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myOtaku.com: Katsume18

Saturday, December 10, 2005

  Wow. I've had some very interesting past two weeks. Last friday there was a fight in my History class. One guy beat abother guy up. There even was blood. The school police came and the AP's and a whole bunch of teacher's. You know kids at my school have some pretty interesting stuff to say. Word travels fast in my school, by the end of the day kids were talking about the fight just that the facts were all wrong. they were saying that somebody got stabbed and that it happened in the hallway and that people saw it. But it was all lies cause it happened in the classroom and only fists were used. It was pretty interesting to watch but because of the fight they delayed our next period cause they guy who was bleeding went out to the hallway and there were puddles of blood in the hallway.Yeah and that was just one day.

On that same day i stayed after school for a book fair and to watch a play with my friend Ashley. We had lot's of fun just the two of us making fools out of ourselves and she even got her dad to bring us some food while we were waiting in the cold. It was great^^

This week has been pretty hectic cause of studying for final exams and all of that other stuff. But i am happy that i dont have to take my chemistry final because i have a 91 in that class. Now how did i get that? I have no possible clue. Chemistry is not easy for me. As for my other clasess i think im doing ok.

One of my guy friend's b-day was on monday. i wished him a happy birthday and all because he's a very sweet friend, but he's moving away pretty soon and he wont be here for my b-day which makes me sad.Oh and to top it all off my mom is sick. My step-dad took her to the hospital like 5 hours ago. She seemed so fragil and so little it's hard cause she's my mom and im not used to seeng her like that. She's very headsrtong and she screams a lot but i like it cause that's how i know she's ok, but when she's sick i get scared and all. I cant help it. Oh well g2g see you guys later!!^_^ Friends
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