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myOtaku.com: Katsume18

Saturday, September 24, 2005

   Stuped Hurricane, grades and moving.
Hi everyone i tried to get online sooner but i never got the chance on my computer class we've been working like crazy in there. Anyways the reason for my post is that maybe just maybe i wont be able to get on for some time cause of the Hurricane Rita. Now the hurricane itself wont come to this part of Texas but were gonna feel some thunderstorms and some rain and the wind and all that stuff. Im really not scared since i've been in hurricanes (before like 3) and that was in Puerto Rico and that's a little island so if i could survive one in an island i think i can survive one in a place far away from the ocean.^^ Anyways there might be the chance of some tornados and power cuts*sigh*mother nature want's to get us really bad i think. Anyways if i dont come on because of that it may be becasue A)The hurricane. B)Im STILL failing algebra2 or C) Im gonna be moving at least twice in less than 3 months. Oh what chaos, oh and i forgot my mom just started working now so i have to take care of my brothers everyday after school cause both my parents get home from 5-6 P.M. Guess that's it for now. Hope my house dosen't get blown away by the wind....Uh yeah Take care everyone.

I want you all to meet my cat Pelusa.^^ and please ignore the green thing he has on on one of the pics i was messing around with him.^^;;

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