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myOtaku.com: Katsume18

Monday, September 5, 2005

   Work and hurt
Today i over slept again which is good!! Yay!! ok so when i got up my mom and step-dad were gone. Kitetsu my lil brother told me they left to do grocery shoping and i was jumping for joy, cause i din't want to go. Now we have a full pantry again!!!! I have cookies now!!!! Im so happy^_^

Today(sunday) my step-dad decided he wanted to have a barbeque so he put me to help with seasoning the meat and stuff. Messy work... i dont like messy work... oh well the food was good though^^ then later my mom called me so we could all play some ping-pong so we did and after that we played some basketball we had fun but then a little accident happend. My youngest brother Ale got pushed into the metal pole that holds the basket by my other lil bro kitetsu. It was all just an accident but he bumped his head really good. He was even bleading. My mom got freaked out and literally draged him inside the house so she could stop the bleading. I was scared so i was laughing. i know it weird to laugh at something like that but i dint know what else to do*sigh* but he's ok now. He dint bleed for long and my mom gave him some medicine if his head starts to hurt and he's gonna slep w/ kitetsu so if anything happens he wont be alone.

Guess what i have no school today so i may be able to get on a little later^^ My first day off school it feels GREAT!!! ok now im leaving^_^ Take care you guys!!!

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