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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Hey Yall!
I hope u guys had a happy new year!!! Well, I, for one, had a ball! My family went over to a friends house, and then I spent the night with my friend. Then today, we went shopping at an outlet, and then we went to this really big mall. We ate at this nice resterant there, and when we finaly went around to the stores at 6:20... they were all closing T_T So we drove an hour to mall... and we couldn't even shop, lol. But we all had a fun time. I was really sad when I had to go home, but that's besides the point ^^
But he gave me the next 2 volumes of Love Hina, so that makes me happy, I'm gunna go read them after I up-date this... and after I check up at and see if any of the stories I read are up-dated ^^ But I'm kinda dissapointed because he doesn't really like Furuba... oh-well!
...because 3/4 r cute.
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Friday, December 31, 2004
Last night I read A.I. Love You... I didn't really like it. The animation was kinda-off and I wsn't really hot about the story-line either. And was it just me, or was that clown REALLY creepy to be reading at 2 in the the dark.. in a thunderstorm... okay, okay. So it wasn't thundering. But you get thie idea ^^
So Mom went up to the bookstore that we got it from and exchanged it for Fruits Basket, book 6. I just got done reading it... and it was awesome ^^ So I'm kinda sad because that's the last Furuba book until Febuary. And then book 8 comes out in April.
But anyway, I'm gunna hafta wrap this post up, were getting ready to go over to a friends house for New Years. (and it just happens to be my crushes family, tee hee hee)
So yeah, have a happy new years, all!
Oh, just in case ur wondering, this is the first year I'll be making any New Years resolutions and here they are.
1. -Clean my room
2. -Write my cousin
3. -Stop biting my nails (it's been a life'long habbit!)
4. -Work out and watch what I eat
5. -And be less annoying ^^
So there ya have it! Good luck with ur resolutions!
...because 3/4 r cute.
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
Best Day EVER!!!
Today has been an awesome day. First, I got on-line and started talking to Poki-chan and I downloaded this song, Ningyo Hime (I highly recommend that u listen to it. If u need a good link, pm me.) And I didn't know what it was but I downloaded it to give it a shot and the download was FAST! It only took 12 minutes (usually my stupid dial-up connection takes anywhere from a 1/2 an hour up!) So then I played it... and it's the song that I heard at Poki-chan's house and really wanted!!!!!
Okay, so then I get a phone-call from the bookstore saying that Fruits Basket Volume 5 just came in (I had ordered it) So then mom comes home and we go off to get it. Well... I got FB and she bought me the first volume of A.I.Love You. I'm gunna read it right after I up-date this.
So then we were watching Dani play around in the little playscape and guess who I see!?! My close friend that I haven't seen since 8th grade! (I'm home schooled now) So it was awesome to see her (Love-ya Jess!!!) So as if that isn't enough... mom offered that we could look around the DEB, well the mall didn't have the DEB, so we went to another one near-by. And guess what? Theye're having a going-out-of-buisness-clearence! So I was trying on all of these formal dresses, and that was FUN!!!!! But then there was this one dress..... it was perfect. fit my body perfectly... not too tight, but not too loose either. I'll find a pic and then give u guys the link next time I post.
So then I got on-line and I go to and 3 stories that I’ve been reading are up-dated YAY!!!!! I check my e-mail and I got a buncha reviews for my story at And I'm all "YAY!!! REVIEWS!!!!" So then I also get an e-mail saying that someone wants to help me in my C2 archive, so I'm all "YAY!!! STAFF!!!" And then I come onto MyOtaku, and somone signed my guestbook.
So... yeah. Today has officialy rocked-my-socks. If you would like to contribute to this aweosme mood, please sign my guestbook or something nice like that ^^
...because 3/4 r cute.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Quiz results!!!
Don't even bother asking why I'm posting this at 2am...
 You're Tohru!
Which Fruits Basket Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
tee hee hee, how sweet!
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Well..... Christmas was awesome for me. For the last 4 months, I've been trying to rent Harvest Moon for the gamecube... (u can rent the game and the system at my local video rental) But everytime I went in... they either had the game or the system. SOO... when I didn't have any money, they had them both. So I got the system and HM with 1-4 of the Fruits Basket manga.
History Lesson...
My Mom is about as anti-anime as u can get. So to get that for Christmas is just unbelievable!!!!! My crush is letting me borrow his Love Hina books... and Mom's even reading them!!! She even bought me 3 of them!!! **is in total shock**
So I spent the night at Poki-chan's house (Pokichan here at MyOtaku) and she FINALY had 1-8 of Chobits, so I read the last 3 and nearly died from the WAFF. GOOD series. But throught 2 days, I read 11 manga. I've seen the entire anime for Fruits Basket, but I'm trying to get the manga. So I ordered book 5. It should be here in the next week. um...I'm saving up for book 6 now.
Well... um... now I'm listening to "Simple and Clean" by Hikaru Uteda. **watches Poki-chan roll her eyes** heh, lol
...because 3/4 r cute.
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Friday, December 24, 2004
**sigh** My mom had me talk to my crush... it didn't go very well... **is broken hearted** And now I realise that three of my best friend-boys have crushes on me... this officialy sux.
But besides that, for the last two days, me and my best friend from school have been volunteering at the Salvation Army. And that's aweosme! I haven't seen him in forever!!! GO ANDREW! The first day, we were watching the kids while the parents collected the food and clothes, and then today we were counting the money that ppl donated outside of stores. Okay... here are a few tips for all of yall when donating...
1~ Don't fold dollars a ba-jillion times just to get it into the hole.
2~ Try to use crisp dollars, not all '1-million-year-old-folded-a-bajillion-times-dollars' U know what I mean ^^
3~ Don't put in coins that are glued together or have gunk all over them. It screws up the machine to count coins.
4~ don't let any of the following rules stop you from donating. These are just preferances that us poor money counters have. I've seen the look on a single mothers face when she recieves a care package with food, clothes and a few toys for her children this Christmas. It's so easy to walk though our lives and forget about the less-fortunate then us. So please, take time this season to reach a hand out and help make somone's winter into a holiday.
I guess that's about it.
...because 3/4 r cute.
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Tonight wasn't a very good night for me. the party was a LOT of fun towards the begenning... but it was just really hurtfull at the end. So then it's like 'run away so noone can see you cry!' And then my Mom's observations on the way home didn't help me at all. So yeah...
...becasue 3/4 r cute.
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Pic Trouble
I scanned all of the piccies I liked from my 2 sketchbooks (9 pics) And I'm trying yo add them to the site. BUT.... I've been having a lot of trouble doing so. But anyway, last night I was on the computer until morning, so now I'm in trouble. **sigh** But uh... there's a Christmas party at church, so I'm really excited.
My friend is letting me borrow his Love Hina books soon, so I decided to take the personality quiz. This is what I got!
 You're responsible, sweet, gentle and lovable! You have a loving heart, a great respect for all creatures (human, great and small), and the ability to see the thing that makes each individual special. However, you tend to overlook the things that make you special, and thus, putting you in a position to be pushed around by others. Take some time everyday to reflect on your qualities, and see that you don't have to please everyone and still be loved for who you are. Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
But that's about it for now ^^
...because 3/4 r cute.
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Hello all!
Well, well, well... I just got this thing a few days ago, and I'm quite pleased with this site ^^ We just got a scanner, so I'll be posting some of my work once I get my site under-way. Does anyone have the html codong for one of thoes bib boxes that u can type in and put htlm in and stuff? thankies ^^
About my personal life..... uh... hmmmm, well... I'm going to a Youth Group Christmas party tomorrow night. I'm so excited ^^ If u wanna read anymore about me, my LiveJournal name is Kawaii34Girl. Well, Kawaii34Girl is also used for^^ But yeah, I guess that's about it for now ^^
...because 3/4 r cute.
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