Birthday 1985-10-16 Gender
Female Location In the 3rd planet of the Solar System Member Since 2004-05-10 Occupation Student by default Real Name Why should you know...?
Achievements I created a good story (I think) Anime Fan Since I watched Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z quite a long time ago Favorite Anime Too many to tell Goals Be able to draw my own manga... Hobbies I like drawing for fun Talents Drawing I guess katocool
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Today I had class early at I had to wake up early when my bro made me sleep late again last night....And when I see him sleep so peacefully in the morning it makes me sooo pissed off...Damn if I was mean I'd go wake him up for no reason -_-'
Anyway, today, we got somewhat scolded by the teacher because our team missed some of its member which is really troublesome when you know that we have to write a report due for next week...We told the teacher that we'd wait for the other team members and hopefully end that report to the due date....^_^'
Well, then I went home and as expected my bro was on the computer again...he said that he'd also go to the gym but I wonder if he'd ACTUALLY go there....Anyway, because I had nothing else to do, I took a little nap and then went to the gym....There were more people today, but I still got a pretty good work out...Sadly I didn't lose any weight lately, I guess I'll less and less in the time being...oh well...^_^
The best cosplay ever
How do you like his Gundam cosplay lol...really funny ^_^
Guy pic
Byakuya from Bleach, Rukia's older brother, or should I say brother-in-law....I really like this character...the silent type lol ^_^
Well that's about it...this time I really got nothing to say...oh yeah, still working on my next theme too ^_^
I almost forgot, damn head....New music it's the first Naruto ending theme with Wind, sang by Akeboshi I think...well this music is really cool and I hope that you like it....well who wouldn't like it eh..?