Birthday 1994-06-02 Gender
Female Location ??U may never know?? Member Since 2007-03-20 Occupation Going into 8th grade, Neko girl, angel. Real Name U can call me Kitten, Kitty, or Neko-Chan, or Ichigo
Achievements Tons of stuff!! (a big achievement is that I'm a Prep) Anime Fan Since I was 3 when I watch Hello kitty & 7 when I watched Digimon. But I started to be a HUGE anime addict in August '06 when I found Tokyo Mew Mew! Favorite Anime Tokyo Mew Mew, Mermaid Melody Pitchi Pitchi Pitch, Air TV, Card Captor Sakura, and many more! Goals To become a perfect anime artist, meet and guy of my dreams, to own tons of cats, and go to Japan. Hobbies Watching anime, karate, computer, shopping, swimming and a BUNCH of other stuff!!! Talents I don't want to brag. ^_^ But I EVERYONE has a bunch of talents! Kawaii Kitten
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hiya! Thanx 4 all the comments. ^-^ I'm sure my dad will get better one day...hopefully.
Today I have 2 go back 2 skool. -_- Spring Break is over. Oh well, I'll get 2 see my friends again so thats good.
Things went well with the brownie pizza yesterday. Xcept I didn't get 2 make it. I didn't want 2 cuz my dad waz making it too...and I don't quite trust him as much as I did before, so I'm avoiding my dad for a while. Anyway the cake was yummmy! =P
At my Nanna's house I watched Lord of the Rings. The 1st movie. I had never seen it before, and it was pretty kool.
I'll write more after skool if something good or interisting happens. ^_^ Have a great day!!!
Hiya! Thanx 4 all the comments on my posts. They r much appriciated.
Anyway about yesterday. Everything was good xcept after dinner. My parents wanted 2 go for a bike ride. So I grabbe my helmet off my bike and walked to my house. My dad (who was pumping air in my bike) wasn't holding my bike right and it tipped over and fell on his foot. Then he attomatically blamed me and yelled cuzz words at me. Then he ran up and grabbed my arm (he grabbed it HARD) and started yelling and cussing in my face! So I struggled to get away and ran in my house crying. I didn't even know what I did wrong! I didn't do anything wrong!! *sigh* And if it wasn't for my Mom I would not typeing this right now. Cuz my Dad said I was on "computer restriction" for 1 whole week! But my Mom said that he was over reacting (he was big time) and said I was not in trouble. But I still had 2 ride my bike with them. Now I practically scared of my dad cuz he is like bi-polar and is mean. Almost every weekend he either yells at me or punishes me. When I grow up I'm NEVER gonna marry a guy like my mom did EVER!! *sigh* All I can do now is avoid him.
In church we has plams off palm trees cuz it's plam sunday today. When I got home I made the plam leaf into a cat/dog toy by playing with my pets with it. *laugh* It was pretty fun.
Well my puppy Indy is getting less chewy. *laugh* he doesn't ry 2 eat my fingers when I pet him now.
I might go 2 my Nana's (that what I call my grandmom) house 4 dinner. Which will b fun cuz we might make a brownie pizza! =P Yummmmy! And the best part it I get 2 help cook. ^_^ I love cooking. *laugh* I might b a good mother one day.
Hiya! Thanx all of u 4 the comments. *hugs everybody* You all r too sweet!
Anyway, I spent most of the day shopping and looking at kayaks. And some of it making a manga...which I might put up soon. Also I may b getting a kayak! ^_^ yay!!
I also watched a new show called Da Capo which is really kawaii so far.
Nothing much 2 say about my day. So there r sum pix 4 u all at the bottom of this post. Bye bye!
Hiya! I just got back from the beach. It waz fun and relaxing. Xcept I made a cool lil pool thing 2 put my feet in and my lil sis destroyed it 4 no reason. *sigh* She likes 2 see me angry/annoyed/sad and other bad emotions. But I had fun just sitting back and listening 2 my ipod.
Yesyerday I started watching an anime show called He is my Master. It is good so far...but some parts r a lil...perverted. And the guy in the show is a lil perverted. Other then that it's really good. And some parts r sooo funny! I got bored so I watched 12 and a half (I saw only part 1 of the 12th episode) episodes yesterday. Yeah I know...thats a lot. But hey, I waz bored, lol.
There is a person stealing anime art from sites and putting them on her site saying they r her pictures. So make sure u write your name on ALL of your anime art. I have 2 upload all my pix again cuz I didn't write my name on it. If u want maore info on this go to Cat Girl Ichigo's site. She is the one who told me...and I thank u 4 that Cat Girl Ichigo.
I'm gonna change my gb and song again too.
I'll write more if anything kool happens today. Also if u want 2 ask me any questions 2 know me better, feel free 2 ask. ^_^ Hope you all have a great day!!!
V!! It's something from the show she does. *laugh* Don't worry, I'm not insane!
Time: 10:30 am
Mood: so-so
Hiya. Anyway I feel ok enough 2 tell you all what happened yesterday. *sigh* DarkCaim4566 committed suicide. Don't remember him as that though...rember him as a good person. Today I'm wearing all black 2 show some respect 4 him. *laugh* Don't wrooy tho, I'm not going goth/emo. Thank you all 4 helping me feel better, especally Angel Zakuro & Spellcatser for talking with me and cheering me up. *huggles everyone* Thamk you all very much!!!!
As u can see I changed my bg. This is a picture of Kanna from Air TV. This part of the show really made me sad, but it gave me a good message. I suggest u watch Air TV some is VERY good!!
2 of my sister's friends r coming over today so I might not b on a lot, but I'll try.
Also if you don't know Coyote Audra 13 got caught on here and is not allowed 2 go on her computer 4 a LONG time so don't think she is iggnoring you. I'm gonna get her 2 write what she wants 2 say in a post and I'll log on her account and writethe post. I'll have 2 wait until after the break tho.
Also if u know of any anime show I might like, please tell me cuz I'm searching 4 a new show 2 watch.
Thank you all for your sympathy. I'm feeling much better now. ^_^ I'll try to be more optimistic, Angel Zakuro. And thank you all for being with me thru the thick and thin. Even people who don't even know me cared about my, and I thank you for that. *huggles everyone* I wuv u guyz!!
*tears* Well today sucks. My friend, DarkCaim 4566, has chosen a terrible fate today. *crying* Which I wish he would not do...but it is his choice...and I wish him all of my luck in what ever decision he may choose...but please don't do this Dark Caim!
Hiya! Thanx 4 all the concren in the comments yesterday. *hugs everyone* You r all the best!!
Well I just got back from a shopping spree at the mall. And guess what? I got my second hole 4 my earings! I finally convinced my mom it is "appropriate" to wear them, and it does not look "red neck" to get them in. ^_^ Now I hav 2 cute, pink lil earings. The last time I got that done was when I waz only 5 years old. Not once did I cry either. 4 some reason I'm really good at dealing with pain that has 2 do with needles. Also at the mall I got some "bermuda shorts" which r like shorts that come down 2 your knees. Really kawaii. ^-^ So now I'm all prepped up from that, lol.
About the pictures yesterday. They actually went very well. I wore a cute lil pink polo with a lacey tank top under it, and a flowing skirt. It turned out very well. *phew* My nerves r calmed down now, lol.
Also I got bored at the picture place so I made an origami. Not some regular origami is made out of a listerine strip! It took a while, but I waz REALLY bored, so yea. I'll put a pic of it at the bottom of my post.
D***! My mom said I just HAVE 2 get my picture taken at our church. The bad thing is myt skin has been really dry 4 the past few days cuz of the sun and it looks bad. ~o~ Crap, I don't wanna go!!! I'm gonna look terrible *sob* terrible! Not really, jk. but still I think It's gonna turn out bad.