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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
::bent over grabbing ankles::
Hurricane Jeanne SPANKED the Delaware Valley yesterday.
She is one merciless dominatrix! We had a tornado...in New Castle County! Can you believe that?! We never have tornados! It hit during rush hour. It tore through some cars and buildings. The storm also caused all kinds of flooding all over the Delaware Valley. Needless to say, there are electrical outages all over our service territory (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia). It's been a while since I posted something. I've been watching the skies for problematic weather. I guess hurricane Jeanne didn't want all of our watching to be in vain. She was nice enough to pay us a visit. Our company still has crews assisting Florida and Louisiana utilities with Fances and Ivan repairs. As if you couldn't tell from my previous posts, I think nature is AWESOME! I hope you are safe and well, where ever you are.
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Thursday, September 9, 2004
The hurricanes just keep coming!
Hurricane Ivan is tearing through the Caribbean. It doesn't look as if Ivan will make it up to the Northeast but the residual rainfall is likely to exacerbate the problems of areas that experienced flooding from Frances' residual rainfall.

Storms are amazing and beautiful to see. I'm glad our plans for a September trip to the Bahamas fell through.
Take care and remember to treat others better than you wish to be treated. Always go above and beyond to exceed expectations. You will surely be a blessing to someone as well as being blessed yourself. (^_~)
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Friday, September 3, 2004
No, I'm not dead.....just dead tired.
As if the drama of hurricanes Bonnie and Charley weren't enough. Now Frances wants to pay the USA a visit. I don't think the Northeast will see too much damage but you never know. Frances may decide to take a scenic tour staight up the East coast into my company's service territory (I work for a power company). I finally have an weekend but our storm prep is going to take up some of that. The class project I've been neglecting is going to take up the rest. I can't really complain about that part because that is my fault. *_*

If you live in a part of the country that is experiencing this harsh weather, please be careful. Make sure you have the necessary provisions to make it through. Put safety first and look out for your fellow human beings. We are our brothers' keepers.
Okay, I am done complaining and advising. I just had to get that off my chest. It's been forever and 3 and a 1/2 days since I posted something. What have I been up to, beside storm chasing and tracking? I finally saw "I, Robot" two Sundays ago. It was really good and Will Smith looked REALLY GOOD! (^_~) I saw "Hero" starring Jet Li, Tony Leung, Zang Zi Yi and many more- last Sunday. It was breathtaking and so was Jet Li (^_~)! Beautiful, romantic and socially deep is how I would describe it. Now for those that love Andy Lau, the movie "Infernal Affairs" that co-starred Tony Leung is coming to American theaters sometime this year!! I saw it at Otakon last year and really enjoyed it. I highly recommend it!
Well, that's all I have for now. Hopefully I'll update a little sooner next time. I think Jerry Springer said it best when he said, "Take care of yourselves and each other." (^_^)
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
Otakon 2004 Pics
If you want to see some pictures from Otakon 2004, check out my Yahoo! album.
My Otakon 2004 Pics
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Monday, August 2, 2004
Otakon has ended...
...and I am back home. Boy am I tired!! I feel like I've been on stairmaster all weekend.
Otakon was a blast, as usual. The Inner Harbor was so beautiful! We were blessed with such wonderful weather!
I am going to try to update soon with more Otakon details.
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Friday, July 16, 2004
There is light at the end of the tunnel...I hope it's not on-coming traffic!
My next class doesn't start until mid-August! ^_^
Can you tell that I'm really happy about that? ^_~ I welcome the break. It comes at an excellent time as Otakon is coming up on July 30th! I just need to wash and press my yukata and practice tying the obi I made. The Tabi socks and the lavendar parsol I ordered came faster than I thought they would. At the risk of sounding incredibly Narcissistic, I am going to look so good! The last thing I need to get are some tatami sandals. I am just going to buy some straw-bottom flip-flops. They should be close enough to pull off a pseudo-authentic look.
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Monday, July 5, 2004
The Holiday is Over...
I hope everyone had a fun and safe Independence Day! I was definitely loose with the diet this weekend. There was lots of good food!
I guess it's back to work tomorrow. At least the shortened week should go by swiftly.
Otakon starts the end of this month, July 30th. I am excited because I am too broke to go on a real vacation this year so the weekend of Otakon will have to do.
I think I finally have the hang of dressing myself in my yukata (summer kimono). I can't wait to wear it! It's pink with a really nice print. I made a navy blue obi to go with it.
Well, I have to get back to reading for the "Ethical Character of Leadership" class I'm in. I have a paper due this week. Thank goodness it only has to be 3 to 4 pages long.
Take care everyone.
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Sunday, June 20, 2004
I'm still alive...
It's been too long since I've updated. I have finished my HR class. I didn't do as well as I could have but I am not going to dwell on that. I hope all is well for anyone reading this. The weather has been rainy and sunny at the same time. It has been good rainbow weather but I have yet to catch a glimpse of the color spectrum. Se' La Vie!
What else have I been up to? I saw "Chronicles of Riddick". I enjoyed it. Vin Diesel was just beautiful as always. I finished the tail for the Kuro Neko costume I'm going to wear for Otakon. Now all I have to do is stick to my diet and I'll be a sleek looking kitty cat. ::meow:: What else? I finally got an oil change after 10,000 miles since the last one. I also got a new battery. It took the engine not having enough juice to turnover while I was at the gas pump to finally get a replacement battery. It runs much smoother now. God is good all the time! He watches out for fools and babies and I'm too old to be in the latter group. ^_~
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Monday, May 31, 2004
A beautiful weekend to finish a crappy week
I got a "D" on my second case study! (-_-) I couldn't believe it. I'm ashamed to say that I was glad other people in my class got D's too. (Kawaii Nai = Bi-och ^_~) Misery loves company. I'm just glad the professor is letting us correct our case studies for better grades.
Only two classes and a thesis to go. I don't want anything to lower my cumulative GPA.
-Okay, enough about that.
This holiday weekend was the best weekend in a long time. The weather was beautiful. I got some yard work done. I had some good food. Plus I am off work today (Monday). I haven't had a day off in a longtime.
It won't really be a day off though because of the schoolwork due this week. I'm still going to enjoy it in some fashion.
I finally finished making the tail and sowing the pink into the ears for my Kuro Neko costume for Otakon. I don't know what kind of black body-wear to choose. I might cover neck to toe or I just might go with a tank top because it'll be hot.
I'm not entering a contest or anything but it's always good to have a costume that is as close the character as possible. I think I am going to end up looking more like Cat Woman, though. A lady from the Delaware Anime Fan club is going as Millie. I might just hang out with her so people will get who I am. (^_^)
No need to pull out your hair. I'm done yakkin'.
Take care and have a safely eventful Memorial Day!
~ Never Forget The Sacrifices That Have Afforded You Your Rights ~
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
Can you say,
It's been so hot but I'm not going to complain. The heat feels good. I just can't believe we have August like temperatures in the Spring. This definitely lends support to that global warming theory. :-(
This HR class requires a lot of reading and of course I end up doing marathon reading sessions the night before class but there are only two more classes for that. -_-
I've done enough pseudo venting. Let me know what's going on in your life because I haven't had any social activity, besides church, in weeks.
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