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myOtaku.com: Katsume18

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

You guys are so great!!!!! I feel a little better today so that's good right?!^^ It makes me so happy that you guys care enough to say that i can talk to you guys about my stuped probelms^^

Ok so yesturday it was Open-House at my school. That's when all the parents come to meet the teachers. Yeah my teachers asked for my mom's e-mail so now i cant get away with anythingXD Teachers and parents should not be allowed to exchange e-mail addresses.*sigh*but im a good student for the most part, my grades are pretty decent too so i dont have to worry...for now anyways. Today i took the re-take for that algebra test i failed and i think i did much better on this one so i hope i got a good grade. Let's see*thinks* i guess that's it i dont really have anything else to say. So love you guys and i want to give a special thanks adn a great big hug to mishotarup,NittlerGrasper, and Shinigami Akumu. You're simple word made me feel better so*gives you a great big bear hug*THANKS!!!!!!^_^

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