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myOtaku.com: Katsume18

Saturday, September 3, 2005

   Why me???
Ok so this week is finally over with!!!!!! Yay!!!! It was a pain trying to get trough school... Let's see im almost failing chemistry right now and Algebra 2 is not going so well either. Today(friday) I had to present my first play in my Theather arts class. We were supposed to be cavemen and act and talk like them. i thought it was going to be fun and it kind of was but i did mess up my lines a little^^;*sigh*let's see another thing that happend was that i fell from the mini stage we have in our classroom. In front of everyone!!!!!!!!! The thing is that at that same time as im falling my group was working with the lights so a white light was turned on simultaniously when i fell. Everyone was quiet and i was laughing at my self the teacher came running over to me all panicked and stuff it was funny^^ But i am alright i dint hit my head or anything cause i should have i fell pretty close to teh edge of the stage any ways this brings me to my question for today^^ What has your most embarrasing moment been and where was it??? I think it should be interesting to know^_^ ok g2g see ya Take care you guys*waves goodbye*

I thought this was Funny^^

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