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myOtaku.com: Katsume18

Saturday, September 10, 2005

   Long week
Even though i din't have any school on monday this was a very long week even longer than a normal five day week!!!! What's up with that???? Anyways thanks to everyone that was worried about my little brother last week. He's fine he started being his annoying self the next morning...Anyways what else I took an algebra2 test and got a 67...that's pretty bad... but my whole class is gonna take a re-take next week. Hope i do better.

Today in Theather class we did another play. It had to do with morals and stuff. We basically made our right on the spot. Me ant two other people got run over by a "car" cause we din't look both ways before crossing the street and the dude in the car was talking on his cellphone. I had to fake my death and fall on the floor. I tried not to look at the audience and did well. I was still very nervous, I was glad once it was over with.

I dont know if you guys remember that i sed that my mom's wedding anniversary was this week and that my step-dad might be leaving? Well he was here for the thing. He sent her to a spa for three hours and he was gonna make dinner for her but she came out early and i ended up doing most of the dinner. After we were done eating my mom brought her gift out. it was a card and this box and inside the box there were a pair of... BRAND NEW...FLIPFLOPS!!!!!for my step-dad... Yeah he spends a whole lot of money onher gift abd she gives him some 3 dollar flipflops???? Yes she did but then she sed she was going to the bathroom and when she came back she had another gift wrapped, This one was smaller but more expensive. It was a watch really pretty and like i sed expensive. My step-dad loved it, but i was laughing the whole time he had such a funny face when he opended the first gift. My mom's idea of a joke i guess...Let's see i guess that's all for now that i can remember. Oh and I cant wait for later today when i can finally see Naruto on Cartoon Network. I've been waiting a long time for the anime to come and now it's finally here!!!!!!Yay ok now i think im gonna go get some much neede sleep. So take care you guys!!!! Bye!!!!!!!

Sorry no pic today. Having trouble with the computer.... Friends
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