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Friday, March 17, 2006
Busy, Busy, Busy...
I've been really busy at work and recently my cat fell very ill. The vet bills are costing me a pretty penny but Ashton is priceless. I'm not ready to let him go just yet. Hope he makes it through okay.
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Gaming Extravaganza!!
We had about 20+ people at our DAS North gaming extravaganza. It was best North meeting yet. I dominated at Skip-Bo(^_~) (card game). Taiko Drums, Wario Ware, Mario Cart, Puzzle Fighter (I think) lots of new and classic fighting games and Uno!
kiwotsueke, minna-san (^_^)
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
Omake meeting featured a Kung Fu fest of classics...
We had about 10 people at today's DAS Omake meeting at Superior Comics in Dover. We watched "Young Master" starring a young Jackie Chan and "Five Deadly Venoms" a Kung Fu theater classic!
I got some scoop on Katsucon's memorable moments. I'm going to go to that con one of these years. I might try to plan to make it to Anime USA this year. I'll definitely be at Otakon.
kiwotsueke, minna-san (^_^)
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
I'm falling off of the posting wagon already...
We had the best time at the DASK/WCA Chinese New Year event this past Saturday!!
I met some really great people!
As you should know, this is if you care, Otakon pre-reg is open and spots are going fast. Registration is $50 this year and it will be $60 after July 4/at the door.
I just have to make sure my sometimes unreliable friend has already secured the room reservations like he said he did.
kiwotsueke (^_^)
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Sunday, January 29, 2006
Not a bad weekend...
We went to the Omake Delaware Anime Society meeting at Superior Comics. I got to see more episodes of Bleach!
Next weekend the Delaware Anime Society: Kanameiji is co-hosting a Chinese New Year event in Westchester, PA! It should be a good time.
I didn't take any pictures at the Omake meeting so I don't have any pictures to post this time. I will be taking pictures at the DASK event and should have a couple that are post worthy.
Well, that's all I have at the moment.
kiwotsueke (^_^)

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Thursday, January 26, 2006
Just a quick post...
I went to the 2006 Chinese New Year Global Gala yesterday evening at The Grand Opera House. It was great! The costumes and dancing were all so very beautiful!

2006 Chinese New Year Global Gala - New Tang Dynasty Televistion
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Saturday, January 21, 2006
It's finally over...
This week has finally come to a close. Kiwi and I are planning to see "Hostel" tomorrow. It better be gross and scary or I'm going to be upset that I wasted my time and money on seeing it.
The DAS Kanameji(WestChesterPA Chapter) Chinese New Year Event is taking place Saturday, February 4. This will be the year of the Fire Dog!
Well that's all I got for now. So far I'm doing well with my resolution to post more. (^_^)
<--Ofuda to ward off evil spirits
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
The longest short week in the world...
This work week is only been Tuesday - Friday for me but for some reason it feels incredibly long. I kept thinking yesterday was Thursday. (*_*)Anyway - I am finally making some head-way on X Men Legends II: The Rise of Apocalypse. This game is turning out to be quite stimulating. My strategy is starting to mature. Now if I can just keep my team members alive I just might be able to complete all the objectives and acts.
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Another post already?! Yeah baby!
The long weekend did me some good. Although I kinda wished I had another day off but who doesn't wish for more time off work?
Chinese New Year is coming soon! It will be the year of the Fire Dog. I have to check my horoscope to see how the year will supposedly affect Water Oxen.
Sometimes horoscopes seem dead-on and other times they don't describe my situation at all; But they're still fun to read.
I am finally going to get a new cell phone. I've been debating about staying with Cingular. I was going to switch to Verizon but they didn't have any comparable "free phone" deals. I'm cheap and Cingular has been good to me.
The Delaware Anime Society had 2 meetings this past weekend. One in Dover on Saturday and one in Wilmington on Sunday.
For anyone who lives in or near the State of Delaware, there is a "Bleach" marathon at Superior Comics on Saturday, January 28. And if you know what "Bleach" is, then you should join The Delaware Anime Society and enjoy the Asian culture camaraderie. (^_^)
Well that does it for today. I'm doing pretty good with my New Year's resolutions of getting in better shape and posting to my online journals more.
Take care and be good. (^_~)
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Friday, January 13, 2006
It's a new year
13 days into the new year is Friday the 13th. I just know 2006 is going to be a wonderful year.
Katsucon is coming up and Otakon in late summer and Zentrancon this fall.
I just upgraded my rose colored glasses to contacts so things will be rosey at all angles. (^_^)
Be well.
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