Well today's saturday...I woke up earlier than my alarm clock once again, but too tired to actually get up, so I lazied a little on my bet....
We watched the morning cartoons as usual (Jimmy Neutron, Batman and Justice League) and then went to school on the internet....downloaded some more manga and that's it...
Then, after going for lunch, we headed to the cinemas...we went and watched Flight plan starring Jodie Foster...that was a pretty cool movie...
She lost her daugther on her plane and nobody actually saw her board with her daugther...then she recently lost her husband in an accident...Is it for real or is she imagining things...? Find out by seeing the movie ^_^
But damn, I really have lots of luck, there were 2 brats next to me and one of them kept on movie on her chair all the time...She even took off her shoes! Man at least it didn't stunk, and they also kept on talking during the movie...so annoying....Then in the end, missy took all her time to put back on her shoes...damn I told my bro to go all the way around, I was pissed to wait for her to get out of the way! -_-
Then, nothing else happened, except that my bro really pisses me off! I won't go into details but he does ....
Ummm...sorry that some of you don't like the music...now I know I won't post any similar music in the future...^_^'
Nice shirt

how nice.....lol
Guy pic

A special treat for jigglyness...I know that you love that guy ^_^
Reno from the video game Final Fantasy VII or the new movie Advent Children...
Another awsome art made by a korean artist Yi Lee...hope you like it too ^_^
Quizz of the day
You Are Not Scary

Everyone loves you. Isn't that sweet?
Well that's it for today....See ya around ^_^