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Fort Hood Tx
Member Since
None Really im lazy but i like Animals a lot
Real Name
None really. T-T
Anime Fan Since
for a really long time
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha , Yu Yu Hakusho, Full Metal Alchemist, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket and many many more I also love shoujo manga
Have the earth over run by evil pink bunnies and have my lovely pet cats eat them all and take over the world
Me likes to draw, and write and watch a lot of anime
Cat-like reflexes( Younger brother throws pillow and hits me in the head) oww
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Friday, May 27, 2005
School's Out!!!!!! ^-^
Yes!!!! Im done with my final exam's!!!!!!! I think i failed the French test though....but i did pass the geometry one with an 86^^. That's a major accomplishment for me in math^_~. Let's see it was a very moving day at school people crying and stuff and since I can get emotional from time to time i too cried.*sigh* We also made our Speech teacher cry... We were her best class. We were 15 kids, 5 of them being senior's and by having so many senior's in the class made it interesting very interestin... I got a class picture though it came out great!!!! Im gonna miss that class.T-T On other news i received some new manga and a Fruba DVD^^ and i think there gonna start showing new episodes of Inuyasha sometime soon too.^^ Well that's it for now Bye.
See she's happy Just like me^^

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Sunday, May 22, 2005
Im Better
Hello everyone im feeling better today. That's good right? Yes it is^^. Let's see today i got to sleep in^^ yay!!! I was forced to stay outside and get in the pool with my lil' bro's. It was hectic it was pure chaos....and i kind of liked it. Spending time w/ my bro's i mean. Im usually really not so caring toward's them. Im rather distant when it comes to them but i still love them though^_^
OMG!!!! I finally learned how to put pics in here yay!!!! I did it all by nyself too^^ Im so proud of myself^^ *dances around* Oh YEAH!!!!!! Ok im done. As you can see she's an Angel^-^

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Friday, May 20, 2005
Life is Too Short
I learned this yesturday... You see the day before(Thursday) A Senior in my school was in a car accident...*sniff* that day she went through two surgeries to try and get her in a stable state. Then Yesturday sometime in the morning she passed away...Her name was Deirdra Todd and she was a senior with only a week left to graduate. She was also engaged to her Boyfriend and she was a member of JROTC. Her loss was felt all over Shoemaker Highschool. The school decided to make a memorial for her after school at 6:00PM. There were alot of people who were there to pay their respects for her and the boyfriend was there too. It was a sad time and i can only pray for Steven and both of the families to get throug this.
But dont think that this whole week was bad for me. It didn't start out bad at all. In fact it started out great. My frien Amanda finally got to go to the mall and she got Gravitation vol.2 It was great i wanted to see it so she let me borrow it for a couple of days. Also my granadma bought me some more manga.
I guess that's all for today...Bye then and please keep Deirdra in your prayers if you can.
Bye see you guys later *cries*
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
Ist Cav Party^^
Hello everyone!! This has been a good weekend. Let's see yesturday there was this big party for the soldiers of Fort Hood here in Killen Texas. We had a couple of famous people come and sing for the soldiers. Ja Rule was one of them and they also had some Reggeaton for the Latinos there^^ It was all really cool and to add to my happiness my grandma called me today from my fav store of all time Suncoast and told me she got me some new manga books and Fruba's vol.2 that made my day and my friend went to the mall yesturday too and got herself some anime which by the way she's gonna let me borrow.Yay!!!
Ok now here's were i get upset... there's not gonna be any Full Metal Alchemist today on Adult Swim cause of this new show they are starting *cries* I want my FMA but it's all alright.*sniff* ok that's over now. Bye see ya later.^-^
Ok so it's really late now. It's like 11:39 Texas time and im not happy. i just saw a boxing match Between Trinidad vs Wright and Tito Trinidad lost.>_< You see he's from Puerto Rico and so am i so i was screaming my head off for him and he goes and loses on me.. I say that's mesed up..Oh well there's allways the rematch...
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
Im Happy ^_^
How is everyone doing today? I got some good news. This week i got Fuits Basket vol.4 the manga and i got a new object of obssesion. It's DNAngel i saw the first volime and i fell in love with it. It was awsome.^_^ Dark is really handsome. I like him^^. Besides that today i had to clean my room..... i spent some four or five hours in my room. Yes i know thats a long time but i like to take my time when doing stuff like cleaning... The truth is I dont like to clean at all. anyways tomorrow is mother's day but i dont have a gift for my mom. i was just thinking i should make her some breakfast and i also sent her an e-card to her i hope she likes it.-_- Well thta's about it for today. Bye ^_^
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Saturday, April 30, 2005
Im bored out of my mind right now....But guess what... Im gonna have the house to myself for at least an hour or more.YAY!!!The whole house to myself all i have to do is cook some meat for dinner and i am task free.(for now anyways) My eyes feel heavy but i sleept a whole lot today i woke up like at 12:51 today.Well im off to do something.Bye everyone.
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Friday, April 29, 2005
it's finally that wonderful time again!!!!Friday/s gotta love them. Today was a good day except that my package is not here....YET!! You see i got my grandma to finally buy me a manga book(fruits Basket vol.4)and a DVD(DNAngel vol.1) and it's still not here.*cryes* i need my anime. Im a little low on cash and she is my last hope.On a more happier note im on the honor roll again so this summer when i visit my dad in Puerto Rico he sed i could ask him for anything i wanted as a prize. that of course made me hyper.^_^ so yeah good day not to mention what happend after school.....umm ok bye^_^
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
It was actually kind of fun.(even though i did nothing) I was mostly listening to music and i played a couple of games w/ my mom and stepdad. almost at the end we had a water war w/ water guns and i think i won cause i was the least wet....or it may have been the fact that i told everyone not to get my hair wet. Anyone that knew me would know i would have ripped them appart. ._. I do not plan to spend two more hour of sitiing on a chair suffering while my mom blow dries my hair. uh uh no way. It hurts too much... Anyways bye everyone.^_^
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Friday, April 22, 2005
FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes it's Friday finally. Im so happy I can finnaly sleep some.... I think I may be going to a picnic tomorrow, and no i do not want to go. It's a Church thing and i dont like going to church plus saturday's are supposed to be for sleeping in and not to get up early. In another note today was the last testing day at my school. You see in the public schools here in Texas we have to take a stuped state test every year. Freshmen this year had to take Reading, Algebra and Social Studies. Reading did great i mean thats what i do i read a lot. Algebra and Social Studies did not so hot. Im horrible at Algebra and i dont even take social studies I take World Geography.But all is well the last 24 hours have been really good. Cant complain. Well im off to read or listen to some music or maybe both at the same time.... Ok Bye.
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
It's sunday allredy? I hate sundays it means one day closer to school. I also had to go to churc today.Courtesy of mother and it was against my will might i add. I was asleep for most of the thing anyways. Tommorow i have to do a speech about a song. I hate giving speeches. I also have a group project due tomorrow for World ?Geography about Egypt and Morocco and Egypt Rocks!!!! Ok leaving now. Mother is going to blow dry my hair. Yessssss not going to have to spend 20 extra minutes on hair ok bye now. ^_^
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