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Sunday, October 2, 2005
What a Week.
I wrote most of this on friday.
Wow what a week i've had. Were to start... ok im currently pasing Algebra2 with a 78!!!!!! Oh yeah so happy about that. Cause it means my dad is gonna send me my anime stuff that he bought me*dances around with joy* Oh yeah Take that Alebra2!!!!!!! My fourth issue of Shoujo Beat arrived.. finally!!! I've been dying to get it cause it came late. Also i received the money my gradma was going to send me for the year book. Had to clean up my room(what a drag) and a girl i knew got run over a car. Im not happy about that like some other people. You see this girl didn't have a whole lot of friends. She was allways lying saying that so and so got her pregnant and this and that. she got into fights a lot too. All in all she was pretty disliked by almost everyone and because there were a whole lot of rummors about her people that didn't even know her disliked her too. I was of the very few people that talked to her on occasion.*sigh* Now the crash thing. From what i've heard from people that read the newspaper, she was walking in this street in the morning with her younger sister. The little sister is walking in the middle of the road or something like that. Then comes the Quaterback from the football team of her school and he doesn't see them so she get's run over trying to get her little sister out of the way. What's ironic about the whole thing is that that same day that she died it was her birthday. Some people were actually joking about it and some were even happy about it.*sigh*
That was on Wednesday so on Thursday nothing happened so that brings us to today(friday) It was a pretty good day. Except that today was the last day for one of my friends she's moving to Virginia i think.^^;; well i spent the day with her and suff got some pictures of us together and one with her alone. Gave her my e-mail and we parted ways. I was soo sad. Were rehearsing for our Japanese play in my theater class too. I got to talk to a guy friend of mine in which we keep missing eachother in the hallways. I havent talked to him for at lleast a week since we dont have classes together. But anyways we talked a little after school cause his bus was late. We hugged goodbye and then my bus finally came. Now we live on a military base so the bus has to go trough a military checkpoint. We go through it like every other day but someone on the back of the bus comes and say's that he has a bomb. The checkpoint lady overhears him and she comes back with these four other dudes and they tell us to get off the bus and form a line quietly one beside the other. Everyones starts cussing and with the attitudes, but we do as were told. Once off the bus they tell us to open every single pocket in our backpaks and they come and check what we have in there. In the end they didn't find anything so they tell us were free to go so everyone get's back on the bus. I also overheard our bus driver saying that he wasn't going to be driving us on monday. I dont think i would drive us again if that were ever to happen. heck no. He sed that they dont pay him enough to go trough that.^^ I started laughing really hard then. What else hapened on friday...Oh yeah one of our turtles pulled a vanishing act with a little bit of suicide on the side. The trutle apperantly junped from the table to the floor and then just dissapeared. Or at least that's what i think hapened.^^;; We also went to a singing competition. Our neigbor was in in. It's called Military Idol. and it's sponsored by American Idol it was really fun. So Today saturday i had to clean around the house a little and no my head hurts. It allways happens when i do major cleaning work. Maybe im allergic to cleanin... I wish^_^ Oh man what a week i've had. I think i left some stuff out but this is a long post as it is^_^ so bye and you guys take care!!!!!!!!!!

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Saturday, September 24, 2005
Stuped Hurricane, grades and moving.
Hi everyone i tried to get online sooner but i never got the chance on my computer class we've been working like crazy in there. Anyways the reason for my post is that maybe just maybe i wont be able to get on for some time cause of the Hurricane Rita. Now the hurricane itself wont come to this part of Texas but were gonna feel some thunderstorms and some rain and the wind and all that stuff. Im really not scared since i've been in hurricanes (before like 3) and that was in Puerto Rico and that's a little island so if i could survive one in an island i think i can survive one in a place far away from the ocean.^^ Anyways there might be the chance of some tornados and power cuts*sigh*mother nature want's to get us really bad i think. Anyways if i dont come on because of that it may be becasue A)The hurricane. B)Im STILL failing algebra2 or C) Im gonna be moving at least twice in less than 3 months. Oh what chaos, oh and i forgot my mom just started working now so i have to take care of my brothers everyday after school cause both my parents get home from 5-6 P.M. Guess that's it for now. Hope my house dosen't get blown away by the wind....Uh yeah Take care everyone.
I want you all to meet my cat Pelusa.^^ and please ignore the green thing he has on on one of the pics i was messing around with him.^^;;

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Sunday, September 18, 2005
Hello everyone!!!!!!! How are you all doing? I hope everyone is doing ok^^ So let's see I talked with my grandma today and i told her about my yearbook problem and she sed she would give me the money!!!!^_^ yay. I love her. She spoils me rotten cause im her only grandaughter. Well she really spoils all of us my brothers and me i mean.^^ Anyways all in all the yearbook is gonna cost $77. Yeah tha's a lot but i really want it this year. I din't get it last year because i dint care but this year a lot of my friends are moving so i want to remember them and plus another friend of mine is working on the yearbook comittee this year.
Well im gonna have to get up early today cause my mom sed we were gona go to church. I really dont want to go i need to sleep more. Guess i should go to bed now right. It's 11:02PM right now and i have to get up at around 6AM so yeah...I also have some math homework i need to finish. need to do that soon oh and i need to watch Naruto. i taped it today so yeah guess that's it so bye^^ Take care everyone!!!!

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Saturday, September 17, 2005
It's the weekend!!!!!!!!
What a week. First off on monday we went "house hunting" looking for a new house to buy. The idea of moving does not interest me at all, because it means time w/o the computer or cable so i will be excluded from all things anime. But luckily that does not happen till later this year hopefully.^^ That test i told you guys about...i failedXD...yes i did and noe im failing my algebra class with a 64 average. That is a long way from passing and im hurting so much because of it. My dad sed that until i get my grade up he wont send me the anime stuff he bought for me!!!!!!!Noooo. Man i rally do hate math it's my worst subject...
Anyways today it was rainig the whole morning. I had to get wet cause i take a bus to school but at least it wasent crowded today^^. Oh and there were like 3 bus chrashes in the morning i saw one the kids were all elementary school kids. That must have been rough for them, but i myself almost got into a car crash today. My mom and i were going to Walmart and all of a sudden six cars before us suddenly hit the brakes. thank kami that my mom is very skilled with the wheel and all the cars avoided what would have been a very serious crash. Oh and now i know how much the yearbooks are gonna cost us this year. Close to $75!!! Last year's was only $50. But this year the whoe thing is in clor which is a first for my school. I want to buy it this year but with me math grade i dont think i can get the money in time for the deadline which is in about a week... Oh well anyways take care you guys!!! Bye

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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
You guys are so great!!!!! I feel a little better today so that's good right?!^^ It makes me so happy that you guys care enough to say that i can talk to you guys about my stuped probelms^^
Ok so yesturday it was Open-House at my school. That's when all the parents come to meet the teachers. Yeah my teachers asked for my mom's e-mail so now i cant get away with anythingXD Teachers and parents should not be allowed to exchange e-mail addresses.*sigh*but im a good student for the most part, my grades are pretty decent too so i dont have to worry...for now anyways. Today i took the re-take for that algebra test i failed and i think i did much better on this one so i hope i got a good grade. Let's see*thinks* i guess that's it i dont really have anything else to say. So love you guys and i want to give a special thanks adn a great big hug to mishotarup,NittlerGrasper, and Shinigami Akumu. You're simple word made me feel better so*gives you a great big bear hug*THANKS!!!!!!^_^

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Monday, September 12, 2005
I feel terrible... Im so confused... i dont know what to do...sorry to come out today with an attitude like this but this weekend wasen't all i wanted it to be. Maybe i'll tell you guys a little later on the week. So for now i'll see ya and i hope i can get trough this week ok...Bye take care everyone.
(i hate being depressed)
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
Long week
Even though i din't have any school on monday this was a very long week even longer than a normal five day week!!!! What's up with that???? Anyways thanks to everyone that was worried about my little brother last week. He's fine he started being his annoying self the next morning...Anyways what else I took an algebra2 test and got a 67...that's pretty bad... but my whole class is gonna take a re-take next week. Hope i do better.
Today in Theather class we did another play. It had to do with morals and stuff. We basically made our right on the spot. Me ant two other people got run over by a "car" cause we din't look both ways before crossing the street and the dude in the car was talking on his cellphone. I had to fake my death and fall on the floor. I tried not to look at the audience and did well. I was still very nervous, I was glad once it was over with.
I dont know if you guys remember that i sed that my mom's wedding anniversary was this week and that my step-dad might be leaving? Well he was here for the thing. He sent her to a spa for three hours and he was gonna make dinner for her but she came out early and i ended up doing most of the dinner. After we were done eating my mom brought her gift out. it was a card and this box and inside the box there were a pair of... BRAND NEW...FLIPFLOPS!!!!!for my step-dad... Yeah he spends a whole lot of money onher gift abd she gives him some 3 dollar flipflops???? Yes she did but then she sed she was going to the bathroom and when she came back she had another gift wrapped, This one was smaller but more expensive. It was a watch really pretty and like i sed expensive. My step-dad loved it, but i was laughing the whole time he had such a funny face when he opended the first gift. My mom's idea of a joke i guess...Let's see i guess that's all for now that i can remember. Oh and I cant wait for later today when i can finally see Naruto on Cartoon Network. I've been waiting a long time for the anime to come and now it's finally here!!!!!!Yay ok now i think im gonna go get some much neede sleep. So take care you guys!!!! Bye!!!!!!!
Sorry no pic today. Having trouble with the computer....
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Monday, September 5, 2005
Work and hurt
Today i over slept again which is good!! Yay!! ok so when i got up my mom and step-dad were gone. Kitetsu my lil brother told me they left to do grocery shoping and i was jumping for joy, cause i din't want to go. Now we have a full pantry again!!!! I have cookies now!!!! Im so happy^_^
Today(sunday) my step-dad decided he wanted to have a barbeque so he put me to help with seasoning the meat and stuff. Messy work... i dont like messy work... oh well the food was good though^^ then later my mom called me so we could all play some ping-pong so we did and after that we played some basketball we had fun but then a little accident happend. My youngest brother Ale got pushed into the metal pole that holds the basket by my other lil bro kitetsu. It was all just an accident but he bumped his head really good. He was even bleading. My mom got freaked out and literally draged him inside the house so she could stop the bleading. I was scared so i was laughing. i know it weird to laugh at something like that but i dint know what else to do*sigh* but he's ok now. He dint bleed for long and my mom gave him some medicine if his head starts to hurt and he's gonna slep w/ kitetsu so if anything happens he wont be alone.
Guess what i have no school today so i may be able to get on a little later^^ My first day off school it feels GREAT!!! ok now im leaving^_^ Take care you guys!!!

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Sunday, September 4, 2005
Im Full!!!!
Today I over slept more than i usually do but i needed that, 've been slep deprived for some time. But now im sleepy*yawns* Yay sleep^^ Bed is calling me. ok so i spent most of my day at home and my mom decided we should go out and eat so we went to a restaurant called Ryan's. They had an all you can eat kind of thing and we ate till we could not eat any more. Which was good considering the only other thing i ate for brakfast was some cereal and a hot pocket. So it was good.
My step-dad was supposed to be leaving today for New Orleans with all the other soldiers that they were sending but now they have him on stand-by so he has to wait till they call him. he could be gone three months or less or maybe more. He's suposed to be a food and water supplier to the other soldiers and stuff. So he was away a whole year in Irak and now he's going to New Orleans my mom is not so happy. She want's to spend time with him on their anniversary which is the 7th of this month. Well see what happens. Take care everyone.*Bed calling* Im coming!!!!!^^;;

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Saturday, September 3, 2005
Why me???
Ok so this week is finally over with!!!!!! Yay!!!! It was a pain trying to get trough school... Let's see im almost failing chemistry right now and Algebra 2 is not going so well either. Today(friday) I had to present my first play in my Theather arts class. We were supposed to be cavemen and act and talk like them. i thought it was going to be fun and it kind of was but i did mess up my lines a little^^;*sigh*let's see another thing that happend was that i fell from the mini stage we have in our classroom. In front of everyone!!!!!!!!! The thing is that at that same time as im falling my group was working with the lights so a white light was turned on simultaniously when i fell. Everyone was quiet and i was laughing at my self the teacher came running over to me all panicked and stuff it was funny^^ But i am alright i dint hit my head or anything cause i should have i fell pretty close to teh edge of the stage any ways this brings me to my question for today^^ What has your most embarrasing moment been and where was it??? I think it should be interesting to know^_^ ok g2g see ya Take care you guys*waves goodbye*
I thought this was Funny^^

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