Ossu! Welcome to Sato-chan's space on MyO! I'm not around as often as I was before, but feel free to leave a message anyways.Um...I'm 15 and live in Minnesota. 8D My friends call me the quiet/sarcastic/smart person of the group. And sometimes sassy. But I really don't see how that works at all. I have a strange love for blonde guys with blue eyes. But it might just be coincidence. I also love the strong determination in people. x333
I'm open to talk anytime. :)
Also, please don't steal my codes or graphics. I work hard on these. And I'd rather not recieve PMs about HTML help. I'll help with small things, but not layouts and whatnot.
Track Spinning
Winter Wish-Yonekura Chihiro
Art Stats
Requests: If you're a close friend.Collabs: I'm up for it
Art Trades: Depends on when you ask me.
Today's Story

I even fell asleep right when I got home! I don't know how all your days have been. For some reason when I click on comments it only takes me to the top of the page, does anybody know what's wrong? I might not check them until tomorrow since my dad's "watching" me...-_-
Comments (6) | Permalink
Sunday, January 2, 2005
I'm back!!
+Private Message
+PortfolioKawaii Presea
Name: Ashley
Age: 15
Birthday: November 25th
Gender: Female
Heritage: Chinese/Khmer
Nicknames: Ari, Aya, Satoshi
Loves: Naru/to Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuuga, NaruHina, Twilight
Dislikes: Seafood, Followers
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, PangYa!, Trickster, singing, cosplay
Member Since: December 23rd, 2004Link Out
+Sekai no Melody
+Together for TomorrowButton
Layout created by Satoshi Image provided by Anime Paper. LUCKY STAR characters belong to respective owners.Introduction
Ossu! Welcome to Sato-chan's space on MyO! I'm not around as often as I was before, but feel free to leave a message anyways.
Um...I'm 15 and live in Minnesota. 8D My friends call me the quiet/sarcastic/smart person of the group. And sometimes sassy. But I really don't see how that works at all. I have a strange love for blonde guys with blue eyes. But it might just be coincidence. I also love the strong determination in people. x333
I'm open to talk anytime. :)
Also, please don't steal my codes or graphics. I work hard on these. And I'd rather not recieve PMs about HTML help. I'll help with small things, but not layouts and whatnot.Track Spinning
Winter Wish-Yonekura ChihiroArt Stats
Requests: If you're a close friend.
Collabs: I'm up for it
Art Trades: Depends on when you ask me.
Today's Story
Hi! ^^
The sleepover was okay, but we only stayed up until 2 this time. -_-
I found some back up data on my cousin's other memory card, but its was all the way back at fighting Undine...
On the way home my dad asked me to lead us home, but I had to use the signs which I NEVER pay attention to.
Comments (6) | PermalinkSaturday, January 1, 2005
Zelos and Seles
+Private Message
+PortfolioKawaii Presea
Name: Ashley
Age: 15
Birthday: November 25th
Gender: Female
Heritage: Chinese/Khmer
Nicknames: Ari, Aya, Satoshi
Loves: Naru/to Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuuga, NaruHina, Twilight
Dislikes: Seafood, Followers
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, PangYa!, Trickster, singing, cosplay
Member Since: December 23rd, 2004Link Out
+Sekai no Melody
+Together for TomorrowButton
Layout created by Satoshi Image provided by Anime Paper. LUCKY STAR characters belong to respective owners.Introduction
Ossu! Welcome to Sato-chan's space on MyO! I'm not around as often as I was before, but feel free to leave a message anyways.
Um...I'm 15 and live in Minnesota. 8D My friends call me the quiet/sarcastic/smart person of the group. And sometimes sassy. But I really don't see how that works at all. I have a strange love for blonde guys with blue eyes. But it might just be coincidence. I also love the strong determination in people. x333
I'm open to talk anytime. :)
Also, please don't steal my codes or graphics. I work hard on these. And I'd rather not recieve PMs about HTML help. I'll help with small things, but not layouts and whatnot.Track Spinning
Winter Wish-Yonekura ChihiroArt Stats
Requests: If you're a close friend.
Collabs: I'm up for it
Art Trades: Depends on when you ask me.
Today's Story
Uh, Happy New Year everyone! ^^;
Hmm, I stayed up until 4-5 in the morning, cold...and a little dad woke me up at 8 or something, so I only got a few hours of sleep. If I go to my friend's house today I'll be printing a lot of pictures. ^^
New picture! ^^
Comments (19) | PermalinkFriday, December 31, 2004
Zelos Week!
+Private Message
+PortfolioKawaii Presea
Name: Ashley
Age: 15
Birthday: November 25th
Gender: Female
Heritage: Chinese/Khmer
Nicknames: Ari, Aya, Satoshi
Loves: Naru/to Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuuga, NaruHina, Twilight
Dislikes: Seafood, Followers
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, PangYa!, Trickster, singing, cosplay
Member Since: December 23rd, 2004Link Out
+Sekai no Melody
+Together for TomorrowButton
Layout created by Satoshi Image provided by Anime Paper. LUCKY STAR characters belong to respective owners.Introduction
Ossu! Welcome to Sato-chan's space on MyO! I'm not around as often as I was before, but feel free to leave a message anyways.
Um...I'm 15 and live in Minnesota. 8D My friends call me the quiet/sarcastic/smart person of the group. And sometimes sassy. But I really don't see how that works at all. I have a strange love for blonde guys with blue eyes. But it might just be coincidence. I also love the strong determination in people. x333
I'm open to talk anytime. :)
Also, please don't steal my codes or graphics. I work hard on these. And I'd rather not recieve PMs about HTML help. I'll help with small things, but not layouts and whatnot.Track Spinning
Winter Wish-Yonekura ChihiroArt Stats
Requests: If you're a close friend.
Collabs: I'm up for it
Art Trades: Depends on when you ask me.
Today's Story
Hi everyone! ^^
As you can see its Zelos week on my homepage...uh so some "Zelos" Things may appear every now and then. The banner at the top of the page is thanks to Final Chance v2 from HD. Also if you guys have any ideas for a page layout um go ahead and talk about it ^^
Comments (56) | PermalinkThursday, December 30, 2004
Highlight it!
+Private Message
+PortfolioKawaii Presea
Name: Ashley
Age: 15
Birthday: November 25th
Gender: Female
Heritage: Chinese/Khmer
Nicknames: Ari, Aya, Satoshi
Loves: Naru/to Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuuga, NaruHina, Twilight
Dislikes: Seafood, Followers
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, PangYa!, Trickster, singing, cosplay
Member Since: December 23rd, 2004Link Out
+Sekai no Melody
+Together for TomorrowButton
Layout created by Satoshi Image provided by Anime Paper. LUCKY STAR characters belong to respective owners.Introduction
Ossu! Welcome to Sato-chan's space on MyO! I'm not around as often as I was before, but feel free to leave a message anyways.
Um...I'm 15 and live in Minnesota. 8D My friends call me the quiet/sarcastic/smart person of the group. And sometimes sassy. But I really don't see how that works at all. I have a strange love for blonde guys with blue eyes. But it might just be coincidence. I also love the strong determination in people. x333
I'm open to talk anytime. :)
Also, please don't steal my codes or graphics. I work hard on these. And I'd rather not recieve PMs about HTML help. I'll help with small things, but not layouts and whatnot.Track Spinning
Winter Wish-Yonekura ChihiroArt Stats
Requests: If you're a close friend.
Collabs: I'm up for it
Art Trades: Depends on when you ask me.
Today's Story
Today I'm going to post Zelos'Flanoir scene, but if you don't want to hear it, don't read it.
Lloyd: Who is it? Come on in.
Zelos: Hey man, you awake?
Lloyd: ...I just got sleepy right now. G'night.
Zelos: Whoa whoa whoa! Don't be like that! Come on, let's go talk outside for a bit.
Lloyd: Sure.
Zelos: ...On that day, Meltokio had a record snowfall. It looked just like this city.
Lloyd: What are you talking about all of a sudden?
Zelos: Ah, just a story about the past. I suddenly felt like talking about it.
Lloyd: Well, if you want to talk, I'm all ears.
*both look up at the sky*
Zelos: I was so excited to see snow for the first time, and I made a snowman in the garden with my mother.
*snow/sky turns red*
Zelos: Then suddenly, the snowman fell apart. Before I knew what was going on, red snow began to fall.
*back to Zelos and Lloyd*
Lloyd: ...Red...snow?
Zelos: It was my mother's blood. She was murdered.
Lloyd: ...
Zelos: As she fell, she grabbed my shoulder and told me, "You should never have been born."
Lloyd: That's...that's horrible!
Zelos: My mother probably loved somebody else. But because of the oracle from Cruxis, she had to marry the Chosen at the time--my father. And the old man had another woman as well.
Lloyd: But none of that was your fault!
Zelos: ...The magic that killed my mother was meant for me.
Lloyd: What?
Zelos: They targeted me because I was the next Chosen. My mother was caught in the crossfire.
Lloyd: ...
Zelos: The one who tried to kill me was Seles' mother. They executed her and Seles was placed under house arrest in the abbey.
Lloyd: So that's what happened.
Zelos: I never wanted to be the Chosen. I spent every moment of my life wishing I could just run away.
Lloyd: ...Chosens lead really difficult lives. I can only imagine what it's like. But I can still understand how hard it must be.
Zelos: ...Sorry, kinda hard to think of anything to say to a story like that, right?
Lloyd: Don't worry about it. But why did you suddenly decide to tell me?
Zelos: I should've never been born.
Lloyd: Wh...why do you say that?
Zelos: I'm not saying I still think that way now. But all my life, I've been rejected by my parents, shunned by the Church, and viewed as a threat to the royal family...I just wanted to run away.
Lloyd: But you're here with us, now, right?
Zelos: I dunno. Even now, to tell the truth, I get tired of all the problems. Sometimes I think it'd be easier if everyone and everything were just destroyed.
Lloyd: Zelos! How can you say that?!
Zelos: ...Did I piss you off?
Lloyd: Hell yes! Of course! It'd be a huge problem for me if everything was destroyed.
Zelos: But think about it. If everything was destroyed, you'd vanish, too.
Lloyd: *shakes head* I refuse to vanish. And so I don't want anyone else to be destroyed...I want you to live, too, Zelos.
Zelos: ...I think I'm gonna cry. *sarcasm*
Lloyd: Don't make fun of what I'm saying. Tomorrow, once we're sure Altessa is okay, I'm going to challenge Mithos to a final battle. But if that's the way you feel, I'll be too worried to bring you along.
Zelos: You're going to fight? Do you really think you can unite the two worlds?
Lloyd: I can and I will. I'm not going to run away.
Zelos: All right, all right, I hear ya. I swear, your fervent enthusiasm is enough to melt all the snow in Flanoir...I'm in. I guess I'll give this not running away thing a shot.
Lloyd: Haha. Once the world is at peace, you can run away all you like.
Zelos: Gee, thanks. Man, I can't believe I'm joining the weaker side. This isn't like me at all.
Lloyd: What are you talking about?
Zelos: Nothing, just talking to myself. Anyway, let's get back. It's way too cold out here.
Lloyd: Yeah *Goes to bed and wakes up*
Hmm? Did Zelos drop this? Hey, there's a letter attached...
Letter: This is a symbol of my trust. Hang on to it for me, okay? I don't have the right to ask you for your forgiveness, but I still want you to forgive me.
P.S. Don't tell the others.
Lloyd: What the?...Man, what the heck is he trying to say? He should make it easier to understand!
Eh, not much happened this morning, except my mom had to vaccumm my room to wake me up... -_- Then she turned on the light.
Comments (40) | PermalinkWednesday, December 29, 2004
ToS dream?
+Private Message
+PortfolioKawaii Presea
Name: Ashley
Age: 15
Birthday: November 25th
Gender: Female
Heritage: Chinese/Khmer
Nicknames: Ari, Aya, Satoshi
Loves: Naru/to Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuuga, NaruHina, Twilight
Dislikes: Seafood, Followers
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, PangYa!, Trickster, singing, cosplay
Member Since: December 23rd, 2004Link Out
+Sekai no Melody
+Together for TomorrowButton
Layout created by Satoshi Image provided by Anime Paper. LUCKY STAR characters belong to respective owners.Introduction
Ossu! Welcome to Sato-chan's space on MyO! I'm not around as often as I was before, but feel free to leave a message anyways.
Um...I'm 15 and live in Minnesota. 8D My friends call me the quiet/sarcastic/smart person of the group. And sometimes sassy. But I really don't see how that works at all. I have a strange love for blonde guys with blue eyes. But it might just be coincidence. I also love the strong determination in people. x333
I'm open to talk anytime. :)
Also, please don't steal my codes or graphics. I work hard on these. And I'd rather not recieve PMs about HTML help. I'll help with small things, but not layouts and whatnot.Track Spinning
Winter Wish-Yonekura ChihiroArt Stats
Requests: If you're a close friend.
Collabs: I'm up for it
Art Trades: Depends on when you ask me.
Today's Story
I had this wierd dream last night.
Some guy wanted Presea, but Lloyd and I wouldn't give her to him...we also had a little girl to help. We started fighting, but he wouldn't die...Lloyd even stabbed through him with Sword Rain. We got so tired, so he just picked Presea up and walked off. Fortunately the Little Girl found her house and commanded her vicious dog to attack him. That still didn't work, and the guy tried to stab the dog, but he also put Presea down. Wait! cried the little girl. I stared at her for awhile..."Please don't kill him! *crying* The little girl that is.
The little girl whispered something in my ear, but I didn't hear it very well. Then she took Presea and her dog with her to the guy behind a wall where we couldn't see.
I waited for hours, and Lloyd went off to get something. I really don't know why he did that at the moment though. Then, I was tired of waiting, so I started to look for them. But everywhere I looked I never found them. Did he take them away? I looked all around the village, and never spotted them. After looking everywhere I ended up across from the house I started at. Back to the wall I started to cry as I was slipping downward, finally on the ground. Somehow Lloyd found me, but he already knew why. He hugged me, and heh, gave me a kiss ^^; I think I was still his sister...or not... I think we were going back to everyone at Altamira, but I wouldn't go, so I ran to the little girl's house, she opened the door. "Where's Presea?!" She said nothing...
I lost all hope in that moment.
Lloyd: Maybe she went back to the hotel, lets to too.
Me:.... *I was silent the whole way back*
And that's where the whole thing ended...I think I even cried in reality too.
Now, answer this.
Have I gone crazy?
You can answer yes too, I tend to have a Colette personality towards these types of things.
A visual of Zelos' past...its sad..
Comments (13) | PermalinkTuesday, December 28, 2004
Bad day
+Private Message
+PortfolioKawaii Presea
Name: Ashley
Age: 15
Birthday: November 25th
Gender: Female
Heritage: Chinese/Khmer
Nicknames: Ari, Aya, Satoshi
Loves: Naru/to Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuuga, NaruHina, Twilight
Dislikes: Seafood, Followers
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, PangYa!, Trickster, singing, cosplay
Member Since: December 23rd, 2004Link Out
+Sekai no Melody
+Together for TomorrowButton
Layout created by Satoshi Image provided by Anime Paper. LUCKY STAR characters belong to respective owners.Introduction
Ossu! Welcome to Sato-chan's space on MyO! I'm not around as often as I was before, but feel free to leave a message anyways.
Um...I'm 15 and live in Minnesota. 8D My friends call me the quiet/sarcastic/smart person of the group. And sometimes sassy. But I really don't see how that works at all. I have a strange love for blonde guys with blue eyes. But it might just be coincidence. I also love the strong determination in people. x333
I'm open to talk anytime. :)
Also, please don't steal my codes or graphics. I work hard on these. And I'd rather not recieve PMs about HTML help. I'll help with small things, but not layouts and whatnot.Track Spinning
Winter Wish-Yonekura ChihiroArt Stats
Requests: If you're a close friend.
Collabs: I'm up for it
Art Trades: Depends on when you ask me.
Today's Story
Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday. I went to my friend's house, and I accidentily saved over my best file with my new file. -_- So, I have to play with my beated "bad" file...I have to do all the sidequests over again...*cries* And, my normal computer's keyboard still doesn't work so I can't play and type at the same time. Well, I hope you guys had a good day.
Comments (4) | PermalinkSunday, December 26, 2004
Day after Christmas
+Private Message
+PortfolioKawaii Presea
Name: Ashley
Age: 15
Birthday: November 25th
Gender: Female
Heritage: Chinese/Khmer
Nicknames: Ari, Aya, Satoshi
Loves: Naru/to Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuuga, NaruHina, Twilight
Dislikes: Seafood, Followers
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, PangYa!, Trickster, singing, cosplay
Member Since: December 23rd, 2004Link Out
+Sekai no Melody
+Together for TomorrowButton
Layout created by Satoshi Image provided by Anime Paper. LUCKY STAR characters belong to respective owners.Introduction
Ossu! Welcome to Sato-chan's space on MyO! I'm not around as often as I was before, but feel free to leave a message anyways.
Um...I'm 15 and live in Minnesota. 8D My friends call me the quiet/sarcastic/smart person of the group. And sometimes sassy. But I really don't see how that works at all. I have a strange love for blonde guys with blue eyes. But it might just be coincidence. I also love the strong determination in people. x333
I'm open to talk anytime. :)
Also, please don't steal my codes or graphics. I work hard on these. And I'd rather not recieve PMs about HTML help. I'll help with small things, but not layouts and whatnot.Track Spinning
Winter Wish-Yonekura ChihiroArt Stats
Requests: If you're a close friend.
Collabs: I'm up for it
Art Trades: Depends on when you ask me.
Today's Story
Today we went shopping, and I got to go to build a bear workshop, only I made a dog ^^; It looks kinda like it goes to school though. At target I wanted to get the Inuyasha game for PS2, but I don't have a PS2, so I found the anime section and got Inuyasha the first movie, and Case Closed. Then we went to the book store and five mangas were bought....Best Buy... EX-Drivers, that's an anime. I also have MahoRomantic too. Then our last stop was to Toys R Us. My sister couldn't decide what she wanted to I got some candy and a monkey ^^; I think that's about it...uh I'll probably be watching anime all night ^^
Comments (6) | PermalinkSaturday, December 25, 2004
Meri Kurisumasu!
+Private Message
+PortfolioKawaii Presea
Name: Ashley
Age: 15
Birthday: November 25th
Gender: Female
Heritage: Chinese/Khmer
Nicknames: Ari, Aya, Satoshi
Loves: Naru/to Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuuga, NaruHina, Twilight
Dislikes: Seafood, Followers
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, PangYa!, Trickster, singing, cosplay
Member Since: December 23rd, 2004Link Out
+Sekai no Melody
+Together for TomorrowButton
Layout created by Satoshi Image provided by Anime Paper. LUCKY STAR characters belong to respective owners.Introduction
Ossu! Welcome to Sato-chan's space on MyO! I'm not around as often as I was before, but feel free to leave a message anyways.
Um...I'm 15 and live in Minnesota. 8D My friends call me the quiet/sarcastic/smart person of the group. And sometimes sassy. But I really don't see how that works at all. I have a strange love for blonde guys with blue eyes. But it might just be coincidence. I also love the strong determination in people. x333
I'm open to talk anytime. :)
Also, please don't steal my codes or graphics. I work hard on these. And I'd rather not recieve PMs about HTML help. I'll help with small things, but not layouts and whatnot.Track Spinning
Winter Wish-Yonekura ChihiroArt Stats
Requests: If you're a close friend.
Collabs: I'm up for it
Art Trades: Depends on when you ask me.
Today's Story
Merry Christmas everyone!
I hope you all got what you wanted from Santa. I sorta got what I wanted, but I'm returning some stuff and using giftcards, and I'm trying to get my mom annoyed so she'll let me buy my Tales stuff. Mwhahahaha!!! *cough* Okay, um I just beat Yggdrasill and Pronyma without using items, but I forgot to change Genis' costume back from his Katz costume so things weren't exactly taken seriously when it was his scene in the Tower of Salvation. I was supposed to fight Abyssion this morning, but the house stunk because my grandma was making soup for the party, and I ended up in the basement again....*whispers* She was cooking pig stomach... XP
I think that's all for today...for once I slept without waking up at all this Christmas! O_O Presents for ToS players!
And to my best friend...
Meri Kurisumasu Colette! ^^
Comments (10) | PermalinkFriday, December 24, 2004
Christmas Eve!
+Private Message
+PortfolioKawaii Presea
Name: Ashley
Age: 15
Birthday: November 25th
Gender: Female
Heritage: Chinese/Khmer
Nicknames: Ari, Aya, Satoshi
Loves: Naru/to Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuuga, NaruHina, Twilight
Dislikes: Seafood, Followers
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, PangYa!, Trickster, singing, cosplay
Member Since: December 23rd, 2004Link Out
+Sekai no Melody
+Together for TomorrowButton
Layout created by Satoshi Image provided by Anime Paper. LUCKY STAR characters belong to respective owners.Introduction
Ossu! Welcome to Sato-chan's space on MyO! I'm not around as often as I was before, but feel free to leave a message anyways.
Um...I'm 15 and live in Minnesota. 8D My friends call me the quiet/sarcastic/smart person of the group. And sometimes sassy. But I really don't see how that works at all. I have a strange love for blonde guys with blue eyes. But it might just be coincidence. I also love the strong determination in people. x333
I'm open to talk anytime. :)
Also, please don't steal my codes or graphics. I work hard on these. And I'd rather not recieve PMs about HTML help. I'll help with small things, but not layouts and whatnot.Track Spinning
Winter Wish-Yonekura ChihiroArt Stats
Requests: If you're a close friend.
Collabs: I'm up for it
Art Trades: Depends on when you ask me.
Today's Story
Hey everybody!
Today's Christmas Eve, but I think you all know that ^^;
Heh, I was just minding my own buisness, and then I opened a closet and found presents from Santa. They seemed pretty light compared to what my sister has.
I also beat Kuchinawa last night.
But it cost me one of my level 4 gems. Uh, see you later then ^^
Colette wishes you a Merry Christmas!
Oh yeah, I have presents for everyone who likes ToS, I just need to find them ^^;
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