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myOtaku.com: Katsume18

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Hello everyone!!!!!!! How are you all doing? I hope everyone is doing ok^^ So let's see I talked with my grandma today and i told her about my yearbook problem and she sed she would give me the money!!!!^_^ yay. I love her. She spoils me rotten cause im her only grandaughter. Well she really spoils all of us my brothers and me i mean.^^ Anyways all in all the yearbook is gonna cost $77. Yeah tha's a lot but i really want it this year. I din't get it last year because i dint care but this year a lot of my friends are moving so i want to remember them and plus another friend of mine is working on the yearbook comittee this year.

Well im gonna have to get up early today cause my mom sed we were gona go to church. I really dont want to go i need to sleep more. Guess i should go to bed now right. It's 11:02PM right now and i have to get up at around 6AM so yeah...I also have some math homework i need to finish. need to do that soon oh and i need to watch Naruto. i taped it today so yeah guess that's it so bye^^ Take care everyone!!!!

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