!!!!
This is what happened last night, so yeah....poor me lol ^_^'
White Ninja feels guilty

haha glad to see that some of you were actually missing that WN guy lol........Awwww it's not like he lost his time this time, he can't feel guilty.....
Guy pic

Onizuka from I read this manga till vol 23 and it's really great....But there are so much text that it's taking me almost 2.30h just to read one volume....but it's so great that I forgive it ^_^...if you never read it, I so recommend it to you it's just too great....I gusee you never hear it enough ^_^
By the way, I just love it when the characters are drawn like that, it's just too hilarious lol ^_^
Oh yeah, new music today...anime music with BoA singing Every Heart for one of the endings of Inu Yasha...BoA is so an amazing singer...hope you like it too ^_^
Well that's about it, starting from now, I'm gonna start enjoying my Easter vacation, along with my mid-semester break ^_^...that's so cool, I was waiting for the break, even though I like have only 2 classes a week, making it 8hours a week's so good to be on holiday ^_^
See ya later ^_^ |
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Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Well...whatever..., I had class at 12.00...woke up around 8.00, but stayed in bed till around 10.00 lol...I so like being lazy in my bed lol...
Anyway, today in class, our team leader didn't come to class, so the rest of us just got out earlier than previewed, but I still managed to do the work that I needed to do, so I think that's all good....^_^
Then, after class, went back home, ate a little (just toast -_-') and then headed back to the gym...I stayed longer than expected cause they were showing Terminator 2 on TV in the rooms, so while I was working out, I just watched TV and didn't really see the time running lol...It was the part when they were going to destroy the parts that were kept in that building...and Terminator just fired on the policemen...that's so cool even for an old movie lol ^_^
Went back home after that, and watched an episode of Avatar...and the episode just ended on the most interesting part....Why?!...guess we'll have to wait for next week's episode T_T
White Ninja and the biggest defense in the world

Well for those of you who actually sticked with me for a long time, you should remember that guy...Yes he's back for more of his stupid adventures lol
Group pic

The cast for the video games Disgaea, Laharl, Ena and the blonde I don't rememer her name, sorry....-_-'
Anyway, I heard that this game is just really great, at least for those of you who actually like RPGs...We played some other games from that same company who created that game(sorry the name doesn't come to mind), and it's really cool, as well as the art is original too ^_^
Well that's about it...tomorrow's a day off, maybe I'll go read the 3rd volume of the novel Vampire Hunter's been calling out to me for a long time now lol....
See ya later ^_^ |
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
So sleepy
Well last night I was supposed to sleep "early" cause I start early (8.00 am)...All was good at first, we finished to watch Robin on YouTube by 11.30-12.00, I started to sleep, then my bro started to watch the AMV we downloaded....Man does he do it on purpose?! So I ended up sleeping much later then....
I woke up at 7.00 because of my alarm I set, but then ended sleeping again....I woke up again at 7.40 ! And let me remind you that I start at 8.00.....Man I was so late to class, 25 minutes....hopefuly, the teacher doesn't scold people being late...heck, it's so rare that I come in late, and never absent, he can be lenient on me lol ^_^'
We worked on that report thing that is due thursday...the strange thing is, the team leader didn't give me anything to do for the report, she's just doing it by herself....makes me kinda uneasy...well as long that I'm "doing" it it's cool, but still......I then ended up doing some work on my other project class...php codes -_-...the evil is among us lol....
Then, went back home, ate some toast cause I didn't eat anything in the morning, went on my bed and fell fast asleep lol...I was supposed to go to the gym today as usual, but I was so tired that I didn't want to wake up....I ended up sleeping until now (4.30pm) that's a lot -_-' ...I'll try to go to the gym maybe tomorrow to catch up what I missed...I hope I'll find some time to go ^_^'

Well that's really a funny one...Fashion changes so much, who know's what's coming next huh lol
Duo pic

That's Count D and a siren from Petshop of Horror....The story is about a strange petshop down Chinatown who sells some strange animals, such as a siren, dragon egg, meduse and etc....Strangely, animals seem human to D's eyes but to some other people see them as animal only...But D has a weakness, he loves sweets, and when I say sweets, I talk about REALLY sweet things lol....Really cool and funny stuff there, and the art is really good too...So if you have the chance to read that manga, it's really cool ^_^
Well that's about it....I wonder what we're gonna eat tonight...? Isn't that the same question we ask each other everytime lol.....
See ya later
Man, I almost forgot that I had to change the music today.....ok the new music today.....because it's a Pierrot theme, for the J-rock music, I give you Cocoon from them....really cool and relaxing song I think, not one of those upbeat ones.....hope you like it ^_^
Now I'm done....See ya ^_^ |
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Monday, April 10, 2006
Well today's monday...I had to go to school at 11.00 instead of 12.00 because we had a meeting with our sponsor for our project assignement...
And there's something that pissed me off first thing in the morning...No today wasn't because my bro woke me up with the computer...He did come this morning but I was already awake, so it was cool...But the thing that totally pissed me off is when I asked my brother if I could go on the computer just once before I go, just to be able to check on my email if I didn't get any messages from my team leader for this morning's meeting (I wasn't sure if we actually had a meeting this morning so I wanted to check if he wrote me about it)...and guess what..? Well it was as if I asked to go and pick me up the moon! Dang, he didn't even answered me and moved an inch fromt the chair....I hate him when he's like that !
Anyway, so I went to school for the meeting, the leader and the sponsor were already there, but I wasn't the last one to arrive, so that's just cool...We talked about what we need to do, what stuff needs to be done for the website (you see, we're working on that actual website, as if we were real professionnals in the domain...kinda hard -_-)...
Then, at 2.00 it was the end of the class...we didn't work that long, we just went till 1.00 and then they all went out, but I stayed cause I was talking to my cousin on msn....well at least until I had to get out because it was the end of class...I filled up a little of credits for my phone and then headed to Borders....
I read:
- Last's a manwha that parodies RPG games....really funny I tell you lol ^_^
- and the last volume of Ultra Maniac, vol 5...It's a shoujo from the same mangaka of Marmalade Boy, and it's about a witch girl Nina coming from the Magic Kingdom to study abroad on Earth...There she meets her friends and lots of stuff happen to them, cause it happens that she's a complety fluckout in magic....or is she...? That's really funny with a touch of romance and of course, love triangles....Shoujo fans should enjoy it ^_^
Now, I'm home, I hope that my cousin will come back on msn tonight so that we can talk some more again...we never have enough talking to each other lol ^_^

Really it real or not?...But it looks like it's not even moving, just standing for the picture lol ^_^'...but even so......
Duo pic

This is second season of Jubei Chan...The first season was called JB and the lovely eye-patch, I got the DVDs of it and it's really cool, lots of action but really hilarious on the sides lol...but it's really enjoyable to watch it...The second season, I don't remember what it's called, but if you see the 1st series, you just want to see what's happening in that 2dn series.....Moreover, doesn't this pic makes you want to see it ? ^_^
Well that's it.....ummmm tomorrow, I'm gonna change my music...and well....nothing left to say...
See ya later then ^_^
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Sunday, April 9, 2006
Uneventful sunday
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Saturday, April 8, 2006
Pretty cool
Well today's saturday, and like any other saturdays, we got cartoons on TV in the morning....But I don't really watch them, I just wait for the series Unfabulous and Drake and's too funny
Last night, after watching an episode of Robin on YouTube, I was kinda tired maybe because I didn't sleep that well because my friend's message completely woke me up at I think 4.00am...Thanx a lot buddy....-_-'
But surprisingly, I didn't have that much trouble to wake up...maybe that's the miracle of not sleeping past 1.00 lol
Umm oh yeah, last night I was finally able to talk to my bf...dang it's been a whole month I tried to call him, but he's either not there or I end up wasting all my credits talking to my best friend (who happens to be his aunt too lol)...Well, but last night I was finally able to talk with it's been so long...I really miss him, especially the way he laugh's too funny...Of course he tells me that he loves me (in fact he always tells me sweet things) but why is it that I can't tell him the same? I don't mean that I don't love him, in the contrary it's just that the words won't come out...what the hell's wrong with me...? T_T
Anyway...sorry about the babbling above, it's just that I needed to let that out....ummmm new music, umm it's Chris Isaak with Wicked that's a pretty old song, but I really like it, it's like I practically grew up listening to that song, thanx to my parents lol..well hope you like it too ^_^
Oh and, today we went to the movies...we went and saw V for's really a pretty cool movie, lots of action and reflection into it, about the govermnent and stuff like that...really cool, if you didnt see it, I recommend it to you ^_^
Crazy fruit

After the crazy potato, it's the orange's turn ^_^
Group pic

Some of the best guys from the manga/anime Naruto...Uchiha Sasuke, Rock Lee, Hyuga Neji and Izumaki Naruto...They are so awsome all of them that it's kinda hard to pick a favourite....
Well that's about it, hope you like the new (well old) song and the pics ....^_^
See ya later ^_^
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