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??U may never know??
Member Since
Going into 8th grade, Neko girl, angel.
Real Name
U can call me Kitten, Kitty, or Neko-Chan, or Ichigo
Tons of stuff!! (a big achievement is that I'm a Prep)
Anime Fan Since
I was 3 when I watch Hello kitty & 7 when I watched Digimon. But I started to be a HUGE anime addict in August '06 when I found Tokyo Mew Mew!
Favorite Anime
Tokyo Mew Mew, Mermaid Melody Pitchi Pitchi Pitch, Air TV, Card Captor Sakura, and many more!
To become a perfect anime artist, meet and guy of my dreams, to own tons of cats, and go to Japan.
Watching anime, karate, computer, shopping, swimming and a BUNCH of other stuff!!!
I don't want to brag. ^_^ But I EVERYONE has a bunch of talents!
| Kawaii Kitten
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 04/11/07:
^_^ yup thats me. Also good job Edisshort making this!
Result Posted on 04/11/07:
What Element are you? [Girls only, anime pictures, many results]
 Your element is light, the oppisite of darkness. People with this aspect usually are understood by most people. You value your emotions and the emotions of others. You also enjoy helping others, and cheering them up. People usually go to you for advise. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/11/07:
=D yay!
What Emotional Element are you? [Girls only, Beautiful anime pictures]
 Hope-Your emotional element is Hope. You are an individual that will never give up, no matter how bad things look. You have much faith in your own abilitys as well as your friends abilitys. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/11/07:
^o^ yay!
What are you a Goddess of? - (with anime pics)
 The goddess of happiness. Always looking to the bright side of things and always making others feel better. You are always the one to make something good of a bad situation and sometimes people can get annoyed with your bouncy attitude. You're just trying to be a good person, (but you don't really have to be happy ALL the time you know). You're always helping poor animals and sick humans and always caring for the elderly people. Your power would be the ability to create worldwide peace. God, you make me sick! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/11/07:
T_T thats bad.
How Will You Die? Dark Anime Pix
 You will die of betrayal. You were too niave in life. You were to cocky and stupid with your trust and tossed it out freely. And eventually, the person you trusted the most cornered you in an old warehouse and killed you. You were preppy and childish and were also a girlly girl. You were also one of those who never believed bad news. But you better believe me though. You can't just run around throwing your trust like that. IT'S NOT RIGHT!!!! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/26/07:
=^.^= yay
What is your Neko personality? Great pics!!
Result Posted on 03/26/07:
What type of chibi are you?
Result Posted on 03/26/07:
^^ yup!!
What anime ______ are you? Part 3 What anime eye type do you have?
 YOU HAVE HAPPY EYES!You are a radically outgoing and bubbly individual. You don't get mad often, but when you do, it smolders and eats away at you. So stay happy, keep being you! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/26/07:
As long as I'm skinny and not ugly I'm ^^
What anime ______ are you? Part 2 What anime body type do you have?
 YOU ARE PERFECT!Behold! Da Vinci would have blown himself up for a look at you! You have perfect structure all the way around, giving the anime you a very attractive body. One of your few faults is the tendency to become overdependent on your physcal structure. You can also(like most other beautiful people) be slightly conceited. but don't fret, just keep your head out of the clouds and you should be fine! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/26/07:
=^^= Yup, thats totally me!!!!
What anime ______ are you? Part 1 What anime race are you?
 YOU ARE A NEKO!(Cat person)You are basically human, but you have the ears and tail of a huge cat (so cute =D). The people that get this race are predominantly female, but males are some times found.( if you are a guy that got this, don't think of yourself as efeminate, think of it as being surrounded by women!). You have a bubbly personality and are hard to get down, you are usually social, and like to be comfortable. Your natural abilities give you an extreme advantage in both speed and agility, it is very hard to catch you in a fight. Take this quiz!
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