Yeah....again this's just so cool...^_^
*ahem* Well anyways, I was supposed to go again shopping yesterday, but I woke up pretty late (almost 12 o'clock ^_^'), so I spent a lot of time visiting you guys, I downloaded some more music, well I'm still doing it I went back home without going...Oh well tomorow I'll go....
Oh yeah I didn't know that J-Rock were so good...I think I'm hooked up now...I like the Pierrot awsome....^_^
Well what else to pretty much...
Oh yeah I found some pics from a french artist(Philippe Cardonna I think)...he's really great...He mostly does some doujinshi...Here...let it be the pic of the day...
One of his doujinshi is "Sentai School"'s about a school where the heroes learn well, how to be a's really funny and of course it's in French...You may ask if I speak French? Well yeah....
Ok here's the pic :
You people should be able to recognize some of them....
Oh yeah...Let's say that's the game! Can you guess the characters on the pic....We'll who's got most of them ^_^
Ok well now the quiz before I go
You are Chibi Seto! You're cute,rich,and
intelligent! You care a lot about your family.
Although you can be mean sometimes you're
actually a nice person.
What Yugioh Chibi Are You???(NOW WITH PICS!!!) brought to you by Quizilla
Well that's it for today guys ^_^