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Somewhere on Earth n under the nice, blue sky
Member Since
My mom's servant...*sighs*
Real Name
Akimoto Ayumi is my japanese name... but my real name is Emily
Being half Japanese and half British... and I'm proud of it
Anime Fan Since
2000... I guess
Favorite Anime
Detective Conan, Naruto, Rurouni Kenshiin, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Fullmetal Alchemist, Digimon, Hikaru no Go, Shaman King, DN Angel, the Prince of Tennis, Sakura Wars, etc...
to be the world's best mangaka...;)
read comics and watch anime
err... singing?
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, February 18, 2005
The story begins...
I started to hate Daisuke when I was 13. At first, we were best frens... till one day, he made my pet cat (Midori... it has green eyes) sick. He put some bad milk in Midori's plate, and poor Midori vomited and badly poisoned. Well... you might say it was an accident but... I won't forgive him, and he even didn't say sorry either. I tried my best to conquer my temper, but it exploded. BOOOMM!! We had a BIIIIGG fight... and guess what, he accidently told me his big, fat secret. He's the one who HID MY PRECIOUS COMICS!!! No wonder I didn't see them for ages. And guess what... our frenship was over. And now... we're bitter enemies, thre's no way we'll be frens again... unless he's willing to take care of my new pet dog Shimo. It's cute and fierce. Shimo won't lick anyone except me. If he can make Shimo lick him... I'll forget the silly fight 4-eva.
Maybe you'll say it's so silly... but Midori is my best pal.
Guess what... he's going to stay here until his parents come back from America. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
kawaii-chan is poisonous! Induce vomitting if ingested. | N POISON |
That's true... It'll be better if Daisuke touch me and poisoned... instead of swallow me first... yuck! Even a stupid cow doesn't wanna be in his mouth. It STINKS!!!
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My silly, stupid cousin come again today... and he's gonna kill me! He's hateful and I don't like the look of him. People always say that he's handsome and cute [ probably a little... yuck! X( ] Daaah... if he make me suffer, I swear on the name of my dear comics I'll punish him 4-eva... or maybe kill him too. I'll smack him like this... ahhhh... that's better.

p/s: take that... Daisuke!
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Monday, February 14, 2005
My talent...
Well... 4 ur information... I'm very good in singing. Hey! I'm telling the truth! But... usually I sing in the... bathroom. Muahaha!
p/s: OK... hear me sing...
LALALA!!!![ evryone: X( ]

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Friday, February 11, 2005
Waaarrgh!!! I hate them!!!
Well... yesterday, I went to a forest... and there are LOTS and LOTS of mosquitoes! And now I'm feeling itchy all over my body. Why can't just someone help me slap this horrid, nasty, hateful flying thing?!

p/s: *evil laugh* take that... you
horrid blood sucker!!!
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Hatch... my little cutie egg

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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
MORE quiz results...
 Dark Angel. You were once an angel, but have fallen on the dark side. Causing trouble is your main goal...It's almost impposible tou go back to normal now...
(Anime pics!!!) What kind of angel are you? (21 results) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your inner self is your stubborness! Your so stubborn your not easily bossed around! You stand up for yourself and others. Remember the world donesn't revolve around you! Congrats!
.:What's your inner self?:. [With Anime Pics!!] brought to you by Quizilla
 Cool. You are the goddess of the sea! YOu prefer water than land. You enjoy swimming and relaxing with other mermaids.You have the power to control weather!
What Kind of Goddess are You??? [Beautiful Pics] brought to you by Quizilla
 active!! your friends are so lucky to have you!
What type of anime girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
You love to joke and are an attractive person. Suave and caring. Brave and fearless, firm and have good leadership qualities. You know how to console others but you are too generous and egoistic. You take high pride in yourself and are thirsty for praises. You have an extraordinary spirit and so recieve them often. You are easily angered, especially when provoked. Easily jealous but observant. Careful and cautious, you think quickly and independantly. You Love to lead and to be led. You also love to dream. Talented in the arts, music and defense. Sensitive but not petty. Poor resistance against illnesses. Learns to relax easily. Hasty and trusty. Romantic. Loving and caring. Loves to make friends!
what does your birthday month say about you?(for girls!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
Nipongo... Lemme teach you.
Here are some simple every day words that the Japanese use from me!^^ Have fun learning! Will add some more.:)
Usual Words*Days in a week*Months in a year*
Numbers*Random others * Colours *People Terms *Actions * 'Nice Words' * Fruits
::Usual Words::
Ohayo gozaimasu - good morning
Konnichiwa - good day/hello
Konbanwa - good evening
Oyasumi nasai - good night
Asa - morning
Yuugata / Yoru - evening / night
Sayonara - good bye
::Days in a week::
Getsu-youbi - Monday
Ka-youbi - Tuesday
Sui-youbi - Wednesday
Moku-youbi - Thursday
Kin-yobi - Friday
Do-youbi - Saturday
Nichi-youbi - Sunday
::Months in a Year::
Ichigatsu - January
Nigatsu - February
Sangatsu - March
Shigatsu - April
Gogatsu - May
Rokugatsu - June
Shichigatsu - July
Hachigatsu - August
Kugatsu - September
Jugatsu - October
Juichigatsu - November
Junigatsu - December
colour- iro
Aka- Red
Aoi- Blue
Hairo- Grey
Midori- Green
Fujiro- Violet
Kuro- Black
Shiro(Haku)- White
Momo- Peach
Orenji- Orange
Kiro(i)- Yellow
Chairo- Tea (Brown)
zero - zero
ichi - one
ni - two
san - three
yon - four
go - five
roku - six
shichi - seven
hachi - eight
kyu - nine
juu - ten
Juuichi - eleven
Juuni - Twelve
Juusan - Thirteen
..Get the idea?
NiJuu - Twenty
Ni Juuichi - Twenty one
Ni Juuni -Twenty two
..Get the idea?
hayku - hundred
Hyaku juu ichi - hundred and one
Hyaku juu ni - hundred and two
..Get the idea? Lets continue..
Hyaku juu ichi - hundred and eleven
Hyaku ni juu ichi - hundred and twenty one
..understand so far?
sen - thousand
Sen Hyaku juuichi - Thousand, one hundred and eleven
Sen Hyaku ni juuichi- Thousand, one hundred and twenty one
So..okay? Do you have question?
::Actions:: (verbs)
Talk- Kataru
Walk- Aruku
Run- Hashiru
Jump- Tobigaru
Hit- Utsu
Take- Toru
Bow- Kagemeru
Throw- Nageru
Eat- Taberu
Hop- Tobu
Some random others...
Kaitou - Thief
Kawaii - Cute
Aishiteru - I love you
Tadaima - I'm home
Donata desu ka - Who are you?
Damare- Shut up
Shirimasen- I don't know
Nandemonai- Its nothing
Shizukani- Be quiet
Wakata- I understand
Wakarimasen- I don't understand
Onegai - Please
Gomen/Gomenasai - I'm sorry
Arigato - Thank you
Sumimasen - Excuse me
Iie - No
Hai - Yes
Shinei - die
Baka - Idiot
Yami - Dark
Kowaii - Scary
Yoroshii - Alright
Neko - Cat
Kitsune - Fox
Ai - "Love".
ikimasu - go to
kimasu - come to
kaerimasu -return to
Anata - "You". We don't use "anata" that much in Japanese, when you compare it to how much we say each other's names. It's polite to call someone by their name most of the time, instead of just saying "you". Anime - Derived from the french word for "animated", this is what we call Japanese Animation.
Arigatou - Thank you. If you're talking to someone older than you, or someone very important (such as the emperor of the Konan Empire), you should say "Arigatou gozaimas". This is the polite form. I'm sure Hori-sama would appreciate it if you'd be a polite citizen. ^_^ Baka - "fool" or "idiot" This is one of our favorite frequently used insults.
Genki - Happy, of good sprirt
Hai - Yes
Iie - No
Irasshaimase - Welcome
ka? - 'ka' is a word that rep. a question mark. Putting it at the end cause it to become a question.
Kawaii - Cute
Manga -Is basically japanese comics.. Manga is drawn in Japanese anime style, which is different from English comics, or cartoons.
Miko - Priestess
Nani? - What?
no - "no" is a particle used to show possession in Japanese. This means that if I am "Kingdom no Miko" , then I am Kingdom's priestess. (Or the Priestess of Kingdom) It works both ways. Another example would be "Oe-kun no hon". "Hon" means book. The phrase implies that the book belongs to Oe-kun. So.. it means "Oe-kun's book" or "Book of Oe-kun".
Ne?- Right?
Neko - "Cat" .. ^^
Nihon - "Japan" This is the Japanese name for our country. " Adding "go" on the end (Nihongo) changes it's meaning to "Japanese".
Otaku - This literally means "home" in Japanese, but it can also mean "fanatic". This is what all the anime fans like to call themselves.
Sake - This is Japanese wine.^^
Seishi - A collaboration of "Senshi" and "Hoshi". Together they mean "star warrior" or "celestial warrior" as they're normally referred to. Senshi - "Warrior".. this is mixed with "Sei" (Star) to get "Seishi".
Sugoi - "Great" or "Excellent". Kind of like "wai", we often use this as an exclamation.
Suzaku - Celestial god of the southern sky. Represented by the mythical Vermillion or Chinese red phoenix.
Wai! - This is an exclamation we use a lot in Japanese. It's like saying "Yeah!" or "Yay!". We use it a lot when we're really happy.
Terms used to call people
Onii-chan - Brother
Ojii-san - Grandpa/Grandfather
Otoko no mago - Grandson
Bishounen - This means "beautiful boy" or "beautiful young man".
Shoujo - Girl
-sama - This is put on the end of names of very important people, or people that you really look up to. This is more polite than using "san". ^_^
-san - This is what you'll most likely be putting on the ends of people's names. In Japan, we usually call people by their LAST name, with -san on the end, but sometimes you'll see people putting it on the end of first names to be a little less formal. This works for both males and female's names.
-san : Roughly translates as "Mr." or "Ms.". As you get to know someone well you may progress to other suffixes, however, people who are older than you always get -san, out of respect.
-kun : male familiar. He is probably your age or younger and you know him well.
-chan : female familiar. Also slightly diminutive. Those whose names you add -chan to are also good friends, probably your age or younger. Also used for animals.
-sempai : an upperclassman in your school or other social structure. Most often used in school settings, though.
-sama : respectful title. Often translated as "Sir", "Lady", "Prince", "Queen", etc. Used when addressing letters, as well.
-sensei : teacher. Teachers are well respected in Japan, so this title is very meaningful. Also used for doctors or anyone who is very good in their field.
-chan - You put "chan" at the end of the names of your good friends and family, and for people that are considerably younger than you are. Usually this is used with girls.
'Nice words' (Best for using in choosing Site Names etc.)
Light- Hikari
Dark- Kurai
Daylight- Nikko
Pure- Junsuina
Tear- Namida
Sora- Sky
Spirit- Seishin
Serene- Seirona
Spiritual- Seishin no
Swirl- Uzu
Sweet- Amai
Serenade- Sayokyoku
Seal- Azarashi
Snow- yuki
Frost- Shimo
Sad- kanashii
Rift- Sakeme
Planet- Yusei
Fruits (mi)
Apple- Ringo
Banana- Banana
Carrot- Ninjin
Orange- Orenji
Kiwi- kiui
Pear- nashi
Peach- Momo
Enjoy learning!
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Haaa... Chiu! Bless me...
I really and totally hated when I caught in a flu. It's soooo boring! But, in the contrary, it might be the best thing, too. I won't have to go to school... Hurray... maybe? Aaargh! Can somebody just take this stupid flu?! Hmmmph... goodnite!

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Friday, January 28, 2005
Quiz results
 You are an angel!
You are sweet, kind, and gentle.
You are sensitive and can be hurt easily.
 You are a flute. You are social and like to take your chances. You like to spread your wings and expirience new things. You are high in spirit. You also like to talk to many people about your views.
 Which Anime/manga Character are you???? brought to you by
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