Well remember the presentation I did where I had to 'teach' stuff...Well because we were done with that, we're actually done with that class, so we don't really have to go anymore...but I still went. I mean, of course it's pretty early (8.00), but I only got one week to go, better hold on till the end don't you think? And I don't have anything else to do anyway....Beside, today, I really HAD to go because it was our group that was to be taught stuff lol....yeah we were the students this time for another group lol...I 'learned' how to use Access, how to use Outlook and how to create graphs on Excel...woah lol...But dang, we were only 2 people out of 5 people in our group to be there...and the teacher joked about our group to always be like that lol....thanx a lot, but hey it's the truth can't blame him and I have the same feeling anyway lol ^_^'
Well after that, because it was still early, I went to read at Borders, I bought Inu Yasha 25...cool it's been a while since the last time I bought manga lol...they've been so slow at ordering stuff -_-'...Then, I also read Antique Boutique 3, about a pastry shop and it's workers: the boss, a kind of genious at everything he does, the cook, a excellent but gay cook who attracts all men lol and his student, former boxer who loves eating cakes and the boss' 'bodyguard', but he's so dumb that it feels the other way around lol...pretty funny stuff I tell you lol ^_^
I also read Meru Puri vol1...so far so good...Aram is a young prince living in another dimension and had been cursed by his half-brother, making him go older in dark places. He then escapes in our world from a girl's magica mirror that's been passed down to her from generation....pretty funny too so far ^_^
Then, because it was starting to be noon, and I had a meeting with my team from another class at 1.00, I went to wait for them, while working on that stupid report due monday....uggghhhh...now I REALLY hate writting reports, more than ever -_-'
Except from that, I got the occasion to call my bf last night...*sigh* I miss him so much...as expected, he got my mood up in no time lol...but I kinda had trouble getting a hang of him. You see he was in that meeting of his and we didn't have that much time, but then I proposed that I call him back....I wonder how many times I called him before I could ACTUALLY get him on the phone...that was tough lol..but then we talked about stuff...only thinking about it makes me blush lol...I actually got to say to him pretty embarrassing stuff for the first time in my life ! lol...Heck, long story made short, he's pretty good, maybe thinks about me too much (I wonder if it's because of that I was sick last week lol ^_^') and we're really getting along real great ^_^
I just keep on remember what we were talking about, and it just makes me smile like stupid lol...I can't really concentrate on my work because of it too lol....^_^'
White Ninja's mitts
Guy pic
This is Thomas(that's his name in the french version, sorry I don't know his real name in the original version) from the anime Samurai Troopers, or Ronin Warriors I think.....I don't really expect you guys to know about that anime, cause hey you can pretty much see that it's an old one, but back in the old days I really enjoyed watching that anime, it was really great...And that character is my favourite of all ^_^
Almost forgot again....new music today...with Frou Frou, a man and woman duo band (the guys does the music and the girl sings) with their song Holding out for a hero....If you watched Shrek 2, you might remember that song...the song the fairy godmother sings at the party.....yep that's it....I like that song, the voice is really great....Frou Frou is really an awsome duo ^_^....hope you like it too ^_^
Well that's about it....except for the great but short conversation I got with my bf from back home...nothing really is happening aroud here as usual....it's so boring, well only one week left and I'll be done with school....oh yeah...but that also mean be even more bored lol....
Can't wait July to come....my best friend will be coming with my parents for holidays ^_^
See ya later ^_^