Well last night was yet another night when I slept late...but oh well...I think I got used to it by now, and because we're on the weekend I think that's ok...^_^
Ummm...woke up at 7.30 so that I could watch the TV in the morning...I got to see the middle of Danny Phantom and two series called Unfabulous and Drake and Josh...I like those ones, there pretty cool ^_^
Then, my bro spent his whole morning on the computer and left me with nothing else to do than listen to music and take a nap on my bed...Well what else can I do, the TV's crap around 10 o'clock and my bro is so stuck on the computer screen that it's no use talking to him, cause you'll only get from him "Huh?" which really piss me off when I'm told that, I hate repeating myself....So yeah I slept while waiting for him to go eat for lunch....So I don't really complain cause I love to sleep, well who don't lol ^_^
Then, we went to the movies...we went to watch Underworld 2 Evolution or Revolution I don't remember....Well we saw the 1st part of that movie, so it's kinda obvious that we HAD to watch the second part of it don't you think ? lol ^_^
Anyway, the movie was really cool, kinda dark though, which made it hard to see the action..but still really cool...If you like movies with werewolves and vampires in it, well you'll be served ^_^
Right now(when I wrote that post anyway), I'm in the school library [cause it'd be a miracle if my bro would let me use the computer at home], I wrote a mail to my friend in my country, then worked a little on the meeting that we'll have next week with the teacher to see if we're still on track on to what to do on the project during the semester....talk about boring, but well, it costs points so I gotta do it right...? The faster the better right?
Ummm...last thing, I changed the music as you can hear it (if you can in the first place)...Now it's Extreme with their awsome song More than words...Man that song is just too great....All guitar players ought to have heard of it...It's really cool...I don't remember if I already put it on, but oh well.....
Oh yeah, I was thinking of changing my theme by next week, any ideas people?

Heh...someone who's always loved you eh...? What if you don't even love yourself? What do you do? lol ^_^'
Guy pic

The one cursed by the Dog spirit from the Chinese astrology: Shigure. A novelist and girl-lover...His character is really funny, but somewhat seems like he's plotting something using Tohru and the others from Fruits Basket...What's his real goal? Who knows.....
Anyway, he's a really cool character ^_^
Well that's it, nothing else to say for now...enjoy the song and the pics ^_^
See ya later ^_^