Time: 10:30 am
Mood: so-so
Hiya. Anyway I feel ok enough 2 tell you all what happened yesterday. *sigh* DarkCaim4566 committed suicide. Don't remember him as that though...rember him as a good person. Today I'm wearing all black 2 show some respect 4 him. *laugh* Don't wrooy tho, I'm not going goth/emo. Thank you all 4 helping me feel better, especally Angel Zakuro & Spellcatser for talking with me and cheering me up. *huggles everyone* Thamk you all very much!!!!
As u can see I changed my bg. This is a picture of Kanna from Air TV. This part of the show really made me sad, but it gave me a good message. I suggest u watch Air TV some time...it is VERY good!!
2 of my sister's friends r coming over today so I might not b on a lot, but I'll try.
Also if you don't know Coyote Audra 13 got caught on here and is not allowed 2 go on her computer 4 a LONG time so don't think she is iggnoring you. I'm gonna get her 2 write what she wants 2 say in a post and I'll log on her account and writethe post. I'll have 2 wait until after the break tho.
Also if u know of any anime show I might like, please tell me cuz I'm searching 4 a new show 2 watch.
^_^ Hope you all have a great day!!