Well today's Sunday for me...and we got that daylight savings thing...I didn't even know...we only knew cause they were saying it on TV this morning...if it weren't for that I guess we wouldn't even notice it lol ^_^'
Well because it's Sunday, I lazed a little this morning, took all my time to get out of bed, read Please Save My Earth cause last night my bro didn't let me cause he was doing something...Feh, he doesn't want me on it doing MY things just to be on the computer doing HIS things...pisses me off sometimes....oh well -_-
Last night, I saw the last episodes of Trinity Blood...Right I didn't tell you that but my bro got the entire series from one of his friends...I watched the episodes for the last couple of days and we reached the last episodes last night....it's pretty cool but I admit that I didn't really understood the ending...Guess for more details I'd have to read the novel...seems like a pretty good plan to me, if only there were selling anywhere around here....
Anyway...around 11, I went to the school library for the computers, then went back home to waste my time instead of staying in front of a comp screen (makes my eyes hurt). So because I was so bored, I decided to watch a DVD by myself (which my bro didn't bother watch when I wasn't around...-_-)..it's called "The place promised in our early days"...it's really an awsome anime and I recommend you watch it too...it's really cool ^_^
Oh yeah, I changed my music on my site if you didn't noticed...Now you can hear the opening theme of Tenjoh (or Tenjho...I can't seem to recall the right one) Tenge. The title is Bomb a head ! V (don't ask me what the V means in the end, I wonder as well lol ^_^')....Well when we watched the first episode of that anime at an anime convention, we just loved it and decided to look for it on the internet...I find it really original, and I hope that you like it too ^_^
The Titanic

Well that car bears its name really well as you can see lol ^_^
Guy pic

The guy from the manga Angel Dust Neo from the artist Aoi Nanase...Sorry I forgot his name....Well her art is pretty cool and enjoyable to the eye as you can see...Hope you like it ^_^
Well, that's about all I think I had to say....My legs still hurt from the time I did those running and stretching exercises...proof that I am really unfit these days...I gotta do something about it -_-'
Well then, hope you like the new music and stuff...See ya later ^_^