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Fort Hood Tx
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None Really im lazy but i like Animals a lot
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None really. T-T
Anime Fan Since
for a really long time
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha , Yu Yu Hakusho, Full Metal Alchemist, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket and many many more I also love shoujo manga
Have the earth over run by evil pink bunnies and have my lovely pet cats eat them all and take over the world
Me likes to draw, and write and watch a lot of anime
Cat-like reflexes( Younger brother throws pillow and hits me in the head) oww
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Saturday, July 23, 2005
Today i got to sleep in a little^^ That made me soooo happy. Today we went to the movies and we saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but i wanted to see War of the Worlds. Looks like i wont be seeing that movie anytime soon.-_- I kind of liked the movie it was weird but in a good way... Afterward we went eating and we stuffed our faces.
My brother and my dad have been making fun of my spanish, but that's because some of the words i just forgot how to say in spanish so i use some weird combination of english and spanish. They just wont let it go and keep making fun of me.>_< It get's annoying!!!! It's not my fault i have to attend an english speaking school were i have to talk english unless im with a hispanic freind!!!!
Ok now im in my grandmothers house and spending the night here. Hopefully later today me and my dad are going shopping for my clothes for school and maybe just maybe i can get a manga or a DVD... So i'll be leaving now. Take care you guys. Have a nce day^_~

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Friday, July 22, 2005
Long Day
today my dad woke me up early. we ended up going to the mall to eat and one of my brother's ended up with an Alphonse collection thingy doll from Full Metal Alchemist. I wanted to buy something but i only had 20 dolars and i did not know what to buy. There were so many stuff i wanted.^^ Before that we almost got into a car accident. I don't think any of you guys know this but the Trucker's here in the island are on a strike. They dont want any trucks working and making rounds. Cause of this the gas stations today were so full you had to make half hour lines just to get a little bit of gas for your car. It's very hectic, most of the gas stations dont have any gas left and were talking about the whole island!!!!
Apart from that, today i went to the dojo to practice and we ended up practicing Hapkido or self defence. They put me with an older guy, good news is i knew him bad news is that since he's like an older brother to me he ended up abusing me. In hapkido almost all of the time either you or your opponent will end up in the floor. But i did get to abse him a little too so it was not that bad. It was like he was taking revenge for something but i still had fun^^
So bye now and have a good day everyone^^

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Thursday, July 21, 2005
My Inu!!!!!!!!!!!
Today's Post is gonna be short cause im not feeling well.*sigh* Why do i not feel well? you ask because I think i get too attached to my animals... I mean i have this dog named Rocky, he's a Blue Heeler kind of like a sheep dog, that my mom decided to give away. the reason being he's a very active dog who need's lot's of space to run around. I really love him and since i came here to Puerto Rico for my vacation i did not get to see him one last time.*cries* That's what really makes me sad i did not get to hug him or anything. He's supposedly in a farm with lot's of space now and i hope those people treat him good and take good care of him cause if they dont i will hunt them down!!!! Umm yeah sorry:/ ok at least i have a dog here in Puerto rico and 2 more dogs in Tx, and 2 turtles, and 2 fishies, and a neko... BUT I STILL MISS HIM!!!!!!*cries again* my mom told me the news and then i had to tell my two younger brothers they weren't happy either, but what can i do?...
Ok enough of my rant about Rocky something good did happen today i got to see a whole lot of the now adults that i used to practice Tae Kwon Do with^^Most of them have kids now and everything and there was this one guy that's in the army and came here to surprise his mom, and boy did he surprise her..^^;; She started crying and everything it was very heart warming^^ I guess i'll be leaving now...
Since im talking about my Inu why not show a picture of Shigure ^^
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Yes im finally back^^ Thanks to everyone that wanted me to have fun cause i did^^so let's see the trip was not an actual camping trip cause we did not sleep in tents we slept in a cabin and we did have electricity just no cable. We were in a second floor cabin and from the balcony we could see the ocean it was really pretty.
So on friday we woke up early to leave, it was like 6AM, but we didn't exactly leave till like 12 in the afternoon. The trip usually tales like 3 hour's but it took us almost the whole day cause we kept stoping. We had 7 cars in total so there were a whole lot more people thant what i had thought. We had 3 cabins and in my cabin alone there were 16 people!!!! Anywyas that first night was terrible since it was my Tousan's b-day the adult's were drinking and stuff and making a whole lot of noise. I was trying to sleep but i couln't cause of all the noise they were making. Then they woke us up early the next day so we could go to the beach. That's how we spent our saturday in the beach. They had some jetskies and they gave us kids a couple of rides and stuff i was kind of scared cause they go so fast and it's in open water so yeah^^;;;
On Sunday we spent most of our day in a pool till we got the adult to take us to the beach again. There we jumped off a bridge and into the water and then we swam to the shore and that was a really long long swim. After that we got cleaned up so we could go out at like 11PM we wanted to go to a Flouresent bay. It was really cool everytime you moved the water it glowed.^^ that was like at midnight then we got home and went to sleep to then wake upon Monday so we could come back.
O)n the way back we had some car trouble and ended up having to tow one of the cars. One thing that i have not mentioned it's that all the time my little cousin Ninoshka was with me. I call her my gum cause she's allways clinging to me. She's 11 i think but she loves me so much and i love her too. Everytime you saw us int he water she would be on top of me or we would be hugging and stuff. All in all it was pretty fun, i had a great time^^ Ksmi i lover vacations in Puerto Rico!! You don't know what you have until it's gone. So bye now hope i did not bore you with this long post and srr no picture today.
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Friday, July 15, 2005
Camping Trip
im leaving later today on a camping trip with like 20 family members and friends^^;; No Joke a whole lot of people. Maybe it's bacause it's my dad's birthday today, but whatever it's gonna be near the beach and stuff so it should be entertainig. Since it's a camping trip it means that i will have no internet connection and no cable for 4 days!!! I'll miss Inuyasha on Saturday!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!>_< Oh wait i forgot my grandma sed she would record it for me.*sigh of relief* ok i have to get up at 6AM and i usually go to bed at 5AM so that would leave me only an hour to sleep so i think i'll go to sleep soon...maybe or i just wont go to sleep at all. I can sleep in the car right???? Oh well se you guys in a couple of day's kay' bye and take care^-^

Dark and Daiske from DNAngel
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
Hi everyone!!!! How are you all doing? Today was a very good day^^ We got up early cause my mom's best freind was gonna come and pick us up to go to the movies and to spend the day with them. We saw "The Fantastic 4" i liked it^^. I got to spend the day at my best friend's house which is cool. we had a lot of fun at the movie theather acting crazy and catching up on a year's worth of secrets and gossip.
After the movie we went to the super market to buy some ingredient's for a lasagna. I just love how her mom's lasagna tastes. Most of the time we were in her room watching tv and laying on top of each oother while talking. she's like a sister to me so it was all good. The food tasted good too^^ When it was time to be droped off at my house it started rainig...hard, but by the time we got to my driveway the rainig had stopped a little so all in all it was a very good day^^ for more good news i got 13 comments on my last post that's a record form me yay!!!!*dances around* ok im done^^;; Anyways im off to visit some sites seeya Bye.

I love Kisa from Fruits Basket Shes so cute^^

Again cuteness^^
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Every bone im my body hurts. why you ask? today we went to our Tae Kwon Do class for the firts time in 4 years. We did everything;s from reviewing how to throw punches to breaking boards. It was exausting. We did a lot of exercise and we came out all sweaty but it was fun^^ My lil brother Kitetsu was the firt one to go to those calses and today he did not want to go so we had to brive him. In the end he came with us. I did not know a lot of the kids in there most of the ones i knew did not come any more. I felt kind of nervous cause i was a black belt and had to set an example to the younger kids. it was stresing but fun^^ After the class we decided to go rent out some movies and we got the Lemony snicket's movie a series of Unfortunate Events and im watching it right now. Other than that nothing else. So bye im off to visit some sites so see ya *waves goodbye*

Love this pic^^
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Hi guys!! how is everyone doing today? Hope everyone is having a good day. So for my lil update on my life: the birthday party was sorta fun. I watched my brother;s playing basketball with some other kids for most of the time. my friend had other friends with her and i did not know them so i kinda left her with her friends, she would tell me to come over and talk to them but i was just too shy to do it-_-; I was being anti-social, but i cant help it that's just how i get when i dont know people and besides they were all older than i was and we had little next to nothing in common...BUT i did decide to join them after a little while we danced reagetton and laughed a lot. i think one of the guys there was gay but he was the coolest to talk to^^. After the b-day party we went to eat at Burger King and came home. I did not go to bed till like 5 AM a new record for this summer bad thing is little brothers woke me up from a wonderful sleeep and to top it all off it rained a lot, but i kind off like rain so that was not so bad. Then we went to the mall to buy stuff for school, which by the way i dont like,and such.Afterwards we spent some time at my grandmothers and then we finally came home. Rather eventful huh? Well i guess that's it for now so bye^^

This is one of my favorites^^ Hiei is smiling and they are all so happy. Summer Rocks^-^
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Sorry, my grandma is making some steak and i love her steak. Haven't had it for a year now so yeah. Moving on later today im gonna go to a birthday party of one of my friend's lil brother. It should be fun. I cant wait^^
Let's see what stayed over at my greandmas with my brothers and we got in the pool. we got our grandmother soaked so she would get in with us lol. She did but she would not stop taking pictures of us.ARGH as soon as i see them i'll burn them... Lately im not liking my pictures...oh well a little case of low self esteem that some music will cure.(i hope)-_-;;ok so i think that's wait i made it to 200 visit's YAY me!!!!! thank's guys^^*gives you all a big hug* ok now im done and im gonna go to sleep a little bye.-o-
Sleeping Yuki and Kyo from Fruits Basket

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Friday, July 8, 2005
Ok this stinks!!! Uhgh i cant even see the comments you guys are leaving me!!!! I HATE SLOW COMPUTERS!!!!!!!!!*sigh* Well... glad i got that out of my chest. Let's see I went to the mall and i came out with a brand new Seshoumaru t-shirt from Hot Topic^^ As soon as i saw it a few weeks ago i knew i wanted it, and now i got it and it's mine.YAY^^
What else did i do??? why am i asking you guys??? Oh yeah i used to take Tae Kwon Do clases like two and a half years ago(made it all the way to black belt) and today we went over the school to see my master and a couple of the long-time-students-now-assistants and stuff. I was hugging everyone and they were all sweaty. After that we went to see my god-mother it was great seeing her again, and i forgot to mention that while at the mall i ran into an old friend from when i went to school here in Puerto Rico. i was so happy to see her. The day i left to come to teh states she wasn't at school and i did not have her phone number or anything so it was really nice to run into her.
Another note is that i may not update for a long time since the comp is slow and i'll be leaving on some sort of camping trip or something like that with most of my dad's familly soon. Ok i'll stop now because it's getting to be a long post so bye guys^^

take all slow computers away and replace them with faster one's.
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