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??U may never know??
Member Since
Going into 8th grade, Neko girl, angel.
Real Name
U can call me Kitten, Kitty, or Neko-Chan, or Ichigo
Tons of stuff!! (a big achievement is that I'm a Prep)
Anime Fan Since
I was 3 when I watch Hello kitty & 7 when I watched Digimon. But I started to be a HUGE anime addict in August '06 when I found Tokyo Mew Mew!
Favorite Anime
Tokyo Mew Mew, Mermaid Melody Pitchi Pitchi Pitch, Air TV, Card Captor Sakura, and many more!
To become a perfect anime artist, meet and guy of my dreams, to own tons of cats, and go to Japan.
Watching anime, karate, computer, shopping, swimming and a BUNCH of other stuff!!!
I don't want to brag. ^_^ But I EVERYONE has a bunch of talents!
| Kawaii Kitten
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/25/07:
I like the "Bad ass" outside but "sweet guy" inside.
WHATS THE PERSONALITY OF YOUR SOUL MATE? (for guys or girls..has awesome pics!)
 Your soulmate will have a fiery attitude that you can't extinguish. You love them for that because it adds spice to an otherwise boring relationship. They will always have something to say and they will stand up for what they want...including you! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/25/07:
*jumps 4 joy* YAY!!!!! my favorite animal!
*calms down* Also that quiz is accurate in it's discription.
WHATS YOUR SOUL ANIMAL? (for girls or guys)
 You are a CAT. Your extremely independant and won't accept help from anyone unless you absolutely have to. You are close to only a very few people and they are extremely lucky to have such a loyal friend. You like doing things on your own and you feel pressured when you work with other people. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/25/07:
^_^ yay!
What kind of Neko are you and stuff (pics and girls only)
 You are a childish neko with pink hair, gloves, orange ears, tail, a swimsuit looking suit, and blue eyes. Your hair means your bubbly and hyper. Your eyes tell that you're deep in friendship. Your clothes show your noth afraid to show your true self. You have TONS of friends and happy. Yay you! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/25/07:
=^^= Happy Happy, joy joy! lol, nya!
What kind of neko are you. (More detailed then cat person quiz)
Result Posted on 03/25/07:
That is totally me. I truely enjoy helping other people ^^
What Element are you? [Girls only, anime pictures, many results]
 Your element is light, the oppisite of darkness. People with this aspect usually are understood by most people. You value your emotions and the emotions of others. You also enjoy helping others, and cheering them up. People usually go to you for advise. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/25/07:
^^ yup! But my fav color is pink.
What color is your Spirit? (girls only) ANIME PICS
 Orange. You are very spunky, and have a lot of stamina in you. Your life is full of goals you set for yourself to achieve. (Which you probably succeed most). Your spirit is adventurous, and brave. You like a challenge and/or a new adventure. You take each day positively, and enjoy life. You love living, and enjoy it. You set tasks and complete them, you want to live life to its fullest.Number: 33Spirit: Adventurous and outgoing, and always fiestyQuote: "You can die at any time, but it takes true courage to live." -Kenshin Himura Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/25/07:
^o^ Halleluah! Halleluah! lol.
What is your life rated? NOW WITH PICS!
Result Posted on 03/25/07:
^^ yay 4 me!
What are you the Guardian of? (Girls only) (Anime PICS)
 Guardian of Light. You are always happy, and you have an aura of light around you. Your other job is a guardian angelPower:force fieldHome:heavanFav. Color: sky blueName: SkyeWhat else you rule: stars, moon, sun,and goodness. Take this quiz!
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