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myOtaku.com: Kawaii Kitten

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket= me, lilly and katie fighting....lol!

Thanx ya'll 4 the comments! ^_^

Well, Lilly is gone! ^o^ I'm so glad!! She is like a lil devil! Ok, 1st problem, she "forgot" her sleeping bag, so she had to use MINE. After dinner I gave them laffy taffys. She wanted more and I said, " Well we r eating dessert soon so save your appitite." Then she wouldn't take no 4 an answer and TACKLED me to the ground, took all my laffy taffys, and practically killed me! Then at dessert time she wanted ice cream. we only had enough 4 one person so she was gonna eat it. After I put it in the cup for her Lilly said, "Oh, I don't like this ice cream!" I was like about to explode or sumthing!! So I waz just like so pissed off so I went into my room so I could get away from that lil monster! Shesh.

Well, nm new. I played wit my Annie (my cat) for a while. OMG! Also I got DDR yesterday!! I was like on it for 2 hours yesterday. Yes, I have a lot of energy, lol.
I'm bored so I'm gonna ask questions.

1. How are you?

2. What website do you watch anime on?

3. What food do u want to eat right at this moment?

4. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

5. Do you have DDR?


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