Well while I was still sleeping this morning, there was this voice coming from the fire alarm I think saying that they'll be doing some tests....damn it scared the crap out of me hahah...then I had no other choices than to wake up...well my bro and I had to go somewhere so it was somehow a good thing that I was up lol ^_^'
Well in fact, we had to go the the airline company to confirm our ticket when we'll be going back to our homecountry....It's now done and I can tell you that I'll be gone the 7th December at 02.30pm....ahhhhh I just can't wait to go back home....I'm so bored in here lol....^_^
Then, when we were done with that, I went to the library and did some work...then I noticed that my bro no only did he suck my internet credits(see previous post for details), he also used all my printing credits and then when I had to print something I didn't have enough....damn him, I want to punch him so bad!
Then went to Borders and read Evangelion 2-5, and the manga of The Cat Returns....pretty cool stuff. And then went back to the library, finish my work (YAY!), fill up my printing credit and print out some lectures that I'll need for my finals next week.....and here I am writting now.....
Dang, I'm so tired, I just wanna go home....
White Ninja is a sculptor

I've run out of good White Ninja's comics, I'll be searching for other ones to replace it for a couple of days....
Guy pic

Yet another great fanart of Harry Potter....Dman it look really identical as the real deal....
Quizz of the day

DragonballZ Character are you?
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I change my music like usual, now you can hear the band, or rather duo Frou Frou with their song "Must be dreaming"...The duo is actually just a guy making the music and the girl who sings, we found about this duo when searching for AMVs....anyway, their songs are really cool, the girl's voice is just amazing...hope you like it too ^_^
Well that's it...nothing else around here...Oh yeah the Be Cool DVD came out, I can't wait to buy it for me too, that movie is too hilarious, especially because The Rock is playing a gay bodyguard lol....really great ^_^
See ya later ^_^