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myOtaku.com: Katsume18

Sunday, September 4, 2005

   Im Full!!!!
Today I over slept more than i usually do but i needed that, 've been slep deprived for some time. But now im sleepy*yawns* Yay sleep^^ Bed is calling me. ok so i spent most of my day at home and my mom decided we should go out and eat so we went to a restaurant called Ryan's. They had an all you can eat kind of thing and we ate till we could not eat any more. Which was good considering the only other thing i ate for brakfast was some cereal and a hot pocket. So it was good.

My step-dad was supposed to be leaving today for New Orleans with all the other soldiers that they were sending but now they have him on stand-by so he has to wait till they call him. he could be gone three months or less or maybe more. He's suposed to be a food and water supplier to the other soldiers and stuff. So he was away a whole year in Irak and now he's going to New Orleans my mom is not so happy. She want's to spend time with him on their anniversary which is the 7th of this month. Well see what happens. Take care everyone.*Bed calling* Im coming!!!!!^^;;

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