E-mail Click Here Yahoo! Messenger kitsunekatsume
Birthday 1990-03-01 Gender
Female Location Fort Hood Tx Member Since 2004-10-09 Occupation None Really im lazy but i like Animals a lot Real Name Katsume
Achievements None really. T-T Anime Fan Since for a really long time Favorite Anime Inuyasha , Yu Yu Hakusho, Full Metal Alchemist, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket and many many more I also love shoujo manga Goals Have the earth over run by evil pink bunnies and have my lovely pet cats eat them all and take over the world Hobbies Me likes to draw, and write and watch a lot of anime Talents Cat-like reflexes( Younger brother throws pillow and hits me in the head) oww
myOtaku.com: Katsume18
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Sason Greetings!!!
Finally it's x-mas eve^_^ I've waited the whole year for this!!! So how is everybody doing? I hope you're all doing fine^^ Im so happy it's crazy.^_^ Ok and n0w im being weird but so what! Anywasy today will be spent with my family and i'll probably will have to help with making dinner. Im not complaining though. Another thing i got my grades for this semester and i made the AB Honor Roll. Yay me*jumps around in joy* I thought i had failed French^^;; oh well anyways i'll leave you guys with some x-mas videos^_^ Se you all later!! I'll see if i can visit you guys later today^_~
Schools Out!!!!
Yes as of yesturday at 1:50 PM I am school free for two whole weeks!!!!! Im so happy no more homework!!!^_^ Well that's the good thig, the bad thing is two of my friends are moving away and i wont get to see them again. That doesn't make me so happy, and it was like"Today is our last day" and im like"WHAT!!!!" but yeah theres nothing i can do at least we have each others e-mail addreses and all so we can still talk online. Anyways asides from that today we had some guests. My step-dad's Sargeant came today for dinner with his family. His oldest son goes to my school and i did'nt know that in fact he was at that b-day party i mentioned not too long ago. We played some video games and my friend Amanda came by when she got off work she even stayed for dinner. that was the longest time shes stayed. Cause her mom doesn't know she comes over some times after she get's of work. But anyways we had a good time and we talked and maybe sometime this week i'll be able to go by her house and stay over there for a little while.^^Well i hope everyones having some good holiday vacations!! See ya everyone. Oh and if you're going somewhere take care of yourselves!!!!!Ya hear^_~
Wow. I've had some very interesting past two weeks. Last friday there was a fight in my History class. One guy beat abother guy up. There even was blood. The school police came and the AP's and a whole bunch of teacher's. You know kids at my school have some pretty interesting stuff to say. Word travels fast in my school, by the end of the day kids were talking about the fight just that the facts were all wrong. they were saying that somebody got stabbed and that it happened in the hallway and that people saw it. But it was all lies cause it happened in the classroom and only fists were used. It was pretty interesting to watch but because of the fight they delayed our next period cause they guy who was bleeding went out to the hallway and there were puddles of blood in the hallway.Yeah and that was just one day.
On that same day i stayed after school for a book fair and to watch a play with my friend Ashley. We had lot's of fun just the two of us making fools out of ourselves and she even got her dad to bring us some food while we were waiting in the cold. It was great^^
This week has been pretty hectic cause of studying for final exams and all of that other stuff. But i am happy that i dont have to take my chemistry final because i have a 91 in that class. Now how did i get that? I have no possible clue. Chemistry is not easy for me. As for my other clasess i think im doing ok.
One of my guy friend's b-day was on monday. i wished him a happy birthday and all because he's a very sweet friend, but he's moving away pretty soon and he wont be here for my b-day which makes me sad.Oh and to top it all off my mom is sick. My step-dad took her to the hospital like 5 hours ago. She seemed so fragil and so little it's hard cause she's my mom and im not used to seeng her like that. She's very headsrtong and she screams a lot but i like it cause that's how i know she's ok, but when she's sick i get scared and all. I cant help it. Oh well g2g see you guys later!!^_^
Im sooo Tired!!!!!!
ok so right now it's 11:47 P.M. Texas time so it's still saturday.Yay!!! So i just got back from the birthday party. It was from & Pm till 11:30 P.M. It was awsome we even had a cake fight. The icing was blue so we looked like smurfs.^_^ It was so fun and we danced everything from Techno to reggeton to R&B version of the Little Mermaid song of "Under the Sea" My feet are killing me.XD But it was all so fun^_^
Ok so some of you wanted to know who our mystery guest was right, well i thought it was a friend of my stpe-dad's who was coming for a visit so i really didn't want to drive and hour and a half to pick him up but when we get there it's not a guy it's a woman, and it was my grandmother!!!!! I was shocked and then i got mad cause they did that to me but i loved it.^_^ So all in all i couldn't stay at the sleep-over cause of this. I still would have liked to stay but at least i had some fun. Oh my friend likes anime so i got her a Sesshoumaru keychain and some Inuyasha clip on thinguies.^^;; She was so happy when she saw i got her some Inuyasha stuff she sed i Rocked and she hugged me. She also got me dancing to Evanesence like balerinas or something like that it was just us two so everyone was watching.@_@ So all in all i had great fun maybe some other day i'll post some of the pics where everyone looks like a smurf with their faces covered in cake frosting^_^ So that has been my weekend. Pretty exciting huh? Well bye everyone!!!!!*hugs*
Argh im sick.....
It's jsut great. My week has been going great except for the lttle detail of im sick. At least it's a 5 day weekend so that's good. On monday and on tuesday i had to go to school and i wasn't feeling that good and i was just dying in my classes. They seemed so long and never ending but that's over now for the rest of the week!!!!! Wohoooo!!!! So happy so happy!! I hope i get better before the party on saturday. Dont wanna go and get everyones else sick including the birthday girl.XD
Ok so today(wednesday) i spent my day cleaning the house for tomorrow(thursday) since were gonna have a guest or something like that. All i really know is were gonna have to drive like 3 hours to pick him up from the airport and then drive back. They made me stay with only my brothers while we were cleaning. My parent's went out to buy groceries... and i was left with them all alone. At least they behaved themselves a little. Well i've got nothing else to say except hope you guys have a Happy Thanksgiving day. Bye bye
?: how are you guys going to spend the day? Any plans?
Great weekend
My weekend has been sooo good. Yesturday we went to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I really liked it. And a friend of mine finally got her drivers license and she came to visit me after she got off work. You see she graduated from high school in may, and i havent have the resources to go and visit her, so she came. We exchanged anime goods. I let her borrow some of my manga books and she let me borrow some of her's. I was so freakin' happy to see her we really miss her at school. Anyways she should be coming back next week to bring back my stuff. So what else my grades are pretty decent so far Thank kami.
Oh i got invited to a B-day party next saturday and also a sleepover but my mom wont let me sleep over. I can go to the party and have a good time but i cant stay afterwards and i really wanted to stay too. I've got to ger her a present sometime soon, and my grandmas b-day is on thanksgiving too. My present for her are some candles im in the process of making i should be done with them today.^^ Another thing i may not be able to get to everyones site since my mom is vent on making us do some major cleaning today, were gonna have guest's for thanksgiving and she sed the house had to be spotless.XD well i've got nothing else to say so see you guys later. Take care^_^
I am Alive!!!
Well it's been long right? Sorry My life has been very uneventful recently. Noting really
has happened. I found out that were gonna be moving sometime in January but asides
from that nothing. So let's see i too an Algebra test on Thursday and i got my grade. I
was amazed by it only two people aced the test with a 110 and surprisingly enough i was
one of them. I was so amazed i almost fell out of my seat^^;; good thing i didn't^^ My lil
brothers and i also went Trick or Treating on monday. It was very much fun. They were vampires
and i was a witch. It was well worth it since i got enough candy to last me a while^^ Oh and i also
noticed that since 10/09/05 I've been in myO for a year!!! Yay Me ^_^ Im so happy too!!!!^_^ well
there's nothing more to say really so i'll be leaving you guys now im gonna see if i can visit
some sites later when i get the chance. So take care^^
It's a late post but whatever!!!
How are you guys? Im so hapy i had lot's of fun yesturday at the dance. I go there an hour late but i still had lot's of time to make a fool out of myself dancing. It was a really great time. Since i dint have a date and most of my friends didn't have dates either we just danced together and on the slow songs we would dance with each other or with our imaginary dates. They played everything from country to Latino music, R&B, and even the chiquen song!!!lol I took a digital camera with me but i was only able to get three pics before the batteries died. I totally forgot to check if the batteries had power, so i took it just like that and the batteries were alredy almost dead, but asides from that everything was good. We even saw General Shoemaker, hes the person our school is named after. He's an 81 year old guy. Everyone likes him it's the principal they seem not to like.lol I spent most of my time dancing so by halfway into the dance my friend Ashley and i took our shoes off, in fact by that time more than half the girl had their shoes off and in some random table, but the floor was really dirty oh well.
That was the fun half of my day yesturday in the morning i woke up and got on and then at like 2 PM my mom tells us we need to clean up the house cause were gonna have company. So i spent an hour and a half cleaning my room and then i had to give the dog a bath and start cooking oh and i had to clean the downstairs bathroom. That's the reason i was late. After i finished with all that i ran upstairs to take a bath was my hair and all that jazz. To come down eat in a hurry and have my mom put make-up on me and be a back seat driver to my step-dad cause he wouldn't hurry, and then when i got there i couldn't find my friend with so many people. I literally ran into her whn i saw her^^;; Oh well that was my day yesturday.
I am so freakin tired. It's 11:23 PM still friday. I just got home from out homecoming game. We won!!! Yay 45 to 43. It was close so the last 30 seconds were very painful. We ruled most of the game but towards the end they started catching up, but in the end we won. All that time my friend Ashey and me were jumping up and down and screaming our lungs out. Also earlier today we had our Pep-Rally. It was ok concidering we got to watch a couple of teacher's, including three of my teachers, make fools of them selves. They made a stepping routine. It was so hilarious to watch i loved it. I was also on a candy/sugar high. I was hyper the whole day. So tomorrow saturday is the Homecoming dance right well in the game they crowned our Homecoming dance King, Queen, Prince and Princess. The guy i wanted to be King was not King so that made me sad. He was the good looking one but still I dont really care since im going to the dance well... to dance^^ I also got my grades today they are as follows:
Chemistry- 91(really big surprise)
French II- 97
Algebra II- 88
Theatre Arts- 92
Business Computer Honors- 93
World History- 89
English II- 97
That's AB honor Roll so im very happy.^^ Let's see nothing else for now so im gonna go right to sleep.*eyes closing* Bye*yawns*
Next week
Well this week was a litle less exciting than last week.^^ Well nothing really happend. We had an early out from school on friday and no school on monday.^_^ that makes me very happy. This week is gonna be spirit week in my school and then were gonna have the homecoming dance on saturday and the homecoming game on friday. Hopefully i'll be able to go to both. it all depends on my grades that should arrive in the mail some time this week.
This week is gonna be fun at school. On Tuesday it's Tacky day so were gonna be dresing in all kinds of crazy stuff. On Wednesday it's hat day. The only day of the whole school year in which they let us wear hat's in school. Tuesday is jersey day and on friday the day of the game is Blue and Silver day. the colors of the school. It's gonna be lot's of fun. I dont have a date for the dance but i dont really care im gonna go with my Friend Ashley. Were both crazy so we should have a lot of fun.^^ As for yesturday saturday i cleaned the whole first floor of my house and made dinner. I hardly got any time on the computer today but at least i can use it on monday^^ Well i guess that's it for now. So bye guys^_^