Mood: Happy
Time: 9:10 am
Hiya peoples! I'm so happy 2 b back. Well this is what happened while I was dog died, I went kayaking, I didn't break my karate board and get my belt, I made my mom a kawaii lil hello kitty card 4 mother's day. Oh! And yesterday it rained! ^o^ Yay!! N E way, I waz kinda in a depressed mood while I was gone...but now I'm happy ^_^
If u didn't know by now...EMINEM ROX!! No one (my friends at skool) can picture me listening 2 his music, but I do. XD He has some kick a$$ music!
Last night I hurt my leg. Idk how just like poped out of place. >o< OWWW!!!
Also I might make a new club...a Kish fan club!! ^o^ I wuv Kish so much, and I kno a lot of peoples who wuv him too, so it may b a good idea.