Well today I woke up again a few minutes before my alarm clock...what's happening to me? I used to wake up way after my alarm clock went off? Now, I wake up earlier...not that it means that I wake up earlier lol...I always stay a long time on my bed before gettin up haha ^_^
Well today, I decided that I'd go for a walk in town, as I start late today...The weather's been good so far, no rain and lots of sun ^_^...I usually wear something pretty warm so that meant I was kinda hot today...I even sweat...man it's been a while I sweat lol ^_^...
Ok, I wanted to go to the mall because I'm out of deodorant haha so yeah I went to look for that stuff...I found one that smelled pretty good and didn't cost me lots of bucks...actually only 3$ haha I'm so cheap lol ^_^
Oh yeah, there was this "Free dream" perfume that smells pretty good too, I got one of that too...I'm so weird, I just buy perfumes just to smell them, but I'll never really wear some on me lol ^_^'
Well that sums pretty much what I did for the day....I then went to read some more at Borders...I read Dragon Knights...I started reading that stuff a while ago and the next volumes just went out not so long ago...so yeah I pretty much forgot what's happening in the story...I better read it again lol ^_^'
Oh yeah, I don't know for you but ImageArk is down again...so that means that you don't get any pics behind the text...sorry about that...the pic was so big that I couldn't uploaded it on Photobucket, so I had to put it on ImageArk....I hope the problem'll get fixed soon ^_^...hopefully you can still read my post right ?
White Ninja's grapefruit
Guy pic

Ok...Ummmm...I found this pic on an artist's site again...By the look of the site(cause it's all in korean and I don't understand it one bit), I think the artist is the one who's behind the art of the games Ragnarok Online and maybe what's written on the drawing too: Reidin Lukihook (if that's a game)...By the look of that drawing..I think that must be it....So the artist's name is Kim Se Ra and I really like his art it's really great....I always like the Ragnarok's art so when I found this site it was like paradise on Earth lol....just joking...Well then I hope you like that pic too ^_^
Quizz of the day
You Are 40% Boyish and 60% Girlish
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.
Well that's it for today...See ya later ^_^