Yeah I almost didn't wake up this morning...or rather I didn't want to get up hahah...last night we watch You're under arrest the movie that we just's pretty cool, the original voices are great as always..but the story was kinda hard to understand, my bro and I didn't understand at all lol ^_^
Anyway, the second day.....
Well that morning, we almost didn't wake up...I heard my alarm clock but right after it rang I just turned it off and went back to sleep...seems like my bro did the same hahah...then he woke me up at 7.30...then we headed for the convention...Because we already got our tickets, we were on a shorter queue, which was really cool...made me wanna laugh at the others hahaha I'm so mean ...
In the other queue, we saw some
Kenshin Shinsengumi cosplayer...The first pic is the general view of the queue and the second is a bigger view at the cosplayers...This year there weren't that many of cosplayer...weird...Anyway, then at the convention, I got a
closer look at one of them, he was cosplaying as Saito...You can only see his back cause I didn't have the guts to ask him if I could take his picture...sorry...^_^'
Well then, on to the stuff we bought...
Kare kano boxset(that's mine)
Giant Pocky (that's my bro's...I should've bought one for me too -_-')
Mouse padx2 (Fullmetal Alchemist, Samurai Deeper Kyo) I bought the FMA one for my comp and the Kyo one for my cousin
Bleach Plushy set (My bro bought it to piss off his friends ahahha...I wasn't so much into it at first but now I really find them quite cute, and their hair are really soft...especially Rukia's lol ^_^
When we were done with all that, we headed back done for the anime projection...there were still some
wrestling happening, but no catfight that day....It was so obvious that it wasn't's really boring...not my sort of thing really....
Now here's the list of what we saw that day(with the number of episode):
-Last exile(1)<-We only saw the end of it, but it really looks great ^_^
-Haibane renmei(1)<-Really cool anime, what you'd expect from ABe who created Lain or Niea_7
-Voltron(1)<-This one actually sucked you could see the people getting out of the room hahah, it's quite an old anime and the dubbed version was really bad, all the speech seemed to have been really sucked
-Maburaho(2)<-One of the few that we saw in japanese...but we already saw this one the last convention last year too so yeah...
-Gunslinger girl(2)<-Really great anime...the manga was awsome...if you like girls with guns...that's your fill ^_^
-Scrapped princess(2)<-Awsome one...I just want to see more...I heard that my cousin's friend got the series...I just can't wait to get back home and ask him his anime ^_^
-Kare Kano(3)<- I really like this one...a really great love story ^_^
-Cromartie High(1)<-You watch this anime and you can't stop laughing, it's really hilarious...too bad that one episode only last 12 minutes
-Ikki tousen(2)<-That's mostly for the guys...I mean it's a fighting anime, but you get to see girls panties or boobs in almost every scenes...I can't stand animes like that...-_-
-GTO (1)<- Well you must know that yeah it's really cool...I couldn't believe that the 1st episode was that long...
Then, it was the end of the day...we try to head again to see some anime stuff, but we were told that it was about to close, so we had to head for the exit....And that sums up the day
White Ninja's hand is gone
Duo pic

haha poor Reno...I heard that he somehow plays the comic relief with Rude in Advent Children...well I can see that lol...^_^
Quizz of the day
Your Seduction Style: Au Natural

You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it.
That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power!
The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism.
You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world.
Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in.
You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you?
You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways.
Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you.
As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you.
Well that's it...tomorrow I'll talk about the last day of the convention....^_^