Ossu! Welcome to Sato-chan's space on MyO! I'm not around as often as I was before, but feel free to leave a message anyways.Um...I'm 15 and live in Minnesota. 8D My friends call me the quiet/sarcastic/smart person of the group. And sometimes sassy. But I really don't see how that works at all. I have a strange love for blonde guys with blue eyes. But it might just be coincidence. I also love the strong determination in people. x333
I'm open to talk anytime. :)
Also, please don't steal my codes or graphics. I work hard on these. And I'd rather not recieve PMs about HTML help. I'll help with small things, but not layouts and whatnot.
Track Spinning
Winter Wish-Yonekura Chihiro
Art Stats
Requests: If you're a close friend.Collabs: I'm up for it
Art Trades: Depends on when you ask me.
Today's Story
Eh. The second day was okay. Better than the first.
First hour, I have to sit next to Alex. And the teacher says we're gonna do a lot of partner work. And since Alex is right beside me, we're gonna end up being partners. >>;; CIARA, WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE BEEN BESIDE ME INSTEAD??? You're right behind Alex. T_T Oh, and the books are like huge. Almost 3 times as big as the old ones. 8th grade, anyways.
Second hour, I like totally passed my classroom. But like all the science rooms look the same. So you can't really blame me. :\ The new kid from my first hour also ended up sitting right next to me again. o_O;; We haven't gotten official seats yet, so I don't know if I'll still be sitting by any friends. None of us are really that close in last names if the teacher decides to go that way.
Third hour, english. ...We did the Hokey Pokey. Lyke wth. I didn't feel as stupid since the rest of the class was doing it to, so eh. Ms. Hanson seems like one to make you share a lot. Like MAKE you. Taking turns and stuff.
Fourth hour. Ms. Tomes is weird....she's like insightful first, then she's all hyper and road-runner like. She does all these hand motions when she talks. Like statically. Uh...kinda like that one guy on Family Guy last night that Peter was hanging out with. Then Meg ran over with the car. ._.;;
Lunch. Forgot to eat again. Whoops. But I dunno. I may continue doing that since it's about the only time I'm able to relax. Plus the 8th graders get to watch me draw. >D Though I don't quite know if that's good...
Drawing~It was so fun. x333 Mariah, Danielle, and I were all talking about NaruHina today. xD And then while I was showing my drawings to Mariah, the teacher came over and was like "You guys like anime? Do you watch BLEACH?" And we were all lolling. We started telling him about Naruto and he's like "I never watched it before. But maybe now I should. Maybe we can do this on the computer too." Haha. SCORE!! Mariah also asked me if I wanted to do an art trade with her. :3 I said yes, but I couldn't guarantee that it'll look as good as hers. xD;;
It's weird, her stuff is REALLY REALLY OMFG AWESOME, but she says it looks like crap and that mine are better. Which in reality, they really aren't. :\ I hope she'll stop putting herself down.
And then HP Social. Boring?... The teacher's way of speaking kept distracting me, so when he asked us our opinions and was gonna call on us randomly, I panicked because I didn't know what the question was. And he already gave us a project. And was gonna give us partners. :\ I do not work well with people. 'Specially people who I'm not friends with. Do the normal students get to do bookwork? I'd rather just do bookwork. Plus I don't know what to do for the project. =_=;; I can't do anything obsessive, since I'll be working with a partner either. >>;;
Argh...Now I gotta go work on math and art homework. As well as panic over the project. 9th grade sucks.
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