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Fort Hood Tx
Member Since
None Really im lazy but i like Animals a lot
Real Name
None really. T-T
Anime Fan Since
for a really long time
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha , Yu Yu Hakusho, Full Metal Alchemist, Fushigi Yugi, Fruits Basket and many many more I also love shoujo manga
Have the earth over run by evil pink bunnies and have my lovely pet cats eat them all and take over the world
Me likes to draw, and write and watch a lot of anime
Cat-like reflexes( Younger brother throws pillow and hits me in the head) oww
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Tell me what has the world come to when a seven year old girl is taking drugs in her own home.*sigh* This hapend on friday. A seven year old girl was taking some drugs and they called the police, the fire department, and i think poison control too. This happend like five houses away from mine. I think they took her to the hospital. I hope she's alright even though i dont know her.
On to some none depressing stuff!! Today(saturday) we were to go out to someone's house so we could get out of OUR house, but both my brother's din't want to go so i told my mom i would stay so they could stay. So far the've been complete angels which is very rare for them, but i do like it^^ i dont have to be yelling out the top of my lungs at them^_^ I think i have homework but im not so sure, i usually go into brain shut douwn mode when school is out so im a little slower at times^^;; then on mondays my brain starts getting out of shut down mode and by tuesdays my brain is in full working mode^^
Let's see what else...i dont think i've told you guys what my classes this year are have I? well they are(in order)Chemistry, French2, Algebra2, Theater(which i did NOT ask for they just threw me in there)bussines computer class know as BCIS, World history, and last but not least English2. I alredy have a project for theather class were supposed to make a play and we are cavemen... we have to make our own clan name and our names and act it all out which is a BIG problem for me. Im shy and i dont like being up on a stage were everyone can see me and then i have to act stuped...I always act stuped with my friends but that's my friends i dont know more than 2 people in that class and there are like 33 people in there.Oh well i'll figure it out some way or another^^Kay take care you guys!!!
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