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Friday, December 30, 2005
Happy New Year's Eve Eve!
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.
It's the 6th night of Chanuka and the 5th night of Kwanza (I think).
20006 is only a day and a half away.
The year of the Fire Dog will start this February.
Happy anniversary to anyone who was born the year of the Fire Dog.
If you are going out tomorrow evening please be responsible and do not drink and drive.
Take care. (^_^)
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Saturday, December 24, 2005
Merry / Happy
Christmas / Chanukah
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Friday, December 23, 2005
Happy Holidays!!!
"Christmas is coming. The goose is getting fat. Please put a penny in the old man's hat."
Please remember those less fortunate than yourselves this holiday season.
I hope everyone has a safe, happy and healthy holiday. (^_^)
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Happy Holidays!!!
It's a busy time of year but a fun time.
My tree is up, my Santa is plugged in, the candles are in the Menorah and Kinara. I'm ready for the holidays.
"Merry Happy ChristmaHanuKwanzakah to you!"
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Playing Catch-up
You know what I didn't do? I didn't post some pics from Zentrancon or the Halloween Mini-con my club put on. Zentrancon was held on October 16 at the Rotunda in University City, PA and the Halloween Mini-con was on October 30 at Superior Comics in Dover, DE.
This is a picture of members of the Delaware Anime Society (DAS) with voice actress Corinne Orr at Zentrancon. (She did the voice of Trixie in Speed Racer!)

Here are a couple of pics from the DAS Halloween Mini-con. The first one is Jade as an Elf and the second are some gamers.
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Monday, November 7, 2005
Long Time, No Post
Hello everyone!
I hope all is reasonably well. I've been checking out everyone's pages trying to catch up on people's lives.
Why do the lives of others always seem more interesting than our own?
I guess it's the old, "Want what you don't have" impulse.
I can't believe holiday time is upon us once again. It just keeps coming back around, faster and faster.
I can't wait to see what sale deals these stores will come up with for Black Friday. There's nothing like a $300 laptop or a $5 coffee maker to make you want get into a slap-fight in the middle of a Wal-mart. LOL!! (*_*)
Well, I just wanted to post something so people know I'm still on MyOtaku.com.
Do you like seeing pictures of people having fun at meetings and parties? Sure. We all do. Check out www.DelawareAnimeSociety.com when you have some free time. (^_~)
Take care and be excelent to each other. (I betcha don't remember what movie that phrase is from)
OMG! I can't believe I did not mention the Boondocks on Adult Swim! I just have four words to say about it, HI - LAR - I - OUS! I laughed so loud, I thought my neighbors might bang on the wall shout at me to be quite (thin walls in my apartment). I can't wait for the next episode.
Now I'm torn. I was going to cancel my cable after the special was over but now I might have to keep it. Nah, I'll just go visit my Mother more often and watch her cable. (^_~)
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
It's been a while but...OTAKON!!
Otakon was wonderful, as per the usual.
Okay, now for a list of the non-anime related cosplayers I saw:
Jesus (there were two the traditional and the "Buddy" version. I saw the "Buddy" one.)
A Ghostbuster
Willy Wonkas (I saw 3 and was told there were 5 or 6)
Captain Jack Sparrow
Snake Eyes from GI Joe (I don't think GI Joe is anime related.)
I'm sure there were others that I didn't get the privilege to see.
If you went to Otakon this year, let me know how your experience went.
TTFN (^_^)
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
Concert at the State Fair
Can you believe it? Another post and it hasn't even been a week? LOL!! A friend and I went to the state fair last night to see Hooobastank. The show was great. Gavin DeGraw was the opening act. He came out into the audience but it was one section over from where we sat. Hoobastank rocked!! It was really enjoyable. The lead singer of Hoobastank has a lot stage presence. The weather was great. There was a nice cool breeze blowing. Well that's all I had to get off my chest. Until the next time. Stay safe.
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
It's been a long time...
My goodness! I have not cruised the MyOtaku pages in a while. I will have to catch up on everyone's lives. I hope all is well.
I've been busy watching TV. I got cable!!! They had a 6-month dealy-o, so I jumped on it. I've been trying to soak in all the HBO and OnDemand shows and movies I can because I'm certainly not going to keep it after the special is over. (^_~)
Hurricane season is in full swing! Be sure to get a storm plan together and pratice it.
Well, enough with the "public service announcement." Take care and be safe.
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Friday, June 10, 2005
Where did the time go?
It's been forever and ten days. I can't believe I went through the whole month of May without posting one message. Can you say, "No life."?
It seems the more you do things correctly and efficiently the more you're given to do, which is a good thing. I'm not complaining. I'm happy to have a job that doesn't fill me with dred everytime the alarm clock rings. Been there, done that. (*_*) BUT I think I have a touch of Spring fever and I know I'm going to be coming down with summer sickness as well. Thank goodness for days off.
I am going to catch up on reading posts from everyone elses pages, see what's going in their lives. Do a little vicarious living.
I don't want to forget to mention "Unleashed" with Jet Li was really enjoyable! Excellent fight scenes and a sweet emotional story. It got me a little teary-eyed. Jet Li really did some acting in this one.
Not sure where you live but it's been hot over here. This summer is going to be stormy and sweltering! Hurrican season is in full swing. Let the storms begin! We just finished a storm drill at work (utility company).
Otakon is about 2 and 1/2 months away! It'll be nice spending time with friends and watching all of the colorful cosplayers. It's like a cheap vaction. (^_~)
Well I won't bore you with any more senseless ramblings.
Be well and stay safe. (^_^)
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