How is everyone doing? I hope all is well. The weather has warmed up, some what; pre-registration for Otakon is open; and I'm going to represent the Delaware Anime Society at Nerdcon in Philly next weekend.
Life is what you make it and I will tell you right now my good friend, that mine is pretty good at the moment.
Control what you can and don't waste time on what you can't. That is what I live by.
You'd be amazed just how affective one can be when focused on their strengths; just as long as you are using your powers for good and not evil.

Be the hero, not the villain.
I finally saw "Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence." It was really good, in my opinion. I like movies that wow your senses and stimulate existential thought. Could you tell that I was all about some multiple colors and semicolon usage today? (^_~)