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Anime Fan Since
It started in the summer of '05 when I got REALLY into it. But I would wake up early when I was younger to watch Sailor Moon. I will kill the people who took it off-air...
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, Naruto, Chobits, Marmalade Boy, Love Hina and I wanna start a new series REALLY BAD!!!!!
To grow up, marry the man God has chosen for me and start a family.
Drama, drawing pics, writing poems and FanFiction, G.A.M.E.R.S. and trying to sort through my emotions. (Trust me... it's a full-time job!!!)
ummmmm..... I feel accomplished if I don't cry for over a week?
| Kawaii34Girl
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Monday, October 17, 2005
wow... long time since I've up-dated.. eh?
Quick up-date...
visited canada
going to homecomming with a friend
obsessed with Bleach (up-te-date)
miss graduates like crazy
More personally... I skipped a few month of my period, then I was on it for ~33~ DAYS!!! Then I stopped bleeding for a couple of days... and now I'm on my period.. again.
I've been on it for every single high school dance so far. Homecomming is in 4 days, lol.
I'm sick with a stupid cold
I own 51 manga!!!!!
Fruits Baslet - 11
Bleach - 2 (20 on the computer)
Naruto - 2
Tsubasa - 6
Pretear - 4
Marmalade Boy - 5
Pita-Ten - 7
Love Hina - 14
And I plan on getting Fruits Basket as soon as it comes out, same for Tsubasa, then 8 for Pita-Ten and 6-8 of Marmalade Boy. Yay for completing series!!!!!
But annnnnnnnnyway.....
the only real reason why I'm here now, is to see if this graph thing works... let's hope it does!!!!
anyway, ttyl!
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Friday, August 12, 2005
I just filled out like, 15 personality qwuizes and then posted them here... demo, I hit ack on this screen and now they're all gone... GAH!!!! **re-filling quizes**
This quiz tells no lies...

You are dependable, popular, and observant.
Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.
In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.
You are unique, creative, and expressive.
You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.
And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming! |
THis quiz amused me ^^
Cheese Pizza | 
Traditional and comforting.
You focus on living a quality life.
You're not easily impressed with novelty.
Yet, you easily impress others. |
Your Birthdate: September 18 |
Your birthday on the 18th day of the month suggests than you are one who can work well with a group, but still remain someone who needs to maintain individual identity.
There is a humanistic or philanthropic approach to business circumstances in which you find yourself.
You may have good executive abilities, as you are very much the organizer and administrator.
You are broad-minded, tolerant and generous; a compassionate person that can inspire others with imaginative ideas.
Some of your feelings may be expressed, but even more of them are apt to be repressed.
There is a lot of drama in your personality and in the way you express yourself to others.
Oddly enough, you don't expect as much in return as you give. |
Your Summer Ride is a Jeep | 
For you, summer is all about having no responsibilities.
You prefer to hang with old friends - and make some new ones. |
Your Mood Ring is Light Blue | 
Emotions mixed
Cool |
How You Life Your Life | 
You have a good sense of self control and hate to show weakness.
You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.
You tend to have one best friend you hang with, as opposed to many aquaintences.
Some of your past dreams have disappointed you, but you don't let it get you down. |
You Are 20% Weird | 
Not enough to scare other people...
But sometimes you scare yourself. |
Your Hawaiian Name is: | 
Kiana Anani |
Your Kissing Purity Score: 80% Pure | 
You've hardly ever been kissed
But the kisses you've given are very missed |
Part Romantic Kisser |
For you, kissing is all about feeling the romance
You love to kiss under the stars or by the sea
The perfect kiss involves the perfect mood
It's pretty common for kisses to sweep you off your feet | Part Shy Kisser |
You *do* love to kiss, once your comfortable with it
And that means knowing the person you're kissing pretty well
You usually don't make the first move when it comes to making out
But you've got plenty of intensity in return |
K |
is for |
Kind |
A |
is for |
Amazing |
T |
is for |
Thoughtful |
I |
is for |
Innocent |
E |
is for |
Enlightened |
K |
is for |
Kinky |
A |
is for |
Abstract |
T |
is for |
Tame |
H |
is for |
Healthy |
E |
is for |
Enthusiastic |
R |
is for |
Relaxed |
I |
is for |
Irresistible |
N |
is for |
Nice |
E |
is for |
Expressive |
See?!? SEE!!! I SHOULD LEARN TO SPEEK JAPANESE!!!! Hai, Computer-san.... gomen nasai....
You Should Learn Japanese | 
You're cutting edge, and you are ready to delve into wacky Japanese culture.
From Engrish to eating contests, you're born to be a crazy gaijin. Saiko! |
heh... way to point down the negatives of a personality...
You are a Black Coffee | 
At your best, you are: low maintenance, friendly, and adaptable
At your worst, you are: cheap and angsty
You drink coffee when: you can get your hands on it
Your caffeine addiction level: high |
Your Career Type: Artistic | 
You are expressive, original, and independent.
Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art.
You would make an excellent:
Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor
Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer
Dancer - DJ - Graphic Designer
Illustrator - Musician - Sculptor
The worst career options for your are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary. |
Okay, I'm done with quizes... gunna read more Bleach!!!
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
filler... again ^^
Okay, so the 4th was kinda dissapointing... all rainy...
But I was able to see fireworks with my youth group and the Kline's.
After that, the youth group got together and played Hide'n Go'Seek. The entire church... with NO lights on... the entire youth group... from 9:30pm to 1am... yes... VERY fun ^^
Then I spent the night at the Clingermans... that was actually a lot of fun! I'm happy I went ^^ But I'm saddened to learn that my friend is in an abusive relationship. Please pray for her!!!
Wow... this sounds REALLY fammaliar... did I already post this? Oh-well ^^
Then I just hung-out at home for most of the next day, but I wound up getting ahold of Poki-chan and spending the night over there!
Wow... I hadn't seen/talked to her in about 2 mos... but we haven't REALLY hung-out in about 4-5 mos.
Anime, eating, manga, pics, eating, long chats, eating and, oh yeah! MORE eating ^^
Then at church tonight we played kick ball and volleyball... really interesting!
But a friend of mine invited me to go up north with her from tomorrow-Sunday. I'll find out if I can go tomorrow!
Wow... I haven't talked to Joe in a few days! I miss ya, bud!
moms yelling at me to get off the comp, ttyl!
Oh ya, I'm starting a new Furuba FF: Broken Spirit! Look up my other stories... my penname is Kawaii34Girl. (surprise surprise)
G'night, love yall!
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Okay, I know I haven't up-dated in quite awhile... but anyway... here's my catch-up!
I haven't seen or even talked to Jason since school got out... I think he's either working a lot, or completly blocked me.
But I've practicly been living at Joe's house, I'm there so often, lol.
We went on a 4 hour drive just to get Gitaro Man for his bro's B-day. It was crazy fun. And he's *trying* to teach me to swim, lol. OooOOOoooo... the other night was a lot of fun.
His family was having a party, so he invited me, Lori, Caroline and Matt over. We were swimming at 1 am. His house had fire works, his neighbors did, and so did some people accross the street. There was a big bon fire at his house, the music was playing, we were dunking each other and laughing, and the stars were shinning. Moments like that where you just want time to freeze and live there forever.
We had a marathon of Cowboy Bebop and watched the entire season. I cried 3x in the last episode... how sad T_T It really was depressing. But I really wanna know what becomes of Jet and Faye. I only have one thing to say: YAY FOR FANFICTION!!!!!!
I REALLY like the ending of Fruits Basket 10... tee hee hee chou kawaii ^^
Get this.. I got my Mom to watch the anime of Fruits Basket!!!!! (I now own...
Fruits Basket- All 26
Bleach- 1-8
Mai-Hime- 1-6
Xeno Sage- 1-4
and I'm getting fullmetal Alchemist, the rest of Mai-Hime and Bleach.
Fruits Basket- 1-10
Love Hina- all 14
Pretear- all 4
Pita-Ten- 1-3
Tsubasa- 1
Naruto- 1, 2)
But anyway... the mission trip to Detroit went really well! In the begenning, I only concentrated on the past and such. But after the first two days, I found someone who adopted me as their little sis who went through the exact same thing as me. It really helped me out so much knowing that I have someone who is going to be here for about a year to help me through this.
They really were such an encouragement to me. I really got close to my girls: Juli, Jenn, Constance, Ran, Kelsie and Audra: "I LOVE YOU GUYS! Thank you for lifting me up and letting me be myself!!!!"
Last night we played Hide-and-go-Seek in the church till' 1 am. It's always so much fun! I hid in a trash can and it took 5 people to get me unstuck!!!! Ha ha ha... good times! (but my neck still hurts!!!
Then I spent the night at the Clingerman household... crazy place it is! 11 people... sheer madness!!! And sooo stressfull -_-* I sympethisize with Mom and Dad... (I've been *adopted* into their family, lol)
But then this morning I went shopping with Meg and Cindy. cindy is visiting us humble Michigan-folk from collage. It's sad.. but I found out that she was in an abusive relationship.. please keep her in your prayers!!!
I really think that I'm starting to get a crush on Joe. Me entire family is wrapped around his finger. MY DAD even likes him!!! When he saw out prom picture (I went w/ Joe) the first thing Dad said was "They would have such beautiful children..."
MY DAD!!!!! MY dad!!!!! lol
But I can't let anyone know becasue he has a gf... and I'm really good friends with his gf, lol. And besudes, I always feel uncomfortable around people when I know they like me. And I really enjoy pending time over there... I never want that to change.
I can't take a step forward because he has a girlfriend.
I can't take a step back because I'll lose him.
So I'll just stand here, happily.
wow... I've really written a lot... oh-well, I haven't up-dated in a loong time, lol.
I'm really starting to feel inspired to write some more FF. I'm thinking about a story called "Broken Spirit" Where Tohru goes to speak with Akito, and I think the title explains the rest.
Heh, I haven't written a FF in a year or more... lol. So I'm still depating ^^
Oh, speaking of writing, here's a poem I wrote on my mission trip, tell me what u think!!!!
My Prayer
June 21st, 2005
Thank you, thank you
For searching me again
And giving what I need
To reach the souls of man
I’ve tried to look ahead
But the futures so unsure
The fear I’d felt right then
Seemed more then I’d endure
But time and time again
You’d give the strength I’d need
And the only thing you’d ask
Was to plant your holy seed
You shed your precious blood
And saved my tainted soul
You sent your love to me
And made my life feel whole
Where would I be without you
To hold my life in place
The world would serve such pain
Much more then I could face
Why do you bless me
In all the ways you do?
I’m ungrateful for my life
And most of all for you
But how can we truly see
A love we can’t comprehend
And you’ve known this all along
I’m so glad you understand
You see all the parts of me
Some I’d rather hide
And you see every emotion
From every possible side
Why are you so calm
When I’m twisted up inside
And all along you’re right by me
Standing by my side
You, you… only you
Can fill me up this way
To reach and touch my life
And give me what to say
You’ve been there all along
So I might forgot you’re there
I’m so sorry for my ignorance
As I leave you’re loving stare
My God, my Lord
You are the air I breathe
Help me Lord to live my life
So others might believe
heh heh, lol.
Well, on Saturday night... I really had a rough night.
It was one of those nights where you can't sleep, and yet there are no distractions. And you focus on your fears. I never want to have another night like that ever again. This is the second one... the last one was like.... December ish. Someone said something to me that was sorta like a slap in the face with one hand, and a high-five with the other. And it makes it so much worse because they didn't even realize what they were saying which means that it was comming from the heart... so idk!!!!
I've been trying to call Poki-chan for the last few days... but I haven't been able to talk to her since school got out... **sigh** stupid people with social
But anyway... noone realy reads this, so I should probably just stop or else it won't be able to send.... that would suck....
please post a coment so I know someone is reading this!!!!
**copies to Word... just in case...**
I love ya!
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
Howdy 'yall!
Greetings from North Carolina!
Yup.. that's where I am right now! The only reason why I'm on the computer, is because I'm spending the night @ my cousins apartment... and she doesn't really mind ^^
But yeah... she's going to get me lots of anime... so that makes me happy! She's going to get me the entire series of: Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, probably DN Angel, maybe Chobits, Bleach, and two more that I forgot the name of. Yes... Katie is VERY happy.....
So my friend had a Turbo Cranium party at his house the other day... it was really awesome. We watched some more Cowboy Bebop... it was fun. But now I REALLY wanna see the last 3 Dvd's...
So today.. everyone @ Grandma's house was really stressed, and almost everyone cried today. So... much.... fighting....
We were all busy getting ready for our first ever family reunion. A lot of people are making jokes about how bad all of the fighting is going to be. Others joke about which rocks to go hide under 'till it's all over with.
It doesn't really feel like I've left Michigan yet. It's like nothing at all has sunk in since June 1st. Everything's just been slowly passing me by in my life. Perhaps I haven't gotten enough sleep.... maybe my mind hasn't had enough time to take everything all in and burn it in my memory... who knows?
For those of you who don't know... yes. I am a picture freak. To me... pictures are VERY imporntant. I mean... when you really stop to think about it. What else do we have to remind us of these days. When we were happy and laughing, sad and crying, or confused and sulking?
What else do we have to try and save these imporntant days for the rest of our lives? Pictures are the best record. Memory's fade, descriptions (even the most through) are taken by the indevidual.
I want to remember these days, and the people who are molding who I am developing into. Even if someday I get hurt by these people, even if I already have been. Even if it's a memory that only hurts me... I want to save it forever.
Maybe I'm just weird like that. But lately... things have just been going WAY too fast for my liking. I'm afriad that I won't remember very much of this, if any. I'm very afraid of that. Because even if I can't explain this feeling I have... I don't want to forget it.
This confused longing. But what am I really longing for? A reminder that I do, indeed belong? A warm embrace from someone that will love me for the rest of my life? The assurance that I won't lose those closest to me? The fear that I won't push away those who could play a major roll in my life?
I really can't say.
But I'm talking in circles. And a circle has no point. And when someone babbles on with no point to the statements... it's considered a rant. So yes... I'm sorry for ranting ^_^*
Wow.... that was a fairly long rant. But I feel better now that I've let that all out.
But yes... it's almost 1 am... and I neeed to get up early, give the dog a bath, shave the dog, take a shower and go help finish up for the reunion tomorrow... EARLY!!!
Last night I didn't sleep very well because it's sooooo crazy hot down here!!!!
I swear, our state is amazing. A lot of people complain so bad about how bad out winters are. But I like it. We get a taste of every season. We have hot summers with heat-storms and some drought. We have cool falls with the amazing colors and gentle breeze. We have cold winters that have white-outs and snow storms, and we also have refreshing Spring's where everything just seems to come back to life.
I love our state, we get an amazing taste of each season. farther up North, it's almost always coat/jacket weather. Down South... it's always hot and humid and sweaty.
I'll say it once more... I love Michigan weather.
Wow... I just ranted again. Wait, nno I didn't! I had a point to make! All I did was give back-up reasons for it. MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Well, if I didn't rant... then what was I doing?
Let's see here... I gave a long speach With A Point To Make! And went on-and-on about with something that noone really cares about... so that was a lecture.
Okay... it is REALLY late now. I'm so going to bed! Pray everything goes well tomorrow... erm, today!
Love always
P.S- I wrote a letter to my friend... it's 7 pages long!!!!! lol
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
too moody for my own good....
basicly what it says there...
Yeah, a lot of crap and confusion, and fears and tiredness have been going on lately... GAH!!!!!!!
so today at school we started our finals. I did Art and Physical Fitness and man... I am pooped!!!!!
We did a written portion, and then we did the mile, (in pants, on a super hot, crazh humid day..) and then we did testing for push-ups, pull-ups, mountain climbers/grasshoppers and sit-ups. I pushed myself WAY too hard, and I'm sore all over!
And then I over-worked myself (again!) at softball again today. But I still suck... I haven't hit a single ball at any of the games this season yet....
But I got a rose delivered to my at school from Jason... it really encouraged and motivated me.
but besides all that, me and Anne just made "Promise rubber bands". We have the same goal for our lives, and we decided to keep simmilar rubber bands and to always wear them as a promise to each other that we'll support, confide in, boost, and hold the other accountable.
But we've both been going through really stressfull and confusing times lately, and we could both use the support of a good friend standing behind us.
So..... I've been going through waves of happy, to sad, to dissapointed, to excited, to scared, to anxious... gah!!!!
But anyway, I've gatta take a shower and calla friend and color a rubber band!!! lol
what's your cowboy bebop theme song?
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
A Depressing Day...
Okay, so today was the Seniors last day at my school. 4 of my closest friends, and most of the people in the group that I hang out with are seniors. Example: at my lunch table, there are 11 seniors, 2 sophmore and me... a freshman. It was a REALLY melonchaly and nostalgic day. (Did I spell those right?) It's like, I was moving and walking and crying... but it was more like me looking from my viewpoint as if it were someone elses. Like... I wasn't even there, even though I was. Really weird, undescribible feelings!!!!
So... this really sucks.... But hey, my friend bet that I would start crying 6 times today. BUT! I only cried 4x!!! (I held it in a few times)
So... yeah, the ride home was kinda sad (my best friend - senior) I know that I'll be pretty much fine in a few days... but right now, it's just a lot for me to swallow. I'm sure I sound really pathetic.. but I'm also pms'ing HARD CORE! So lemme alone....
Plus the fact that I finaly realized what's been bothering me for the last 2 weeks or so. I lost sight of what I wanted for my life. I mean, I don't really know what I want, who I want to be with, what I want to do, how I'm going to get there, heck... I don't even know what I'm wearing to school tomorrow!!!
Augh... tomorrow is going to be a rough day at school. It's going to feel so empty without all of them there. Smiling and waving between classes, talking durring lunch, or just the vibe... or enviorment they create when you're around them.
So yes, I'm finaly done venting. I'm sorry, I must sound REALLY pathetic right now. I know that I'll move on and make friends with the new freshman, I know that I'll be fine in a few days, and I know that I'm just blowing up an issue into more then it needs to be.... but please.... BEAR WITH ME!!!!!
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Friday, May 20, 2005
Okay... yeah, I don't really feel like trying to explain all the crap that's been going on lately... but I still feel like I really need to up-date this thing... so I'll fill it up with quizes ^^
Okay, my awesome friend got me into Tsubasa, and I'm waiting to borrow book 2. Stupid cliffies... but it's scary how close there quiz results are O_o

What Tsubasa Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
okay, that's all the time I have for now, I guess! I need to go up and work spot-lights for my friends dance recitial up at the school, and then I have a sleep-over right afterwards, and then when I get home tomorrow, I'll have to take a shower and run up to the church for a video scavanger hunt. And then after that, I'll probably spend the night at a friend from church's house, and then I have church the next morning, and then we'll probably eat and get pics from prom and look those over, and then it's time for evening church! MADNESS! SHEER MADNESS! **falls asleep at comp** But at the sleepover tonight, were gunna have a Fruits Basket marathon and watch the whole anime series (I got them all into it, muhahahahaha >=) ) So yeah, ttyl!
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Friday, May 13, 2005
Okay.... I SERIOUSLY need to relaxe!!! So I'm gunna go fill out some quizes!!!!!
 You are a water girl. You are flexable and very nice. You are quiet so people who don't know you thnk you are weird or just mean and high and mighty like. You aren't though. You like to have a good time and you also just like to relax and just enjoy the stars.
Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only brought to you by Quizilla
Okay... I really like this quiz!!!
 You are Psalms.
Which book of the Bible are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Psalms.
Which book of the Bible are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Heart is Red
What Color is Your Heart? brought to you by Quizilla
I don't know if I really agree with this one.... lol
 In your eyes, people see shards of ice everywhere... You are cold and distant, pushing away people that love you and truely care for you! You want to be able to reach out and love them but... You can't for some reason... You're just too.... You :P Underneath that cold exterior lies a warm, happy soul that wants to let loose and have fun! Your sanctuary would probably be anywhere up high where you can look down on life below you, like the roof of an apartment building... Your eyes resemble a saddened, crestfallen person seeking out attention, but doesn't know how to handle it. However, you do find comfort from your friends, they're always there for you, and they know the REAL you :) Even though you do seem rather cold, you can be very protective over something you truely believe in or love. Let go of that "tough" rep and just be you! It's impossible to live life without some fun and love ^-^
What Lies Behind Your Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla
wow O_O REALLY pretty pic....
 The Goddess of Roses and Love. You are a hopeless romantic. Always optimistic and loving, you have many friends and you are exceptionally trustworthy. You are a innocent beauty.
Which gorgeous goddess are you? For girls! (breath taking pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
hmmmm, cute quiz... but the pic could be pretties...
 You are the fairy of Sring! You are romantic and optimistic, you are a loyal, loving friend, you love nothing more than to make other people happy! Please rate if you want to, it's just i spent ages making this quiz.
Which fluttering fairy are you? (gorgeous pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
 You're an HONEST HONEY! You know that famous lads have larger egos than most, so you'd feel like you'd have to big him up all the time. But flattery doesn't come easily to you because you're honest and down-to-earth. You would suit a sporty fella than a celeb.
Could you date a celebrity? [Girls only] brought to you by Quizilla
 You are St Patricks Day Google
You may not have many friends but to those that you do have, you mean the world to them! You are a loyal and truthful friend and people respect you for that. You are the world to a lot of people and that should mean the world to you.
People love you for your honesty, but also for your tactfulness - knowing when to shut up!
Which Google Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Okay... I'm tired... like, REALLY tired, as in... my head is starting to bob... good night!!!!
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
hey hey hey!
okay, life has been really full-up on intense emotions of hurt, joy, dread, hope, all of it! And I don't think I understand them enough to try and explain them at this point. Once things settle down more, I'l fill yall in!
here are some quizes!!!
 You are a Slow Dancer. You are the romantic girl between your friends, you have beautiful sweet little dreams about the future, you love your friends and ready to do any thing for them. Your ideal man is the charming prince who is ready to give up everything just for you, and always show you how much he loves you.
What kind of dancers are you? (Girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
okay, I feel like going to a doll-maker site or something now... dollies can be so much fun at times ^^

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