Well as promised, I changed my theme for the new month....it's a Wolf's Rain one...I don't have any wallpaper of the actual guys so yeah I just got that Cheza one that I find the colors cool....anyway, hope that you like it....it's pretty simple I know, but have you ever seen me doing something too complicated lol? yeah it's not in my nature...I'm rather the lazy bum haha lol ^_^'
Ummm last night, we started and watched the 1st DVD of Orphen Revenge, and hell it's really hilarious, the japanese voices are awsome as expected and the action isn't missing in there...The best part was when Volcan was possessed by a female ghost...you got to see him act all girly and stuff hahah that was so great lol ^_^
Today is Sunday....I stayed in bed till late on purpose again today, then played a little video games before coming visiting you guys...that all I did...pretty much nothing....
Oh yeah, I forgot, new music today...it's Requiem from Schwardix Marvally...it's just instrumental but heck if you like that type of music, you'll just love it...I find it really great...hope you like too ^_^
Nothing else to say
White Ninja's toaster

You just can't expect WN to do the right thing lol ^_^'
Guy pic

Now that's what I call ART...damn it, it just looks like a real guy...the artist is Ping Fen and this is supposed to be the illustration of some yaoi manga I think....but heck it's really great...you can just appreciate it ^_^
Quizz of the day

Your Beauty lies
in Nature. Down to earth, laid back and a natural
beauty. You have no need for
make-up or accessories that most others do. In fact
you most likely find them a
nuisance. You are probably a little tom-boyish in
your jeans and tees with a
great love for nature. You probably know more about
plants and animals than most
people and you'd rather spend your times outdoors
and in the sun, independent
and free. You can be a bit distant with people,
preferring the company of
animals over people, which isn't always the best
thing. You can be kind and
sweet, but not many see that side of you as you
often have misunderstandings
with people. You are very go-with-the-flow sort of
person and usually try to
avoid fights even if it means changing your opinion
or belief. Still, you are
you look your best actually without make-up and in
casual clothes. Very few can
say that. Be proud.
Some Things
That Represent You:
Earth, Wind Animal: Horse Color:
Green, Purple, Earth Tones Song:
The Memory Of Trees by Enya Expression: Cool
Emerald Mythological Creature: Fairy, Elf
Saggritarius Planet: Earth
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color:
Bright Green
"Horses love me. Cowboys fear me."
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::.. brought to you by Quizilla
Yet another really OLD quizz that I took I don't even remember when....
Well that's it...hope you like the music and the pic ^_^
See ya later ^_^