Well today was the last exam that I had to take....now I'm totally free from school ! oh yeah that's so great ^_^
Ok, well then my test today was a 2.00pm, and it was actually a Research exam, meaning that we knew what the subjects of the test were about and we had to do the research and then come up with a summary of that in the exam...
So then the exam was Internet Technology, we had 6 questions and we had to choose 4 of them and make a paragraph of about 300-500 words. And because it was based on research that we were supposed to do, it had to be really accurate....
Ok then, I took the questions about server-side process, multi-media, good website features and markup language....These I think were the easiest for me, so I spent 2h30 to write all I could about them....Then again I hope I did good...
Ummm, new music again, it's Spanish ragga from Daddy Yankee, the title is Dimelo (means "tell me" or something similar)...Well I really like the rythm of that song and it's been a while I've heard some spanish so yeah I like this song...hope you like it too ^_^
Yesterday night, my bro got to finish his game Phantom Brave...it's not really important but oh well, it happened so I post about it lol ^_^
Good New : I got a mail from on of my friends in my homecountry, and guess what? She's now engaged with her boyfriend ! OMG that is so great for her, I feel really happy about that...
I tell you she's completely spoiled by her bf, always getting flowers and stuff, even a trip to Hawaii for her b-day...What a lucky chick I tell you lol ^_^...Well that's the greatest new I heard today and it's cool ^_^

haha that's really a bad spot to try eating snow flakes haha Never do that under a tree haha ^_^....man that's so funny lol...
Usually it was in french but I translated it for you ^_^
Guy pic

A fanart of Yami...that's really well made...I really like it....and then again I don't remember where I got it ^_^'
Quizz of the day
Halloween Horoscope for Libra
You only like halloween if you have a special someone to share it with.
You like a romantic scary evening together - no big parties or events for you.
Costume suggestions: Romeo and Juliet or Batman and Catwoman
Signature Halloween candy: Nerds
Well Halloween finished a while ago, but oh well, who cares right lol ^_^
Well that's it...hope you got a good laugh with the pic, enjoy the current song and etc ....
See ya around ^_^