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Anime Fan Since
It started in the summer of '05 when I got REALLY into it. But I would wake up early when I was younger to watch Sailor Moon. I will kill the people who took it off-air...
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, Naruto, Chobits, Marmalade Boy, Love Hina and I wanna start a new series REALLY BAD!!!!!
To grow up, marry the man God has chosen for me and start a family.
Drama, drawing pics, writing poems and FanFiction, G.A.M.E.R.S. and trying to sort through my emotions. (Trust me... it's a full-time job!!!)
ummmmm..... I feel accomplished if I don't cry for over a week?
| Kawaii34Girl
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Wow! I'm up-dating.....
I'll fill in the rest later. Everything is just one big, sticky mess right now!
 Your label is the Nice girl/guy. You tend to care for others over yourself. However, many people appreciate your caring side and would rather stick by you than hurt you. But, there is a downside. Some tend to abuse your kindness and take advantage of you. You always try to see the good in everyone and try not to hate. Also, you have sharp insight and a great personality. Calm, serene, and understanding, you make a worthy friend and a valuble ally to people in need. Don't change your sweet nature, your constant being-there can save a life. I suggest your go into a field that centers around working with others such as a doctor, baby-sitter, psychologist, lifeguard, or Teacher. If none of these occupations interest you, it is okay then. I am sure that there are plenty of oppertunities out there for you.
What type of teenager are you? brought to you by Quizilla
okay.. I LOVE this quiz...
 cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be close to your special someone and feel warm, comfortable, and needed
What Sign of Affection Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, April 2, 2005
Finaly Normal
Let's see, let's see... On Sunday I was crying cause of Jason. On Monday I saw POTO and bawled my eyes out... on Tuesday I cried really hard in The Notebook, On Wednsday I was crying again in The Passion, on Thursday I was crying when... wait, why WAS I crying? But anyway.. I cried on Thursday. An Friday I cried because I learned, for sure, that Jason was lieying to me, and he was only using me and all of that jazz.
So my friend and I went skating the other day, and I don't know what he said or what he did, but I don't hurt anymore. I guess all I really needed was somone to confide in and understand me... and somone to trash-talk Jason with me ^_^
But yes! And so ends the "Jason Saga" of my life!
ooOOoooOOOOoooo... right now I'm listening to the Fruba opening theme... Yui Horie version!!!! (Yui Horie is the person who plays the voice of Tohru) I like it a lot better!!! But both are really good! Let me know if you want a link to download the FRUBA SOUNDTRACKS!!!!! It's really awesome and easy!
Anyone know of the popular Naruto site "Naruto Chuushin" or something like that? Ya know the page where you can download music and stuff? Well, towards the bottom, you can download the opening theme WITH the video. And they also have the endings.
But what I've been looking for, for months, is the opening video for Fruits Basket. Does anyone know a place where I could download it? Any help would be completly awesome, and I will love you forever!!!!
Well, I guess that's about it! I'll talk to yall later!
...because 3/4 r cute.
Idk if A already posted this quiz result... but as it is... this is one of my favorite DDR songs.

What DDR Song Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Monday, March 28, 2005
Today I saw POTO (Phantom of the Opera) with mom. (Since I couldn't go out w/ Jay) So I wore the cute outfit anyway. But ANYWAY... getting back on topic, lol.
The movie was REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY (10 years later...) REALLY REALLY REALLY R-E-A-L-L-Y GOOD! I was crying throught the whole thing almost.
Here are the ones I can remember...
(Possible spoiler warning)
~) When her and that guy kiss, and the Phantom's crying and holding the crushed rose.
~)When you learn about the Phantoms past.
(I was crying from this point through the end of the movie, but each point is just the parts where I started crying even harder)
~) When he was singing that song (The one that Christine and that guy were singing on the roof)
~) And then I REALLY got going when she tore off his mask right as he was singing "Christine, I love you."
~) When she had to choose. (When the phantom was choking him)
~) When Christine kissed the Phantom
~) When the Phantom gave her up and let them leave
~) How she came back and gave him the ring
~) When he visited the grave, and the Phantom had left a rose on Christines grave.
~) My friend had given me the soundtrack, to POTO and I liked "Learn to be Lonely". That song was playing durring the credits, and I completly lost it, I was bawling REALLY hard!!!!
So.... yeah. And I loved how the guy was REALLY crying (You could tell becasue he had drainage comming from his nose!)
So... yeah. Mom got a movie, and it's playing now, so I'm gunna run! Fill ya in on the rest later!
...because 3/4 r cute.
 Ok you are a romantic anime girl and you love and care for a lot of people.There is no evil in you soul or your heart.Though sometimes people don't feelt he same way as you do you keep on trying to change their mind.You love to help people out and you are always happy.Keep on trying to make the whole world smile because you know smiles are contagious ^_^.Oh and if it seems like there is nobody who could love you as much as you could love them it doesn't matter the thing is that the only thing that matters is that he cares and loves you and it doesn't matter how much well maybe it does but don't set you standards to high cuz then you'll find nobody
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
It's over...
He broke up with me about an hour or two ago. I think that's all that really needs to be said. Life sucks, I think that basicly goes without me needing to say it. Well, after he broke up, I called a friend and since it was Easter, we couldn't get together. So I just cried over the phone. It's all good, I guess.
But here is a song that I have been listening to for the past few days... such a shame that it would really be fitting so perfectly now...
Simple Plan: Perfect World
I never could've seen this far
I never could've seen this coming
Seems like my world's falling apart
Why is everything so hard
I don't think I can deal with the things you said
It just won't go away
In a perfect world
This could never happen
In a perfect world
You'd still be here
And it makes no sense
I could just pick up the pieces
But to you
This means nothing
Nothing at all
I used to think that I was strong
Until the day it all went wrong
I think I need a miracle to make it through
I pictured I could bring you back
I pictured I could turn back time
Cuz I can't let go
I just can't find my way
Without you I just can't find my way
In a perfect world
This could never happen
In a perfect world
You'd still be here
And it makes no sense
I could just pick up the pieces
But to you
This means nothing
Nothing at all
I don't know what I should do now
I don't know where I should go
I'm still here waiting for you
I'm lost when you?re not around
I need to hold on to you
I just can't let you go
In a perfect world
This could never happen
In a perfect world
You'd still be here
And it makes no sense
I could just pick up the pieces
But to you
This means nothing
Nothing at all
Nothing, nothing at all
Nothing at all
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Friday, March 25, 2005
QUIZ TIME!!!!!!!
Okay, I'm bored... so I'm just gunna fill out a buncha quizes!!!! Enjoy, and I hope yall don't get too annoyed!
I LOVE this quiz... super cute!
Okay.. this is just wierd...
heh, this is awesome....
Wow... this is scary how close it is....
O_o x10
Awww, this is sad...
Okay... now this is just funny...
AWWWWWW!!! How adorable!!!!
Okay, I don't get this... why would I be crying for a day if he likes me...?
Hmmmm, it's cute... I like the daughters middle name... but I already have names picked out ^_^
Strange, strange quiz...
Ouch... this one hurts!
awww, how cute!
hahahaha, this is a funny way to die!
Well, I'm sure people would come and kill me if I had more then 20 quizes, so I'm just gunna stop for now, lol. But yeah, I'll ttyl!!
...because 3/4 r cute.
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Life rocks...!
Okay, on Tuesday I went over to Jason's house and we watched "The Increadibles". And today he asked me out (In the most romantic note EVER!) and we went over to his house and watched "the Matrix". However, we wound up talking throught the entire movie... so I can't really remember what the movie was about, lol!
But yeah, Me and my ex are still friends, which makes me really happy! And he approves of Jason.
Everything in my life has been going perfectly since the end of January... when I came back to school.
I now have friends who will be there with me through thick and thin. I have grown more comfortable with myself, I've gotten involved in more activities in school, so I now have even more friends. I have the best boyfriend in the world who loves me inside and out. Me and mom haven't been at each others throats in awhile.
I'm the luckiets girl alive, I love my life.
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
**content sigh** FINALY back to normal...
Okay, the old feelings are out of the way. I broke up with my boyfriend on Monday. I wasn't very happy in the relationship and all that jazz. (Jazz is awesome, by the way!)
And the new emotions have fully blosemed. I've become increadible happy lately, and get this... uber giddy.
It's so funny, yesterday I went and watched a movie over at his house yesterday and it was awesome!!! He can detect my emotions so well, he knows exactly what to say to comfort me, and I'm still in complete shock that he likes ME!
ME, of all the girls at my school. He could have gotten any of them, but he chose me! Okay, I'm trying to stop smiling... but it just ain't working... And here is the quote that has been the story of my life lately...
"I'm really happy right now. So I'm afraid that my happieness is going to end someday. I can never be 100% comfortable, I'm always 110% worried."
-Miki (Marmalade Boy)
Yes, I even put it on the back of my planner for school. That and when she's hugging her pillow and saying. "I wonder if I was really just a pain. Was I annoying?" as well as 'Grrr! Now you're treating ME like a child.' and I'll have more on the back once they become relevant to my life.
I wanna see Phantom of the Opera uber bad! It sounds so cute! My friend burned me the soundtrack and I like the song "Learn to be Lonely" (It's been on repeat for about the last hour or so) and I also like track number 5 which is the theme for TPOTO.
Ah, life is so sweet. Since I came back to school, I keep thinking 'Life is so perfect, I pray nothing ever changes...' but then something happens, and things get even more wonderfull and I think the same thing 'Please, don't let anything change...' and then something amazing happens. So thus the reason why I'm afraid of life changing.
In elemantry and Jr. High I'd be crying almost every day... and now I have everything I could have ever wished for. I'm growing more and more confortable with myself, I have such a strong group of friends, I can rely on them and I know that they care for me. I have somone who I don't deserve, but loves me anyway and acts like he's the lucky one, my mom is begenning to give me more room, and we've become closer by it, I can't complain about a single thing right now. I love my life, I'm the luckiest girl alive.
...because 3/4 r cute.
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
Old, hopeless feelings that were given a chance are being further developed, newer feelings are starting to fade... so I'm at the point where the old feelings haven't totally faded, and the new haven''t totally dominated my emotions. So I'm stuck with two emotions that contradict each other.
Last night, after the play, we went to Bennagins. I didn't really have a very good time because I had an unreadable emotion and the whole contradicting feelings thing and I had the most embaressing moment ever!!!!! If u want to know what had happened, pm me and I'll send it to ya!
Well, Tonight is play 3 of 4. I'm gunna cry when it's over. I'll miss everyone so much. I feel confident with myself when I'm there.
I got my Pita-Ten book, and I'm not overly impressed with it. But hey, that's just me! OH! And I got over 12 hours of sleep last night!!! **in complete heaven**
But I need to go and get ready for drama now!!! Talk to yall later!!!
...because 3/4 r cute.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
so....tired....**falls asleep at desk**
I'm tired...
Okay, so Saturday was Hell Saturday. The Tech and crew from the school musicial spent about 13 hours working on the set. And on Sunday (for me) was wake up, church, then tech for 9 hrs, went home and went to bed. (Monday) Wake up, school, then tech for another 9 hrs, get home at about 11:30, 12ish. (Tuesday) School, tech for 9 hrs, home at about 11:30, 12ish. (Today) Wake-up, school, and guess what?!?! I FINALY GET SOME TIME TO MYSELF!!!!!
I was hoping to get in a nap... but I guess that's not gunna happen... I have to be up at school in an hour and a helf, and I still need to post this, and take a shower, and get dressed, and get up there... so yeah. Well, at least I got to eat! MMMMMMM, RAMEN!!!!!!!!!! So yeah, muah best friend is the stage manager and she is cracking under some MAJOR STRESS!!!!!!
So yeah, the songs to My Fair Lady are overly addictive... VERY catchy. But I work the sound board... very fun! You get to evesdrop on ppl off-stage. It's uber fun!
Last night, I was thinking about how the Seniors are going to be leaving in a few months, and I was about ready to cry. (Luv-ya Jason, Alex, Joe, Karah and Heather!!!) As far as the guys go, I think I rely on them more.
Me and my dad aren't close at all, and neither are my brother and I. So when I have guy-friends who are older then me be a couple of years, I seem to try to fill the void. ya know what I mean? Sorta like, take the place of them. But now they're leaving... I don't know what to do... I love them all so much!
Heh, I don't think my boyfriend likes a buncha boys hugging and picking up his girl, lol. He always gets this wierd expression on his face, always gets so distant... kinda cute if u ask me!!!!!
CRAP!!! I have about an hour now.... BYE!!!!
...because I'm tired.
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Thursday, March 10, 2005
okay, today I was in like, an uber-clingy and super huggy mood today. U know those days... my bf laughed at me, lol.
I finished Marmalade Boy toady... I cried reading books 7 and 8. Yup, that's right. Broke down right in the middle of class. Yeah.... I know I'm pathetic. But if you've ever read the series... then u know what I mean!!!!!
But yeah, today was a pretty ordinary day. Tonight is P/T Confrence. I think I have...
1) Art: B or C... (I was done with a major project and dropped a huge blob of black right smack dab in the middle)
2) Physical Fitness: A or B this is a weight lifting class. He doesn't really judge us on how much, just if we get our lifts done. But I can bench 75 lbs, I can dead-lift 135 lbs, I can lift 45lbs on the power clean and I can squat 135lbs.
3) Biology: I asked the teacher and she said I was 1/10th of a percent away from an A. So I know I have an A-
4) Math: The teacher said I had an A today.
5) History: C? D? E?!?! I have no idea.. but it ain't good!!!
6) English: E -_-*
But I think that's pretty good... what do u guys think?
I'm kinda sad because there isn't any tech tonight. Tech Crew is where the ppl that go to my school work on the set and stuff of our drama play comming up in a week or two. It's always so much fun! And there isn't any tomorrow either. But it's like, all day Saturday and Sunday. So, that's good!
Me and muah buddy got in a Sharpie marker fight, it was aweosme!! I killed 'im! I even gave him felt burn and colored his tooth!
Well, I came home and fell asleep till' mom woke me on her way out. So, I'm gunna fill out some more quizes and post my results cause that's fun!!!!
 You are a Light Angel. The next best thing to God himself. Light Angels are cheerful and caring,and a real people person. They can't stand being lonely or left out of things and dispise devils or other evil creatures. Sometimes they can be judgemental,meaning even though a person is different and seems to be evil they really aren't. Light Angels stay in Heaven with God,keeping an eye on the mortal world below them. They would never kill,but try to defend themselves if possible
What Type of Anime Angel are You? For Girls only. With lovely anime pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
 You have a Calm Soul! Being calm and cool is what you do best. You collected thoughts and always positive attitude make you very bright and logical. When theres a problem, you know how to approach it, and solve it. Your friends rely on you on their problems, and your shoulder for their crying. You are peaceful, and enjoy nature and freedom. You rarely get angry and hardly scream, which makes you good with kids. You seem to be in tune with the world and if anything goes wrong, you always bounce back.
What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
Well, I'll be adding more soon, but I have friends waiting to see my site ^_^;;;
...because 3/4 r cute.
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