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Naruto "flame" Uzumaki
Duh? o.O; I dun kno wut tht iss!!1...
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since I was a fetus!
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NARUTO! and some IGPX.
...If I told you, I would have to kill you. Seriously, I would...
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RPing, ranting, using brain, skipping, ranting, skateboarding, computers, watching T.V.(yes that's a talent.) ranting, Sometimes multi-tasking, and being bored! Oh, and ranting. killing too... did I forget to mention ranting? *thinks a little bit...*
| kawaii-naru-kun
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Friday, April 28, 2006
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I put the End in Friend...
Mood: Excited
Song: Eminem- Drug Ballad
[I] Yea...(laughter)*t
hmmm, whoaaa, hmm ...
Guess what?
I ain't coming in yet, i'll come in in a minute
Aiyo, this is my love song. It goes like this....
Back when Mark Wallburg was marky mark
This is how we used to make the party start
We used to...mix in with bacardi dark
and when it... kicks in you can hardely talk
and by the... sixth gin you gon probly crawl
and you'll be... sick then and you'll probly barf
and my pre-...diction is that you gon probably fall
either somewhere in the lobby or the hallway wall
and every-... things spinnin your beginning to think women are swimmin in
pink linen again in the sink
then in a couple of minutes that bottle of guinness is finished
you are now allowed to officially slap bitches
you have the right to remain violent and start wildin
start a fight with the same guy that was smart rhymin
get in the car and start it and start drivin
over the island and cause a 42 car pile up
Earth calling, pilot to co-pilot, looking for life on this planet sir, no
sign of it
All i could see is a bunch of smoke flyin and I'm so high that I might die if
i go by it.
Let me out of this place I'm outta place, I'm in in outter space, I've just
vanished without a trace.
I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow, I'll be back in an
hour or so.
Cuz every time I go to try to leave (whoa-o-o)
someone keeps pullin on my sleeve (whoa-o-o)
I dont wanna but I gotta stay (whoa-o-o)
these drugs really gotta hold on me (whoa-o-o)
Cuz everytime I try ta tell 'em no (no-o-o)
they won't let me ever let 'em go (go-o-o)
I'm a sucker all I gotta say (whoa-o-o)
is drug's really gotta hold on me
In third grade all I used to do, was sniff glue through a tube and play rubix
Seventeen years later I'm as rude as joo (slang for you)
Schemein on the first chick with the hugest boobs
I got no game, and every face looks the same
they got no name, so i don't need game to play
I just say whatever I want, to whoever I want, whenever i want, wherever I
want, however I want
However I do show some respect to few
This ecstacy has got me standin next to you
Gettin sentimental as f*ck, spillin guts to you
We just met, but I think I'm in love with you
But your on it too, so you tell me you love me too,
Wake up in the morning like "What the f*ck we do?"
I gotta go bitch, you know I got stuff to do, Cuz if I get caught cheatin
then I'm stuck with you
But in the long run these drugs are gonna catch up sooner or later
But f*ck it I'm on one, so let's enjoy, let the ex destroy your spinal chord,
so it's not a straight line no more
So we walk around lookin like some wind-up dolls, sh*t stickin out of our
backs like a dinosaur,
sh*t, six hit's won't even get me high no more, so bye for now, I'm gonna try
to find some more
That's the sound of a bottle when it's hollow when you swallow it all
wallow and drown in your sorrow
And tomorrow your probably gonna wanna do it again
What's a little spinal fluid between you and a friend, screw it
and whats a little bit of alcohol poisoning? and whats a little fight,
tomorrow you'll be boys again
It's your life, live it however you wanna
Marajuana is everywhere, where was you brought up?
It don't matter as long as you get where you're goin
Cuz none of this sh*t's gonna mean sh*t where we're goin
They tell you to stop but you just sit there ignorin, even though you wake up
feelin like sh*t every mornin.
But your young, you got a lot of drugs to do, girls to screw, parties to
crash, sucks to be you
If I could take it all back now I wouldn't, I woulda did more sh*t that
people said that I shouldnt
But I'm all grown up now, and upgraded and graduated to better drugs and
But I still gotta a lot of growin up to do, I still gotta whole lot of
throwin up to spew
But when it's all said and done before I know it I'll be forty wit a 40 on
the porch tellin stories
with a bottle of Jack, two grandkids on my lap, babysitting for Hailey, while
Hailey's out gettin shmashed.
Chorus x 2
drugs really gotta hold on me
really got a hold on me
drugs really gotta hold on me
they really got a hold on me [I]
well, best friends comming over today/ tomorrow, whichever one it is when I'm done typing this. His name's Jake, or stretch, seeing as he looks like a ninth grader. Well, what I currently have planned is that Jake comes over around 5:30/ 6:00 P.M. and stays the night. Then he stays all of Saturday and stays the night again. Then the sum up of the thing is that he stays til whatever time his Mom tells him she'll pick him up. :P Woot! Time to watch more Cowboy Bebop and maybe after, find some Bleach!
Kawaii-Naru-Kun approves of this message
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
T3h 5uck2er5
Well, seeing as Friday is off, and today is the day of silence... you'd think that this day/ week couldn't go bad. Well, it could. Today, I have to finish a major project due tomorrow, I took a test today, and that if the choir students in my class get any worse, we have to write a whole page saying random shit about what we should "properly" do in that class. Nuuuu! glasses came in, gotta go pick 'em up and stuff... bai!
kawaii-Naru-Kun approves of this message.
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
Who exactly ARE you? (AnImE PiCs)
OMG lol...

What Organization XIII member are you? Find out Here!
I <3 Kingdom Hearts 2! Go Roxas!!!
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Friday, March 31, 2006
Name: Nicholas Kyle Smith
Birthday: 10/20/93
Birthplace: Colorado Springs
Current Location: Texas HO!
Eye Color: white
Hair Color: white
Height: white
Right Handed or Left Handed: white
Your Heritage: I'ma white, bitch!
The Shoes You Wore Today: Vans
Your Weakness: Pink
Your Fears: Pink
Your Perfect Pizza: Pink dammit! D:<
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Make out, not fake out.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: :D
Thoughts First Waking Up: T.V... Computer... T.V...XBox...Computer... Computer...
Your Best Physical Feature: My phlegm
Your Bedtime: umm...
Your Most Missed Memory: ...
MacDonalds or Burger King: It's not Macdonalds It's not McDonalds either, it's mickeyD's!!!!
Single or Group Dates: Both
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Wine
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla with chocalate syrup
Cappuccino or Coffee: Decaf
Do you Smoke: no.
Do you Swear: Shit Cunt Tit Fucker Sack Sucking Mother Fucking Bang Bodied Bitch Retard! Hell no!
Do you Sing: lo li la le lu LO LI LA LE LU! does that answer this retarded question.
Do you Shower Daily: *sniffs under armpit.* Maybe.
Have you Been in Love: *Yells over to Girlfriend.* DO I LVE YOU!? * here's a whip crack and shivers.* She says yes so brutaly.
Do you want to go to College: hmmm.
Do you want to get Married: sure
Do you belive in yourself: *Touches his heart...literally.*
Do you get Motion Sickness: *barfs as he walks.*
Do you think you are Attractive: yEs
Are you a Health Freak: OH GOD GERMS!
Do you get along with your Parents: Hell Fucking NO!
Do you like Thunderstorms: Boom
Do you play an Instrument: Bang
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Does wine count?
In the past month have you Smoked: *Takes out cigerette and hides behind back.* N-No..
In the past month have you been on Drugs: *Hides Pot.* Nope
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Yesh. :D
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: ...
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: HECK YES!
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: ...
In the past month have you been on Stage: ...
In the past month have you been Dumped: ...
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: ...
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: ...
Ever been Drunk: ...
Ever been called a Tease: ...
Ever been Beaten up: ...
Ever Shoplifted: ...
How do you want to Die: ...
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: ...
What country would you most like to Visit: ...
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Blornge
Favourite Hair Color: Silver
Short or Long Hair: Long, yet spiky
Height: Mine
Weight: The weight you wish you had.
Best Clothing Style: Green, camo, and anime shirts
Number of Drugs I have taken: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Now I now my drugs you see, next time won't you take some with m-*faints.*
Number of CDs I own: 4...00000
Number of Piercings: 1700 in very wrong places.
Number of Tattoos: 1800 in very wrong places.
Number of things in my Past I Regret: Everything, especially the part where I was born and came outta my mommies vagi-table...
Kawaii-Naru-Kun approves of this post
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umm, what is... Friday?
Today was a good/ bad day. I'll draw it out in a list so you don't have to read line by line.
1: No homework for most of the week.
2: well, since I hate choir so much and my class was such assholes in previous times, we were scheduled to take a test today instead of our usual watch a musical. Thanks to them being even more assholes, we skipped the test and just sang like we do on monday- thursday.
3: Sub for math... I hate my math teacher.
1: Our sub in Math... sucked at teaching.
2: I had to forge progress report to keep my grade up. ( Seth, don't tell Mom or dad if you read this.)luckily, she accepted it.
3: Soc. Studies/ World History... we still had our regular teacher.
4: All the teachers that I hate were there, and All the teachers that I like had subs or were not bothering to teach the class today.
On the contrary, life is a mess of goods and bads, so this was a "Blah" day as Seth calls it.
Kawaii-Naru-Kun approves of this post.
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
Woot! I am bored... yup, I'm just kinda sitting here, typing a message with no meaning... you know, the feeling you get when you just ate to much of something your slightly allergic to? well, I'm getting kinda pissed at parental unit... I asked them to sell some stuff on EBay, and when I sold a few items, they said they would get the money in a couple of days. That was a week and a half ago... ya, I'ma go ask 'em right now.
-insert donut here- crap, why they gotta watch 3 1 hour movies in a row? it gets kinda annoying, especially when they turn the volume up to where it's rocking the floor and blasting my ears out all the way to my room. yup, life like this can really get agitating.
Well, today in choir, I got to take a seven page test on stuff I barely know, and it was due at the end of the class period. We got the test because when we had a substitute, everyone was being assholes and yelling at the top of their lungs to people who were 2 feet in front of them... those bastards. The sub got so freaking angry at everyone, he almost started to cuss the roof off. And yes, afterwards... I laughed. Hard. Because it was funny. And he spoke with the country hick accent. So there.
Saelavi! (sp?)
If you get my point... it means the opposite of Hola... ( A.K.A. BYE!)
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
Hey Seth? Not getting upset or anything, just telling the truth. When I rave, I LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT. I go for 2 minutes and then my hands are all screwed up, I can't to any tricks except a toss in the air, and my movement sucks. I do the same exact fucking thing over and over. I couldn't last 5 minutes with glowsticks in my hands and a very dark room. And another thing, I'm small, I'm a shrimp, and I'm used. Half the people come to me to find you, and half the time, I don't know those people, they just think that since i'm your little borther, that I have fucking tracking device on you ( which I don't...). So please, I'm really pissed off about a lot of things that have been going on and how I'm a nobody at any con. Just a follower and crap.
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Sunday, January 29, 2006
Well, the word I have for Ushi-con is that it sucked, and if the next Ushi-con is like it, then I'm never going to Ushi ever again.
One reason of why I didn't like Ushi-con is because I can't rave, no matter how hard I try, I SUCK.
Another reason of why it was not so great was because Seth would randomly dissappear without telling anyone except the people she dissappeared with.
I have many more reasons, but why waste my time ruining the sorrow of Ushi-con being over?
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Monday, December 12, 2005
well, this just is funny...
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