Birthday 1985-10-16 Gender
Female Location In the 3rd planet of the Solar System Member Since 2004-05-10 Occupation Student by default Real Name Why should you know...?
Achievements I created a good story (I think) Anime Fan Since I watched Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z quite a long time ago Favorite Anime Too many to tell Goals Be able to draw my own manga... Hobbies I like drawing for fun Talents Drawing I guess katocool
Friday, October 1, 2004
I'll work hard that you told me who you want to be on your buttons, I'll do them and I'll tell you as soon as I'm finished with them ^_^
Then I'll upload on my intro too ^_^
Well nothing else really important to life is so boring as usual...
So I'm gonna ask you a question...:
You people watch Nickelodeon's cartoons? They really rocks ^_^...
Which is your favourite one? I like Spongebob Squarepants ...and lately on TV, they've been showing the firsts episodes...I never saw them before...but they really rock as usual ^_^
Well I'm gonna visit you people now ^_^
Maybe another quiz too: You are Water
You are a Helper. you like things to be orderly and serene like the ocean. You tend to think a lot but you seem to have a lot of spare time, you are cool in many situations but can loose control. People like having you around.
Water is compatible with Electricity.