Well as I said above, nothing today like always....I woke up pretty late today....that really shows that I'm on holidays lol ^_^
Anyway, then I tried to do some screencaps from the Orphen DVDs that we got....Well cause we don't have the program to make screencaps, I've been searching for a solution to do it with only what I got on hand without having to buy any extra software....
So well I searched for solutions on the net, and I found something quite funny, it was like that: "it's a pretty long way to do it, but it's still a way...First you play your DVD on your computer, then you pause the pic you want to capture...Then you take your camera and take a pic of it...All that's left is to upload it on you computer.." haha yeah, well when I saw that I thought it was funny but why not try it? So yeah I tried it today...not a bad idea...I got some pretty cool pic but guess what? I don't know where the heck my bro left the cord that you use to connect the camera to the comp...Damn it, I swear, my bro never sort things out...it's annoying cause I have to do it all.....So yeah I couldn't do anything with the pics I took.....oh well....-_-
Then, I've been reading again the Hana Kimi scans that I got...Damn this manga is so damn great...it's really funny ^_^
That's about sums my day...I told you I didn't do anything....^_^'
White Ninja ask about Tom's outfit
Guy pic

Alucard...Maybe the best vampire character ever...He's really cool and his original voice (japanese) is really great...You HAVE to hear him lol ^_^
Crap I forgot to tell you about the new music....it's X from X-Japan.....yeah I don't think this group exists anymore but their music is really awsome....if you like old rock like this, you can just enjoy it....hope you like it ^_^
Quizz of the day

People view you as a Loner Artist. Loner Aritist
are exactly as their title says, loners and
artist. Now you are not alone by choice but
many people find you odd. This only bothers you
when you're in a public place like a dance club
or a crowded lunchroom so you tend to steer
clear of those places. You might have a friend
or two but they're either Loner Artists like
you or Truly Dark. Fear not! So many artists
are not appreciated in their own times!
What Do People Truly See You As? (lots of outcomes and stunning pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
Well that's it for today...hope you enjoy the pic and especially the music...Sorry it's a bit long, but yeah, I completely forgot to make the new music selection for the week, so I had to do it with what I have in hand...Anyway, hope you like it ^_^
See ya around ^_^