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myOtaku.com: Katsume18

Thursday, November 24, 2005

   Argh im sick.....
It's jsut great. My week has been going great except for the lttle detail of im sick. At least it's a 5 day weekend so that's good. On monday and on tuesday i had to go to school and i wasn't feeling that good and i was just dying in my classes. They seemed so long and never ending but that's over now for the rest of the week!!!!! Wohoooo!!!! So happy so happy!! I hope i get better before the party on saturday. Dont wanna go and get everyones else sick including the birthday girl.XD

Ok so today(wednesday) i spent my day cleaning the house for tomorrow(thursday) since were gonna have a guest or something like that. All i really know is were gonna have to drive like 3 hours to pick him up from the airport and then drive back. They made me stay with only my brothers while we were cleaning. My parent's went out to buy groceries... and i was left with them all alone. At least they behaved themselves a little. Well i've got nothing else to say except hope you guys have a Happy Thanksgiving day. Bye bye

?: how are you guys going to spend the day? Any plans? Friends
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